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The Demon Plague - Book Review
"The Demon Plague by Joreid McFate is a fantastic paranormal suspense science-fiction novel, involving time-travel and mysticism. This 424 page book is also available in e-book format. Due to the volume of books I review, most are donated to our local library when the assignment is complete. However, this is one book that I just cannot part with. I felt this comment is important to mention, because only .04% of the books I review find their way to my personal bookshelves. This exciting tale begins when a demon plague sweeps over mankind, wrought when some scientists developed a technology that mastered time travel. There are factions who radically search for a way towards racial and genetic purity ? while others strive to cure the plague and fight for basic human rights. Crystal Patience Gladstone Donovan is caught up in this war when, at her grandmother's deathbed, she is given a family heirloom and told that she is the 'Star' and to await her 'Moon'. Soon she is involved in a journey into the past where she meets her ancestor Patience Gladstone Talbot, another 'Star'. Crystal learns that her middle names are common throughout time as they are given to the gifted child who is known by a birthmark. Chase scenes, deceit, battles, flashing back and forth into the past and into the future are all stepping-stones for Crystal and her friends in their attempts to do the right thing. This story line could be used as an excellent reminder of the dangers and grand possibilities advanced technology could reap. It was refreshing to experience realistic female hero characters in this novel. I was absolutely astounded when I read that not only is Joreid McFate actually two separate authors, but that despite many other collaborative projects they have never met and never spoken on the telephone! Without hesitation, I recommend The Demon Plague with the highest of ratings." ISBN#: 1554102235 ~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry.
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Book Summary: How To Work With Just About Anyone "I just can't seem to get along with this person!" Who Moved My Cheese? For Teens - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review Who Moved My Cheese? For Teens by: Spencer Johnson, M.D. Alison?s Journey: Book Review "The dedication in this book is a work of poetry in itself. I had a distinct recollection of 'Sleeping with the Enemy' when reading this book, but this story has some very unique twists and turns. The characters seemed very real to me ? I live in a small town and we are just like that! The Red Hourglass: Lives of the Predators, by Gordon Grice The black widow spider is notorious for eating her mate as they copulate, but how many of us know much more than that about this beautiful, mysterious, spider? The Inspired Heart: A Book Review Spiritual food for the soul: Allow Jerry to take you on his magical and enlightening soul pilgrimage. As he invites you to accompany him along his life adventures, he introduces you to selfless acts of deep, human spirit and his fascinating relationships. Often, by chance encounters, Jerry immerses the reader into impromptu stories of surrealistic wonder and actual life experiences. Looking for Harvey Weinstein Book Review Brassy, ballsy and full of energy. HIV-Muscles: This is the Title of a New Book about One Mans Battle with HIV Today Lavaine is doing well and able to go about life in a manner which would never have been thought possible in 1986. This was the year which he was diagnosed as HIV+. The first treatment for HIV was called AZT, in 1988. Screenwriter and Novelist Marguerite Ashton Receives Rave Reviews for Mafia Novel When asked what gave her the idea for the story, she replied, "I am a big movie fanatic of all genres, but if you were to ask my favorites, it would be mafia and horror. With Taylini, I decided to add a twist that is not included in your usual "mafia stories." Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy - Book Review "Dorinne Davis has written many books that concentrate on the subjects of hearing and sound. In the well-researched textbook, Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy, she looks at the concept of sound being a nutrient for our bodies. Book review on Finite Capacity Scheduling, Part II Now add ten more car wash trucks, with the corresponding work to be done and add two more shifts to each truck to achieve maximum capacity and what do you have? 12 hours worth of scenario scheduling and moving around resources to see what fits best. What if a computer did it in 20 minutes? It can you know. Even though Swartzkoff has an IQ of 165 it does not mean he does not need to use the finite capacity scheduling methods to help him arrive at the most efficient scenario. It just so happens that it will work and he can use his brainpower to decide which scenario will work based on his knowledge of human motivation which may or may not be computer ready, based on the battle at hand. Another reason why it is not such a bad idea to send unmanned fighter planes into a battle zone to fight and why it is necessary to have a missile defense system set up at our perimeters. FCS scheduling works in all the tests our strategic team has placed on it from a Blitz marketing mission to a customer response system for services real time using e-commerce. FED Ex does use a finite capacity approach to overnight package delivery. It does not look like one on the surface yet it most certainly is. As teams of people use all resources at hand and move the flow real time to the next job as completed. All with such precision that it is truly predictable to schedule. Impossible? Go to Memphis at midnight and take the $200.00 tour. Every President of the US should go see it once. Every executive of every company who wants to be here in five years ought to see it. Few companies do it as well as Fed Ex. I believe the FCS model taken to its fullest could actually increase the Fed Ex system, although at first glance it would be hard to believe that anything could be more efficient than that. Execution - A Book Summary You've got the bright ideas and the smart people, and the market is just ready for you. But why hasn't your business taken off as you predicted? Maybe the problem is in your execution. What does it really take to get a business going? You need the right people combined with realistic strategies to create effective operating procedures. Let Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan tell you how. The Hushed Willow - A review by Amanda Evans The Hushed Willow by Lorna Joy Knox nee Ramsamugh is a collection of poetry that will stir your emotions as you embark on a rollercoaster ride through life. As the title suggests the poetry contained in The Hushed Willow is that of emotions and feelings that are kept silent, feelings of sadness, loss, betrayal and hurt. The author has an exceptional gift of portraying such vivid emotions in such few words and is a joy to read. The words of her poetry flow together so gracefully with images from nature jumping up to meet you as you read. Kashmir: Behind the Vale Kashmir has been a reason for at least three wars between India and Pakistan. Over the past 15 years, the name Kashmir has become synonymous with violence and terrorism. Where is Kashmir and why has it been the reason of so many wars? What is happening in Kashmir? Why are India and Pakistan fighting over Kashmir? The Little Mornings - Book Review The Little Mornings, by C M Albrecht is a murder mystery with 262 absolutely absorbing pages. We have three main characters here ? the grandfather, an alcoholic of questionable character, a slightly off balance woman (Angie) and an impressionable young man (Darcy) who becomes mixed up in a whirlwind of events. Murder, thievery and lies keep the unsteady relationship between Darcy and Angie on edge. Keeping a secret is no easy task, especially when someone else pops into the scene with inside knowledge to the truth. Darcy, unable to control the events, becomes another person entirely from the one we knew in the first few pages of the book. Men of Extreme Action - Book Review "Action, thriller and humor ? this book has it all! Men of Extreme Action by Joseph Kochanoff is one of the better books I have reviewed this year. Based in the action movie making industry, Joseph incorporates murder, excellent fight scenes and sabotage. Book Review: If You Are Over Fifty, You Are Entitled To Some Very Interesting Discounts On Travel: Title: Unbelievably Good Deals and Great Adventures That You Absolutely Can't Get Unless You're Over 50 (2005-2006Author: Joan Rattner HeilmanISBN: 0071438297Publishers: McGraw-Hill: Media Star Power Book Review Media Star Power: ABCs to Successful TV, Radio, Print & Net InterviewsJudy JernuddMindShelf Publishing270 North Canon Drive, #1175, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-306-6999June 2003, ISBN: 0-9722398-3-9194 pages, $14.95http://www.MediaStarPower.com Going Deeper - Book Review Going Deeper by Jean-Claude Koven is certainly a nicely presented, hard-cover book. This fiction fantasy has an obvious inclination to aid readers who are embarking on their personal spiritual quest. Stewie Griffin Depicts the Winter of Spenglers Discontent Oswald Spengler predicted a protracted winter in The Decline of The West. Spengler wasn't alone in his depiction of a distopian society where fashion reigns over utility, luck is dominant, bureaucracy squelches progress and the rich have a firm hold on the reigns of an incipient global culture. Spengler was one of the first to be taken seriously. Thinking for a Change - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review John C. Maxwell is back again in Thinking for a Change: 11 Ways Highly Successful People Approach Life and Work to add to his more than 30 previous titles with his encouraging tone and down-to-earth writing style. As usual he offers a very simple premise: "To do well in life, we must first think well." This certainly is not a new premise. In fact, it's been around for years, and we've heard it paraphrased by dozens of authors of note. However, as usual, Maxwell simplifies, clarifies, and guides his readers on the journey of mastering "good thinking" to achieve their personal and professional potential. Through his extensive research over the years he has found that "successful people think differently than unsuccessful people." ![]() |
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