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How The Power of Attraction Can Help You Get What You Want?
"Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person we become"said Jim Rohn, one of the world's leading motivational speaker, philosopher and entrepreneur. Every great achiever knows that certain mental laws exist by which you can turn all your dreams into reality. The law of attraction is one of the most important to understand,use and abuse! Like attracts like. "For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own." This ancient scripture summarize what the law of attraction is all about. It is attracting to your life whatever you give your attention, focus and energy to, whether wanted or unwanted. The Law of attraction can work for you or against you. It's all up to you. What are your main thoughts directed to: goals, success, achievement, wisdom, truth, love? Simply ask yourself: "So, what do I want?" Studies have shown that more than 90% of self-talk is negative. In other words, all day long, you fill your mind, consciously or not, with negative thoughts and unproductive feelings. You therefore get a corresponding life. The law of attraction doesn't know (and doesn't care) if this is a good or bad thought. It attracts whatever you're thinking about. The solution to a more successful life is simply asking yourself: "So, what do I really want?" Take some time to define your ideal lifestyle, in every aspect of your life: family, business, financial freedom... And now that you have defined these goals, use techniques like affirmations or visualization to literally flood your mind with positive, motivating thoughts and feelings. Does everyone ELSE seems luckier? A lot of people like the verb "to complain". This is because they don't want to take 100% responsibility for their lives. However, this is the solution. "Everyone seems luckier than me," they say. Luck is a shorter term for "applying the law of attraction into my life daily". You can be as "lucky" as anybody else. Follow some simple steps that every highly successful person will tell you: set goals, dream big dreams, fill your mind with these positive thoughts and emotions and let the Law of Attraction work for you. What You Think Is What You Get Your reality will represent what is going on in your mind and subconscious mind. Your attitude will be reflected back to you by the attitude of those close to you and around you on a daily basis. If you are positive and optimistic - you'll have positive and optimistic people around you. Re-visit from time to time the definition: "the Law of Attraction is attracting to your life whatever you give your attention, focus and energy to, whether wanted or unwanted." It works all the time, everywhere, it's completely up to you to activate it. Set goals, long-term goals and literally flood your mind with positive, motivating thoughts and feelings. This is how you become excellent, more prosperous and a successful entrepreneur. Copyright 2005 Emmanuel Segui The TOP 5 Secrets Of EVERY Highly Successful Person... Delivered To You FREE in your inbox!Sign up for our FREE mini-course and receive amazing new tips every week, PLUS enter to win a subscription to Top Secret Niche Report. To subscribe, go to http://www.vision-to-action.com
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Listening Is As Important As Speaking While engaging in conversations with friends and co-workers, how often do you feel that the other person has truly heard what you've said? A Look In The Mirror That's all it takes to change the world. Take a long hard look in the mirror and really notice who you are. When Will Love Find me? Love. You may notice that I made that an entire sentence. That one little four-letter word can easily be a sentence on its own, an entire book, or the meaning of life. I doubt there has ever been a person on this planet who has not at some stage pondered the meaning of this little word. Men have lived for it and men have died for it. Manifest Your Dreams For each of us, the universe is different. A homeless man may view the universe as unfair, hard and tough. A rich man may view the universe as a lovely place full of luxury and pleasure. Both of them are viewing the same universe, it is just different because of their perceptions of it and their life experiences. Get More Personal Most folks who know me, know that when people write me I always like to write back and show how much I appreciate the message. I do stay busy, but taking the time to write back is something that's very important to me. Are You The Worlds Expert On Yourself? Congratulations! You are the world's expert. What is the Key to a Successful Life? An ideal is not the dream that can never be realised, that certain weak-willed individuals like to imagine, if only to provide themselves with an excuse for moaning about life. Nor is it a vague and flimsy speculation in which shallow people want to indulge. Plug in with a Pupose! Imagine that each person on this planet carried with them a teaspoon of soil or rock from Mt. Everest. Certainly Mt. Everest would shrink! Those individual teaspoons of material from the tallest mountain on Earth now in the pockets of billions of people also wouldn't mean much. Well I suppose each of us could put that small amount of mineral material into a bottle and keep it as a souvenir. But like most souvenirs we collect, we tire of dusting them and they become added to the already crowded drawer or box of meaningless, useless items. A teaspoon of dirt, in a jar, in a drawer, that by itself, means little. How Do You Treat Others? When others are angry with you, loving to you, critical of you, and so on, do you treat them the same? We tend to treat others, except those in a position of authority or power over us, the same way they treat us. Your Default Settings Buy a computer--any computer--and it comes loaded with software automatically set to certain default settings. For example, the default setting for Word is Times New Roman 12-point. Last week, as I presented one of my periodic Best Year Yet(R) programs, I found myself referring to default settings of the human variety. Human default settings are those areas of life where we unconsciously cooperate with limiting thoughts and behaviors that keep us from living our best lives. Basic Intuitive Timing for Business and Life "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries." [William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar] Why Doesnt This Manifesting Thing Work for Me? You've written out your goals. You read them every day. You do the visualization exercises. You do everything you've read about in this newsletter and all the other newsletters, seminars, self-help books and web sites, but nothing seems to be happening in your life. Use Your Reset Button to Change Your Vibration At every moment you can tell if the vibration that you are sending is either a positive one or a negative one by identifying the feeling you are experiencing. At every moment you have a feeling and that feeling is causing you to emit or send off a vibration - and in the 'vibrational' world there are only two kinds of vibrations; positive or negative. So as you talk about what you don't want and make negative declarative statements, in that moment you are sending out and emitting a negative vibration. Law of Attraction then matches it by giving you more of the same. The 3 Steps To Communication Mastery Although you know better, you do not apply all that you have learned when it comes to making the most of yourself. If this istrue for you, then how are you going to improve? Living a Values-Based Life What is a values-based life? A values-based life is a self-capable life free of doubt or fear; a life that allows you to take risks, fulfill dreams, capture goals and live to your fullest capacity. Sound wonderful? It certainly is. Too good to be true? Not at all. When you live a life according to your personal values all of these awesome options are possible for you. However, there is some work involved that is an absolute necessity before any of those amazing things can happen for you. That pre-work involves identifying and accepting your values as the guiding principles in your life. Only when you have chosen this self-responsible attitude are you able to live a values-based life. The Art of Loving & Living The joy of living is in loving. No doubt, only lovers enjoy life! Top 10 Keys to Attracting More Clients! It's always easier to attract the things we want in life than to chase them down and catch them. My grandmother used to say, "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." I've never understood why I'd want a collection of flies, but there are many other things I do want. The Wealth-Receiving Mindset Here is an exercise for you that will develop what I call the wealth-receiving mindset: How Anyone Can Manifest Anything! My mother taught me how to teach others about the power of the mind. By learning how to teach her, I learned how to communicate essential wealth-building ideas to others. How To Improve Your Life Instantly! Your mind power makes what you focus on happen. You create what you think about and then live in that experience. Your attention determines your destiny. ![]() |
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