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How To Choose A Credit Card
Your credit score may just be a little number, but it packs a big punch. A poor credit score can keep you from getting a mortgage or a car loan. In addition, your credit score may haunt you for a long time if it suddenly drops. Of course, if you have a good credit score it opens a lot of doors for you. This is just one reason why it is important to think about which credit card you apply for before you do. Every time you apply for a credit card, the company has to check your credit score. This is a bad thing. Numerous inquiries from credit card companies look bad on your credit report because it looks as though you are scrambling to open lines of credit, which can be a sign that you are struggling financially. Of course, this may not be the case. However, credit scoring companies all look at it the same way. You can avoid scarring your credit score with credit card applications by choosing your card wisely. Choose a card that matches your lifestyle and works for you instead of against you. If you plan to pay off your balance each month, you might want a charge card instead of a credit card. American Express offers a number of charge cards with flexible spending programs that are perfect for people who plan to pay off their balance each month. They also offer some flexibility so that if you have an emergency you can use the card and pay off large charges over time. In addition most of their cards offer you reward points for using the card. On the downside, American Express charges an annual membership fee for having the card. If you do not plan to use the card often, but plan to make large purchases on the card, which you will pay off over time you should get a revolving credit card, which allows you to carry a large balance over time. Of course there cards require you to pay interest on everything you buy. Interest expenses can get very high. Other kinds of cards include: 1) A check guarantee card, issued by your bank, that you can use to ensure that your cheque will be honoured up to a certain limit. 2) A debit card, issued by your bank, where whatever you spend is immediately deducted from your bank account Do you need a credit card? a) A credit card means you don't need to carry huge amounts of cash around and risk losing it. b) A credit card means you can buy items over the internet. c) A credit card means you can make purchases abroad without having to worry about local currency. d) A credit card gives the opportunity to spread the cost of a large payment over several months. e) A credit card is useful in an emergency. For example, an unexpected repair to your house or car. What You Need To Consider: 1) APR (Annual Percentage Rate) 2) Special Introductory Rates 3) Balance Transfer Rate 4) Interest Free period 5) Cashback and Rewards 6) Minimum Repayment 7) Annual Fees 8) Late Payments 9) Exceeding Your Limit Choosing the right credit card is a complex decision, but it can be made easier by using the free online credit card finders at http://www.creditcardbuzz.com. Stephen Kelly is a financial advisor and the founder of Credit Card Buzz (http://www.creditcardbuzz.com). A free site with credit card reviews, ratings, analysis and online applications.
Update Your Computer System With Bad Credit Computer Financing The moment I placed myself in front of the computer screen a whole new world beckoned me to join it. And years of strolling have proved incompetent to get me acquainted with the full panorama of computers. You have always wanted one in your home. But something is stopping you. Bad credit? Do I hear bad credit? You think bad credit can stop you from getting your computer financed. Which world are you living in? You certainly need a computer. Computer financing for bad credit can enable you to get your very own home computer, lab tops, desk top or any other computer requirement. Small Business Credit Cards So what do you look for when applying for a credit card for your small business? One thing is for sure, wasting money isn't an option because it can make or break your business. Things to look for are low interest rates and good customer service. How to Repair a Bad Credit Rating If you have a bad credit rating, then you might find that your ability to get financing, loans, and even some jobs is greatly diminished. Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Your Credit Report Your credit report is a very powerful report that essential controls what you can and cannot do in your life. Unfortunately many people aren't aware of what a credit report actually is and what information is contained on the report. This article breaks down what is contained on your credit report and tells you everything you always wanted to know about your credit report but were afraid to ask. Using Credit Cards Wisely "I think money was stolen from my card" or "I might have blocked my card in the ATM" - these are frequent problems that bank customer-support officers usually hear from agitated clients. Incorrect use of credit cards or wrong interpretations of their functions are frequent even after tens of years of credit-card extensive use. Actually, there are 4 most frequent causes for problems; one is related to overspending, the second is about missing money; this is usually connected to the 3rd problem - unauthorized use and finally there is the issue of forgotten information. All these problems are interconnected and can lead to serious financial problems. However, there are a few simple things that you can do in order to avoid hassle. Comprehending a Credit Report Obtaining a credit report is an excellent way to begin taking control of your financial future. It's recommended that you review your credit report once a year, not only to be aware of your standing with creditors but to also keep abreast of errors and fraud. However, once your report arrives you may have trouble making sense of it. How are you to read and understand a credit report? Learning the Disturbing Facts about Credit Card Debt When I received my first credit card in the mail at age 18 I was ecstatic, I said to myself, wow now I'm getting somewhere in life. This credit card company thinks I'm worthy of 500 dollars in credit. So I made my monthly payments like a good consumer and watched my credit limit grow. I thought boy this company must think alot of me to take such a risk. I however had no idea how the money came into existence. All I cared about was that as long as when I slapped the plastic down I was approved. Like most young people I had no idea what an interest rate even was much less how it effected my monthly payments. I was like a lot of kids in America today, my parents were not a big part of my early adult life and so I really didn't have much guidance when it came to making financial decisions. The lessons I learned were hard and I continue to learn as each day passes. What is Credit Card and Debit Card Blocking? Have you ever been told you were over your credit card limit, or had your debit card declined, even though you knew you had available credit or money in your bank account? If this happened shortly after you stayed in a hotel or rented a car, the problem could have been card "blocking." SuperCharged Secret 1 of 5 - Credit Card Utopia I AM THE CONSUMER. AND I HAVE LOW-RATE SUPER-POWERS! Convenience Can Be Costly You've just opened your credit card bill and attached to your statement you find a "convenience check" included. It may already be filled out with a dollar amount such as $300, $500, or even $1,000. Your mind fills with ideas of what you could buy with this "instant" money. A new summer wardrobe, a nice dinner and tickets to a concert, a weekend getaway. The Three Largest Factors In Your Interest Rate There are three major factors that affect how much you pay for a loan. Understanding these factors can save you time, money and frustration. Credit Card Shocker Have you ever looked at your credit card statement? I'm not talking about just making sure that all the transactions are correct. I'm talking about looking at the finance charges. I daresay that sometimes that figure is almost as great as the minimum monthly payment you're making. After all, as long as you can keep the creditors at bay by paying the minimum, that's all you care about, right? If you agreed, I urge you to reconsider. The Right Way To Credit Repair If you have a bad credit rating, then you might find thatyour ability to get financing, loans, and even some jobs isgreatly diminished. Five Credit Card Billing Problems and How to Fix Them It goes without saying that your first and best defense against paying fraudulent or unfair charges on your credit card is knowing what your bill says! When you receive your credit card statement each month, sit down with it and check each item to make sure that you actually DID purchase it. If you do run into inaccuracies or problems, there are procedures to follow to report and deal with the charges. If you don't follow the procedure and the card company decides to notify a credit reporting agency, it could affect far more than just your balance on that one credit card. Clean Credit Report: Easily Raise Your Credit Score 100 points Clean Credit Reports, your credit report contains information about where you work, live and how you pay your bills (On time or not). It also may show whether you've been sued, arrested or have filed for bankruptcy with in the last 10 years. Companies called consumer reporting agencies (cra) or credit bureaus compile and sell your credit report to businesses all over the world. 7 Compelling Reasons Why A Prepaid Debit Card May Be Just The Financial Tool You Need Prepaid debit cards are great financial tools and may be just the financial tool you need. Here a seven compelling reasons why: Ten Steps To Building A Good Credit History Are you thinking of buying a house? Do you want to buy a new car to replace that old wreck? Trying to get insurance on you home, auto, or life? In each of these situations, what's on your credit report will determine if you can get a loan or insurance and what rates you'll have to pay. Useful Tips On Avoiding Credit and Charge Card Fraud Credit and charge card fraud costs cardholders and issuers hundreds of millions of dollars each year. While theft is the most obvious form of fraud, it can occur in other ways. For example, someone may use your card number without your knowledge. Credit Reporting: How Does It Work? In order to determine a consumer's credit worthiness, creditors and lending institutions have come to depend on credit reporting agencies. Credit reporting agencies supply individual reports that provide consumer specific information for lending purposes. With the advent of technology, most creditors now have automated systems that provide them direct access to credit reporting agencies. In most cases, credit agencies or credit bureaus provide personal, legal, and account history related information. In recent years it has become more common for lending institutions to use multiple credit reports to meet lending requirements. Besides meeting lending requirements, multiple reports also provide additional security measures. Using multiple sources for reporting purposes provides a more comprehensive and complete background check on a consumer's credit and spending history. Balance Transfers Can Help You Stop Putting Money Down The Drain! As you probably know, interest rates are at all time low right now and if you aren't getting the best deal from your credit card company then they owe it to you to either lower your rate, or you owe it to yourself to find a better deal. You see, credit card companies need your business in order to succeed and if you refuse to pay a penny more than you have to then you'll be doing yourself and others a big favour indeed. By doing this, you'll avoid paying more than you should and the companies will stop treating its clients inappropriately. |
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