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Do Your Things Own You?
Do you have things like a bicycle, jetski, or swimming pool that sit unused? Is it that you don't have time to use them because you have to work so much just to pay for them? Sometimes it seems like all the things we own somehow own us. The bad news is that it's often true. We have to arrange our lives around our things. You get a new truck that can go anywhere, but you're too busy working to go there. Someone is out fishing while you are putting in overtime to pay for your fishing boat. You use your large-screen television a lot, but does it sufficiently reduce the debt-stress that came with it? Break The Chains! The good news is that there's a better way. Actually, there are three better ways. First, know what you really value. Second, use cash instead of debt. Third, learn how to look at costs and benefits. Will you really enjoy that $2,000 mountain bicycle enough? Maybe. This isn't about right or wrong desires. It's a question of truly seeing your own values. Think back to things you've bought but not used, or not used enough. What truly enjoyable things could you do with that money if you had it now? You've got to be self aware and honest. Cash is king. The price may seem the same, but put those things on a credit card and, with interest, you'll pay a lot more. Cash means you have to save and wait a little for things, but you can buy more and have less stress. Credit cards provide the illusion of a richer life. Escaping debt gives you the reality. Finally, learn to understand costs and benefits. A friend once came to the realization, using pen and paper, that his jetski cost him $300 for every hour he used it the first year. Loan interest, gas, insurance, depreciation, repairs, licenses - these things add up. And he thought it was too expensive to pay $100 per day to rent one! Consider the real costs of things, and look for a cheaper way, or at least make an honest decision that it's worth $300 per hour to you. Your things should be making your life better. If they aren't, you need to start looking at them differently. Don't let your things own you. Change your approach. Steve Gillman writes on many topics including brainpower, weight loss, meditation, habits of mind, creative problem solving, generating luck and anything related to self improvement. Learn more and get free e-courses at http://www.SelfImprovementNow.com
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What is it That You Want, Honey? Discover Wealth and Prosperity with the Angels of Abundance As you already know, the Angels are here; ready to assist us but how can they assist us if they aren't control freaks or butt-in-skees? Obviously, they don't butt in. I have never heard my Angels telling me that I "should" do something. Yes, they'll apprise me of a situation but it's stated as fact. They'll never say that I should do anything in particular about a situation. They leave it up to my common sense and free will to figure out whether I want to use the information they give me or not. What Next? When we are faced with making a change we often feel like we don't know what to do. The kicker is that USUALLY we do know what to do - it just happens to scare us a little bit. This fear is USUALLY a sign that it is exactly what you should be doing even though you will have to 4 Simple Steps To The Good Life If you want to create the good life -- a life filled with more achievement, prosperity and happiness than you could now imagine -- all you really need to do is faithfully follow four simple steps. Really. What Love and Money Have in Common How many of us have ever felt that we've thrown our love away on some undeserving and ungrateful lover? Have you ever found yourself muttering something about an ex that included the words 'swine' and 'pearls' in among the expletives? On St. Valentines Day, Or Any Romantic Interlude, Woo Your Sweetheart With Chocolates, Roses... On Valentine's Day, or any romantic interlude, lovers should woo their sweethearts with chocolates and roses -- but also a Leadership Talk. How Do You Choose To Deal With Your Life? "It's choice ? not chance ? that determines your destiny." --Jean Nidetch Reminding Yourself of Prosperity Have you ever heard the phrase, "Thoughts are things and words have wings?" This phrase is the perfect expression of the principle of prosperity. How you think about and talk about your level of prosperity is what actually manifests in your life. How many times a week do you wistfully say to your companion, "Oh, I'd love take a break and go to Mexico, but it's too expensive and I'll never be able to afford it"? Or how many times do you sigh enviously when you see someone else who has what you want? Success, Opportunity, Carl, and Kenny G A couple of weeks ago I celebrated my anniversary by taking my wife to see one of her favorite musicians - Kenny G. So You Want To Win the Lottery If we all got everything we wanted, most of us would have won the lottery by now. So what happens when we notice that we aren't getting what we want, even when we've been using Law of Attraction to manifest a particular desire for an extended period of time? Theres No Glory In Being The Richest Man In The Graveyard! What was your energy level like today? Did you wake up this morning like Tony the Tiger feeling Grrr---ate?.? Did you jump into all your activities today with enthusiasm? Were you rarin' to go at the first chance? Did your "get-up-and-go" rare up and roar, or, did it get up and went? Women and Bad Boys: What Is The Attraction? "Bad Boys". Jerry Green?s Top Ten Adversity Busters I've navigated plenty of speed bumps on life's road. My father's death led me to an entirely different career than my planned one. My business burned to the ground. Unscrupulous partners left me with a $15 million dollar debt. My doctor diagnosed me with a disease that a year earlier would have meant probable death. Other Peoples Opinions In a society where interaction is part of everyday life, and other people form a vital part of life, other people's opinions are actually important in where we fit into society. However, we often think we know what other people are thinking and base our actions around those 'apparent' opinions. A Magnificent Obsession Is The Best Medicine! The idea I'm about to share with you can bring you the greatest hope. It can bring you happiness beyond anything you've ever dreamed. It can present to you the quality and quantity of life that may seem like only something that always goes to others. Brace yourself; a band of gypsies would pay to hear this. The Magic of Mike The woman stood over the stove stirring a pot of hot soup.She prepared it to ward off the bitter Minnesota cold, a cover-every-inch-of-your-skin cold, the kind that bites you and never lets go, the kind that makes auto engines demand heaters or they refuse to start.Icicles hung from her window ledge and blocked the top part of her view. Create Your Best Life "You can create what you want in life; first you have to imagine it clearly. Imagine your ideal scene," Marc Allen, The Millionaire Course. Letting Go Of Wanting Your Own Approval Ever had a time in your life when those closest to youdisapproved of your behavior? It is very uncomfortable is it not?In a moment, peace of mind can vanish in a puff of smoke and youcrave approval more than anything else. This time in thewilderness seems to last forever and when it is finally over thenewly earned approval of your peers feels just great. How To Master The Art of Conversation The art of conversation is a skill shared by most successful people. Good conversation promotes an image of self-confidence, intelligence, and wittiness. The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Most of us don't want to admit we have a dark side. And from that dark side we do attract some ugly stuff. I was given the gift of a vivid display of just how ugly my anger and feelings of injustice truly are. Body Language Counts! Why communication through body language andappropriate language are crucial to networking success? ![]() |
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