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Who Do You Think You Are?
Are you totally in love with your life? Whatever your current situation I want to give you some food for thought? Your current level of love, passion and intensity for your everyday life is directly proportionate to how close you currently live to the purpose for which you came to this life. Take an office worker. Is he going to work because of his love for paperwork or because he has an intense passion to crunch numbers? Or a receptionist, is she going to work because of her deep love for answering ringing telephones and the thrill of asking the question, 'May I help you?' Of course not; like millions of others they are both going to work to earn money to pay for the necessities in life. But just for a moment let's question the necessities. Sure a five bedroom home, the luxury car and the two week holidays abroad are all great, especially when you measure your success, as nearly all of us do, by what we 'have' and what we're 'doing'. The only problem is, 'having' and 'doing' have very little to do with a key factor in what we're 'being' while we're 'having' and 'doing'. 'Being' is all about 'who you are'. Sure you can have all the material things in the world, but if you have to sell your soul for forty years doing something which you have no passion for in order to 'have' and 'do' ? or in other words 'look good' to others ? then, have you been who you really are and do you really need to question why you might not be feeling aroused, playful and passionate. Sounds a bit like good sex? And living life can be like good sex? great sex? And I bet great sex for forty years interests you more than working passionless, grinding hours! In order to live life with passion you need to find purpose. And when I say 'purpose' I mean, 'Life purpose'. And when I say 'Life Purpose' I mean, understanding the unique gift ? that special talent that got buried long ago due to all that necessity you created in order to look good ? and expressing it in a distinctive way. The problem you might have is uncovering that talent and then finding a viable way to make a living. But that is really all just stuff and nonsense. When you're involved in your passion and remain open to the possibilities out there waiting for you, you can be swept along on a wave of possibility. So, to return to our original question, "Who are you?" Are you someone who is willing to be swept along on a wave of possibility, adventure and life or will you hang onto what doesn't excite you? Life is for living. Best wishes Jo Ball Who do you think you are? Find out more. Join Jo Ball and Neil Millar at Unstoppable Life. The newsletter is free and they'll thank you for joining their fast-growing readership by sending you the free e-book, Greater Steps to Happiness. http://www.unstoppablelife.com
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Creating Your Own Destiny If you don't know where you are going, you won't know how to get there. How can you get a sense of purpose or meaning in life unless you have dreams or visions of what you want to achieve? Goals are dreams with deadlines, which propel you on your journey of self-discovery and self-achievement. Are You Killing Your Beautiful Dream? And the real sad part is that the people involved give in totheir fears and kill their beautiful dream. Any chance ofexperiencing a fulfilled happy life, of living the life theytruly want, evaporates. Establishing Your Charisma Presence An integral piece of charisma is establishing a presence, so let's examine 3 ways to establish your charisma presence, that will clearly tell all around you "I'm a player and a force to be reckoned with!". Putting Yourself on the Road to Success What separates successful people from unsuccessful people, achievers from non-achievers, winners from losers? 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Definition of the Law of Attraction: I attract to myself, whatever I give my focus, attention, or energy to; whether wanted or unwanted. 7 Simple Tips For Cultivating Tons Of Confidence Confidence without competence is a dangerous combination. Make it easy for yourself and only engage in Self comparison when you are assessing your progress. By doing this you will make it easier to keep at it when the going gets tough and your competence will grow day by day. Top 10 Keys to Attracting More Clients! It's always easier to attract the things we want in life than to chase them down and catch them. My grandmother used to say, "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." I've never understood why I'd want a collection of flies, but there are many other things I do want. Letting Go Of Wanting Your Own Approval Ever had a time in your life when those closest to youdisapproved of your behavior? It is very uncomfortable is it not?In a moment, peace of mind can vanish in a puff of smoke and youcrave approval more than anything else. This time in thewilderness seems to last forever and when it is finally over thenewly earned approval of your peers feels just great. The Gift Welcome to The Gift ? a simple pattern that is both ancient as well asmodern, with a thousand and one uses, that can make the world a different place for you, for the people you love, for the people you don't love, and for those who you haven't even met yet. Right Thinking Nothing ever happens by chance. Everything, good or bad, that comes into our lives is a result of the thoughts we have engaged in, or by what God has ordained to get our attention. Some Straight Talk About Your Success And Happiness I want to warn you: this article can cause some discomfort, indignation and sense of insult in minds of people who are not ready to be successful. If you are not ready to face the truth, please don't read this article, because I don't want to hurt your feelings for nothing. Success Through Authenticity: Harness Your ?Innie? Natural Edge For any inner-directed individual, much of life feels like you are a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. By forcing them to fit together, the natural edge of the square-peg is shaved off. That natural edge includes all your best traits, such as your intuition, creativity and superb listening skills as well as many other characteristics that make you a joy to be with and know. A Magnificent Obsession Is The Best Medicine! The idea I'm about to share with you can bring you the greatest hope. It can bring you happiness beyond anything you've ever dreamed. It can present to you the quality and quantity of life that may seem like only something that always goes to others. Brace yourself; a band of gypsies would pay to hear this. Follow Your Passion The key to a successful life lies in following your passions. When you do this the Universe responds in a dynamic way. This can only occur when one is fully engaged. We are taught from the time we are young to be practical to carefully consider the why and the how of things. This, my friends is a waste of precious time. The clue to each of our destinies lies in recognizing our deepest passions and becoming fully engaged in them. Give no thought as to how they might be realized the Universe is far more capable in this regard then we could ever hope to be. Just so you don't think I'm talking through my hat I am going to give you a stellar example that illustrates exactly what I'm talking about. This story is true from beginning to end. What Message Are You Sending Out? A woman phoned me the other day to ask me about a product that someone else was selling. It was something she really wanted. Thought and The Law of Attraction We have all heard the expression, "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again." But to carry on without thinking about why you failed only leads to more failure. The Principle of Abundance One of the first great things I learned when starting my business, is that there are two ways of thinking. You can believe that there is more than enough business to go around or you can have the scarcity mentality. Either way you believe you are probably right. The Art of Loving & Living The joy of living is in loving. No doubt, only lovers enjoy life! ![]() |
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