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Courage to Change
This is a story about a woman we will call Anne, a thirty-five-year-old woman who concluded that she could never find a man. She determined that loneliness was her fate and thus went as far as accepting it as fact. Her case proves what I have discovered in advising single men and women: it does not matter what your circumstances are, every man or woman can and is able to find a happy relationship or reach their potential by making the right choices. Anne was a very beautiful and educated woman. Beneath her beauty were a lot of problems that I never imagined. She had grown up in a family where she was led to believe that no man would ever want her. She was the best looking and best educated among her family members. Yet for many years she worked in the family business for minimum wage. The sad part was she was willing to work under those terms until the day she died, because she had accepted that she was the black sheep of the family. One of the ideas I suggested to Anne, to help her to stop thinking she would never find love, was to start dating. But she was even afraid to date. When the suggestion was made, Anne declined, saying, "But who wants me? No man will date a woman like me." I tried my very best to let Anne know that she was a very attractive woman. All she needed to do was believe there was a man out there for her. She was so concerned that no man would accept her, the thought of having to start dating made her cry. I personally began feeling sorry for her. I could not understand why she was so afraid to venture outside. I finally reached a point where the only choice I had left in my attempt to help Anne was to give her an ultimatum. I told her: "Anne, you can do it. I am willing to help you but if you are going to come to me for advice, only to make one excuse after the other, then why bother? Don't waste my time. Anne, you must try. Give guys a chance to take you out at least in the daytime. If you are concerned, tell someone about your date, your date's name and phone number, where you will be going and what time you should be arriving home. "Don't let your date pick you up from your mom's house," I told her. "Meet him somewhere in the open. This way he does not know where you live and you will not have to worry about him coming to look for you." I proceeded to tell Anne that unless she was willing to try, I didn't see any reason why she should continue coming to me for help. At the same time, I knew a spiritual couple who were visiting from the U.S. I invited Anne to have dinner with me and the couple in the hopes that the woman could befriend Anne. Anne told me she didn't have any friends. The only people she saw were myself and a couple of friends I had introduced her to. Unfortunately, none of them wanted to befriend Anne, because she was so negative about everything. People simply did not want to be around her. After the dinner was over, we all began to converse. I had tried to encourage Anne to leave home and be her own woman. As we talked after dinner, the woman began to share a story with Anne. The woman told Anne: "Once there was an eaglet who grew up with ducks. When the eaglet grew strong wings to fly, the mother duck told the eaglet, 'You hatched with ducks but you are not a duck. You are an eagle. Eagles don't walk, they fly. So fly away to be with eagles...' The eaglet replied, 'No, I am not an eagle. I am a duck. I cannot fly.' The mother duck told the eagle, 'Yes, you are an eagle. You were hatched by a duck but you are an eagle. You can fly.' The eaglet was so afraid to try it replied, 'No, I cannot fly. I am a duck-if I try to fly, I will fall.' "The mother duck told the eaglet, 'You are an eagle. You don't belong here. Fly and be with your own kind and you will be much happier. Try, please try. Eagles fly, they don't walk. You are an eagle. You can fly.' The eagle thought for a minute. It began to stretch and flap its wings. It bounced around a little, then it jumped up and flew. As it lifted off the ground it realized it could fly and began to soar in the air." We all sat and listened to this emotional story. I know I wept and so did Anne. I cared about Anne so much. I wanted her to find happiness. Not long after and with a little encouragement and support, Anne moved out of her parents' basement. She found her own apartment and a full-time job at a local hotel. She began to date and met a man who cared for her. Although it was difficult and frightening at first, Anne tried and when she did, she soared. This real-life example shows that we can all find happiness and success if we choose to make the choices and do the things that bring us happiness and success. Anne only found success when she left her comfort zone and tried. In your love life, the only way to experience true failure is if you don't try, if you give up or try to hide behind excuses and justifications. The eaglet eventually flew with eagles instead of walking with the ducks. This means, for example in relationship, you can find love with your appropriate mate-not just any man or woman for the sake of having a lover. You can live your potential. But settling for unhealthy and mediocre relationships is not a way to find happiness. You can achieve your true potential in all things if do your part. You can tell from Anne's story that despite her upbringing and life experiences, she was able to find happiness by making choices that brought her happiness. When Anne left her comfort zone (like the eagle leaving the ducks), she reached her potential. Do you make choices that bring you stress and disappointments? Do you settle for relationships that bring you misery? What is your emotional well-being worth to you? Decide the kind of life and relationships you want. Then you will know what you need to do. Ernest Quansah is a Soulmate Relationship Expert who helps men and women find their true love and create the relationship of their dreams. He is the author of How to Identify Your Soulmate, a love relationship advice manual designed to help people find happiness and fulfillment in their relationships. If you would like more information about his services, please visit http://www.soulmateinfoserve.com. Webmasters, for free reprint articles please visit http://soulmateinfoserve.com/articles/index.php. Copyright © 2005. All rights reserved.
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Transformational Counseling - Part One Transformational Counseling is a process of assisting others to transform their lives. Transformational Counseling is a process of assisting others in their reinventing themselves, of creating a life that they love and living it powerfully. Transformational Counseling is a process of creating a space for others to get present to or become aware of their self limiting belief, to create or invent a possibility for themselves and their life that could not have existed before and to learn how to be in their possibilities as opposed to being that which has always stopped them in the past. Wayne Dyer - 20 Abundance & Prosperity Quotes Dr. Wayne Dyer has been an inspiration for me for at least two decades now and below I wanted to share with you my favorite 20 quotes of his that relate to creating abundance and prosperity: "There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love; there's only scarcity of resolve to make it happen." "Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." "There is no way to prosperity, prosperity is the way." "Within you is the divine capacity to manifest and attract all that you need or desire." "We are Divine enough to ask and we are important enough to receive." "You are always a valuable, worthwhile human being, not because anybody says so, not because you're successful, not because you make a lot of money, but because you decide to believe it and for no other reason." "When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous." "The measure of your life will not be in what you accumulate, but in what you give away." "Successful people make money. It's not that people who make money become successful, but that successful people attract money. They bring success to what they do." "Self-worth comes from one thing -- thinking that you are worthy." "Prosperity in the form of wealth works exactly the same as everything else. You will see it coming into your life when you are unattached to needing it. " "Our intention creates our reality." "Love what you do." "Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life." "It's never crowded along the extra mile." "I will grow. I will become something new and grand, but no grander than I now am. Just as the sky will be different in a few hours, its present perfection and completeness is not deficient, so am I presently perfect and not deficient because I will be different tomorrow. I will grow and I am not deficient." "Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make, not a place we must find." "A non-doer is very often a critic-that is, someone who sits back and watches doers, and then waxes philosophically about how the doers are doing. It's easy to be a critic, but being a doer requires effort, risk, and change." "Anything that has been accomplished by any other human being in the physical realm is within the field of possibility." "Anything you really want, you can attain, if you really go after it." Dealing with Mr.Charisma Do you ever find yourself in situations where you feel overwhelmed by the person who is speaking to you. It is as if their charisma and enthusiasm takes over and you just cannot seem to think for yourself. For a moment you are lost in a blur of their words. Bigger Fish To Fry Last month I was on another adventure, fishing Dog Lake in Northern Ontario. That trip really brought home to me the power of the Law of Attraction. Living Life to the Full: 20 Steps 1. Emotion: We are emotional creatures and as in all things avoid excess. Abundance or Scarcity: What Belief Do You Choose to Engage? For the last several years, I have included on my email signature the following salutation "Peace and Abundance." This is a daily reminder that my success begins with how I engage my beliefs. For I know that it is my beliefs that drive my behaviors. Talk Your Way to Financial Freedom Feeling trapped by lack of funds? We can learn from those who live comfortably and retire early. They use language differently from those who are stuck in a scarcity process. How We Evolved Into An Un-Charming Culture...(And What To Do About It) Charm did not play a very large role in that arrangement. But times have changed (thank goodness) since the days of those primitive humans, and these days, charm can play a tremendous role in a leader's ascension to power, either in politics or business. How To Use Affirmations To Create Prosperity? Dear Internet friend. Each human being is an incrediblepiece of sowtware. Each one of us has been "programmed"in a certain way. This program runs our lives 24 hours a day, and will govern our entire life. Step-By-Step Guide to Manifest Your Desires I have been talking about manifestation for a long time. My intention is to make people be aware of the unlimited power they have been given since the moment they were born and hopefully I can help to awaken their inner potential to get them connected back to the source of creation. Aspirations Worth Their Weight in Platinum "To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improve as well." - Isaac Asimov Create a Climate for Success by Mastering Your Total Image - Part 2 In part 1 of this series, we discussed your Total Image and the first of several essential components ? Your Hidden Image. This month, we'll continue discussion your Total Image with the second component: Your Reputation. Top 5 Areas to Create A Super-Reserve! Last week, I had the privilege of leading a 4-day teleclass about creating reserves that will meet our needs and support our lives, forever! The goal was to create systems that automatically respond to everything that distracts, worries or confuses us, for the rest of our lives! (How's that for thinking big?) When we are secure and our needs are met once and for all, we are free to live large, pursue our dreams and challenge life on our own terms. Correcting a Gap Between the Teeth As we age and our teeth shift, a gap between the teeth may suddenly appear. If you have a tooth extracted which is not immediately replaced with an implant or bridge, your entire bite may shift dramatically. The teeth surrounding this missing tooth may shift toward each other, creating a gap between the teeth. It's not at all unusual for a person who had a terrific smile her entire life to suddenly notice she now has gapped teeth. Charm Is Good Business What's most astounding is that the vast majority of business people don't automatically understand the concept of charm. You'd think it would be a reflex, a conditioned response in business to "turn on the charm" when dealing with customers, clients, associates, employees, competitors, or potential clients. And since the list of "potential clients" for many businesses can include Everybody, the idea that someone in any job, anywhere, ever is not making the maximum effort to be as charming as possible all the time is stupefying. How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying? Try being charming. Manifesting Money You are a money magnet. Money is flowing to you twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, even on holidays. You're probably wondering, "Then where is it? Why don't I see it?" The reason is that you don't yet believe the first two sentences I wrote. Creating Your Own Destiny If you don't know where you are going, you won't know how to get there. How can you get a sense of purpose or meaning in life unless you have dreams or visions of what you want to achieve? Goals are dreams with deadlines, which propel you on your journey of self-discovery and self-achievement. Create Your Own Luck I find it particularly disheartening when I hear someone refer to a person's success and achievements as simply luck. Or even worse... dumb luck. If Something Shows Up 3 Times, Is That a Sign That Its Right for Me? Have you heard yourself or others say: "This has shown up 3 times in my life lately. It must be a sign that it's right for me." First, who decided there is something significant about anything showing up 3 times? You see, when you give your attention, energy and focus to something, the Law of Attraction checks in with you and gives you more of whatever you are placing your attention on. How Often Each Day Should I Read or Say My Desire Statement? The purpose of the Desire Statement is to support you in giving attention, energy and focus to your newly birthed desire. It teaches you how to language desires so they feel good. ![]() |
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