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Get More Personal
Most folks who know me, know that when people write me I always like to write back and show how much I appreciate the message. I do stay busy, but taking the time to write back is something that's very important to me. Well friends, the other day I slipped up! (See even I can admit my mistakes... lol. After all that's how we grow isn't it?). You see I received a message from a person that had two parts to it. The first part a very kind note letting me know how much she enjoyed the ezine I offer, while the second part was asking about purchasing a sponsorship ad in the newsletter. I must have been in a bit of a hurry at the time so I only wrote back regarding the sponsorship part of the note (I am not making an excuse for myself here. Lack of time is simply no excuse when building relationships... professional, personal or otherwise. That's a rule you'll want to take to heart I assure you). When I first replied I didn't even realize that I had been so hasty about it. Then luckily (I'll explain why it was lucky in a second) the person wrote back to tell me that I had not taken the time to give thanks and that I had only mentioned the sponsorship part in my reply to her. She went on to tell me that she understood, but did offer the great advice that I should be a bit more personal. You see, while that is exactly how I am virtually all the time, it didn't matter because in this particular circumstance it was my first correspondence with her, and she had no basis for judging me except by this first impression. You see, she had absolutely no way of knowing that I do try to be personal. That was my job, and yours to portray with the actions we show others. I love the saying, "Your actions speak so loudly I can barely hear the words you say". Wow! how fitting is that to the situation I found myself in? Looking back, I am so thankful that she took the time to remind me. Had she not I might have slipped up again! (heck I'm only human right? :) You see, folks in our busy hectic day-to-day schedules we all get in a bit of a hurry. Maybe you're selling a product (You are at least selling yourself) and not even realizing it but you walk into a person's office or house and jump right into your sales spiel. If you do this I am certain that you're missing the boat! People want to know us prior to doing business with us (or extending a friendship to us as the case may be). When we first fill this basic human need we are in a much better place with regard to being able to give them what they need. Believe me, it is a position that is worth putting forth the effort to be in... Your friend in success, Josh Hinds About The Author Written by Josh Hinds, of http://GetMotivation.com. Get our top rated newsletter, Let's Talk Motivation by visiting our web site -- sign up now and get a copy of the new "Principles Of Success!" ebook when you join!
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4 Simple Steps To The Good Life If you want to create the good life -- a life filled with more achievement, prosperity and happiness than you could now imagine -- all you really need to do is faithfully follow four simple steps. Really. How to Take Control of Your Self Confidence If you think success, happiness and love are going to happenwithout learning through mistakes along the way you are mistaken. Change Your Story; Change Your Life When was the last time you told someone the story of your life? We don't come upon these opportunities often, but when we do, it's extremely telling not only about our perspective on life, but also about how the rest of our life will unfold! Who said crystal balls don't exist? Just listen to yourself talk, and you'll know all there is to know. Turn Whats Bothering You Into A Blessing That which you desire to remove from your life is a blessing that you haven't yet learned to appreciate. For life does not send misfortune upon you it sends you only love. Just because you cannot see the gift doesn't mean the gift is not there. Are You a Wildflower? Wildflowers grow from mere dust to reach their full potential. Increasing Money by Conquering Personal Fear and Greed One of the first lessons that "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" teaches is about understanding and controlling fear and greed. Many people go to work and work hard not to learn more and to grow, but out of fear that they won't have enough money to pay their bills. So early in their lives they form the pattern of: The Revolution Begins When YOU take Control I'd like to share a story with you about two interesting people that we ALL know. How do I Know if Im Getting any of This Law of Attraction Stuff? This is a popular question people ask me. How do you know if I am mastering the art of Deliberate Attraction? Is there an advanced course I can take? My answer is always the same, "The application of this material into your daily life IS the advanced course!" To help you gauge where you're at in the mastery of Law of Attraction, I've compiled a list of seven sure-fire ways to tell if YOU are joining the thousands of people who really are mastering this stuff. The Chi of New Homes: Feng Shui-ness and Destiny When my wife and I were searching for a new Las Vegas home in 2002, we wanted it to have a solid foundation based on Feng Shui principles. My wife researched the essentials and we decided to build a home that met our needs and supported good Chi. The internal layout of the furniture was a slow process because we want to ensure that everything "was energy (Chi) efficient". We even went so far as to pick a plot of land that had a curvy street in front and located on a hill with a view of a "city of money". With all of the work we did in building the structure and embellishing the interior, the house feels fantastic and the energy feeds us and moves us forward! Communication Expert Reveals 5 Keys To Self Expression Without Limits Peter Murphy recently interviewed communication expert John Barker. John is a professional coach and author with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Arts and Sciences. He even served in the White House where he worked with the White House Communications Agency. Use Your Vibrations of Energy to Communicate Part 2 "The speed of electromagnetic energy signals is 186,000 miles per second, while the speed of a diffusible chemical is considerably less than one centimeter per second." -Bruce Lipton Why Do We Lack Character Our people have no character" is acknowledged universally, at home and abroad, in business and government circles, and in every sphere of administrative activity. Lack of character produces social imbalance and leads ultimately to national decline and disintegration. The malady has been eating up the vitals of our social life too fast to withstand an unexpected shock. 10 Common Money And Success Myths ? Part 1 For the longest time, people believed that the earth was flat and that if you traveled all the way to the end, you would fall off! People were trapped; they were stuck in a world that reached out only as far as they could see - a world much, much smaller than the actual size of earth. They were stuck not because that was all that they had available to them, but because that's all they "believed" they had. Grab Their Attention In the movie, "The Player" during a scene at a Hollywood studio executive meeting Mr. Levy shows Reeve, the central character, how to pitch a potential movie story. Levy holds out a newspaper, saying, " Here, read a headline, any headline." The Way of Attraction - Walking the Path "Slowly, slowly, walk the pathand you might never stumble or fall.Slowly, slowly walk the path and you might never fall in love at all." My Eight Success Secrets These eight success secrets apply to anything you do in life, not just to doing business offline or online. What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror? 'Image & Professionalism' we hear these words being thrown around in conversation like cheap tokens, almost as frequently as their counterparts 'quality', 'service', and 'value'. So what does 'Image & Professionalism' really mean, and what do you see when you look in the mirror? Use Your Vibrations of Energy to Communicate In the past, I have touched on the connection of quantum physics and communication. One of my passions is to understand the connection that we create on a much higher level. Is Effortless Prosperity Really Possible? Dear friends, If Youre in a Hole, Stop Digging If you find yourself in a difficult situation, don't continue doing what you are doing. Although, it might seem like simple advice that should be common sense, remember common sense isn't. It is based on life experience. If we haven't had the experience, we might not know how to handle it. We may be under the illusion that if we keep on doing what we are doing things will change. They won't. Doing the same thing and expecting things to be different is the definition of insanity. If you are not getting the results you want, it is because you are not doing the right actions. Stop doing what you are doing and do something else, anything else. Just remember, if you are in a hole, the best thing to do is stop digging and create a plan for getting out of the hole. ![]() |
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