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What People Are Really Interested In & How to Win Friends
A lot of your people problems and concerns about what other people think will fade into the background when you understand one crucial reality. Most people are interested in you only to the extent they can get something from you. I know this sounds harsh. Bear with me a moment while I explain. Apart from your family and closest friends most other people see you as either a hindrance or as a means to getting what they want. If you can help them get what they want they will smile at you, say you are wonderful and do whatever they can to keep you happy and available in the future. On the other hand if you stop being a means to the fulfillment of their needs these very same people may well shun you, insult you and have nothing to do with you. Let me give you an example. You meet someone special and you date. Things progress and a few weeks later you are both in love and life has never been better. You are the center of the universe for that person and whatever you desire is immediately granted with a smile. Fast forward three months and the same person is screaming down the phone at you, saying how useless you are and never to call again! What happened? How could something so good go so wrong? In very simple terms you went from satisfying the other persons emotional needs to not satisfying them. And the extreme change in how they treat you is because of what I said at the beginning of this article: Most people are interested in you only to the extent they can get something from you. Whereas in the early days of the relationship you attended to all of the other persons needs as time passed you grew complacent and things slipped to the point that key needs went unsatisfied. At one point you were the answer to this persons prayers but now you serve no purpose in this persons life hence the anger and annoyance. How can you use this insight? 1. Be alert to the unspoken demands the people in you life place on you. And understand that your relationships depend on the meeting of these underlying needs. 2. If you want to be free of a relationship that is limiting you then stop offering the demanded input whether that be advice, time, acceptance or any other resource or support. Be ready for fireworks though since your input will often be taken for granted until you withdraw it. 3. Realize that when you feel self conscious there is no need to be since most people are preoccupied being self conscious themselves! And as far as they are concerned you are a means to an end. If John Friend phones you to go to the cinema it is so he will enjoy your company and to avoid looking silly going there alone. Of course the same applies to you and I. And it is the mutual filling of needs that underpins interactions, friendships and business relationships. To sum up. We all want something from each other usually we are looking to fill emotional needs and this is the way the world is. Once you accept this you can use this understanding to look for what people want from you and then meet their needs. If you do this effectively you will never be short of friends and people keen to spend time with you. About The Author Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at: http://www.howtotalkwithconfidence.com/report.htm
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This article, we'll continue the discussion of your Total Image with the fourth component: Your Proven Image. 7 Steps To Having More Energy 1. Get enough sleep. Success Through a Supercharged Network I have finally come to believe something about myself because so many peoplehave said the same thing to me - I mean the EXACT same sentence - over thepast year. It is about something about me that others notice, which quitefrankly, just comes so naturally to me that I have never noticed before. The Art of Perfecting the Life First of all, you have to trust that you are perfect at the core of your original mind, at the centre of your heart. Pull out the energy from the thoughts of your own unworthiness which the personality has acquired through the unconscious identification of memory. Crack the Clandestine Code of Diamonds Precious, brilliant and expensive-why wouldn't diamonds be a girl's best friend? When giving the most significant gift of a lifetime, most men, and even the women who receive them, know precious little about diamonds. By the time they're old and experienced enough to know about cut, shape, grade, brilliance, color, weight, and setting, they already have the diamond of a lifetime. Crack the vocabulary, and you'll be on your way to purchasing your first diamond with confidence. 10 Common Money And Success Myths ? Part 3 Here we continue to discuss a few commonly held beliefs, or "myths," that hold many of us back from achieving success... Faith Creates Ideas That Create Wealth For years it seems as though the secrets to obtaining wealth were only for a selected few. Yet the truth of the matter is that these "few" have chosen to apply the principles of prosperity (at least most of the principles) in order to obtain their status, while many chose to ignore them. With This Herb, There Comes A Wed The late Cuban singer and queen of salsa, Celia Cruz, said it clear in her classic salsa "El Yerbero Moderno" (the modern herbist). The rhythmical song names some herbs and their better use: "?I bring Basil, for the skinny one; I bring Vetivert, for the blind one?" and so on. Ok, it's true, the original lyrics are more fun as they rhyme in Spanish, but the idea to pick up there is that "with this herb you can get married." The Power of Focusing on What Vs. How We see it and do it enough times to know just how it works. Resolutions are set, goals written down, strategic action plans put in place. And where does it end up? More often than not, we don't lose the weight, we don't keep the budget, we don't straighten out the relationship ? whatever it is we were after, frustration or despair get in the way and we end up at square one. Abundance or Scarcity: What Belief Do You Choose to Engage? For the last several years, I have included on my email signature the following salutation "Peace and Abundance." This is a daily reminder that my success begins with how I engage my beliefs. For I know that it is my beliefs that drive my behaviors. Law of Attraction Article: Do You Know About The Power Of Flow? Flow is the quality of ease that can be integrated into a life to give it the look and feel of almost effortless achievement. It's not as elusive as it may seem. We all know people who go through life attracting opportunity after opportunity; or those who have a knack for being at the right place at the right time to connect with the right people. Wise Hericlitus "You cannot step into the same river twice" Be Your Own Best Friend What does being a "best friend" mean to you? I imagine that just about everyone is or has been a best friend to someone in their lives. I encourage you to take some time and examine what being someone's best friend really means. Prosperity on Purpose for a Purpose Whilst everyone seems hell bent on becoming "wealthy" at all costs, the desire to become prosperous has seemed to fall to the background.I see building ones wealth as very one dimensional. It can potentially become a very selfish path if you are not careful. The Power of Desire - Part 1 What is Desire? Let us see! Webster tells us that it is:"The natural longing to possess any seeming good; eager wish to obtain or enjoy," or in its abnormal or degenerate sense:"excessive or morbid longing; lust; appetite. "Desire" is a much-abused term ? the public mind has largely identified it with its abnormal or degenerate phase, just mentioned, ignoring its original and true sense. Many use the word in the sense of an unworthy longing or craving, instead of in the true sense of "aspiration," "worthy craving and longing," etc. To call Desire "aspiration" renders it none the less Desire. To apply to it the term "laudable aim and ambition" does not take away from it is character of Desire. There is no sense in endeavoring to escape the fact that Desire is the natural and universal impulse toward action, be the action or good or bad. Without Desire the Will does not spring into action, and nothing is accomplished. Even the highest attainments and aims of the race are possible only when the steam of Will is aroused by the flame and heat of Desire. The Friend Crush: Is This Love Or Friendship He's your good friend. She's your best confidant. You have known each other for a few years and have shared meals, movies, hobbies and vacations. You have confided to each other about your latest love interest and turned to one another for support when the relationship(s) failed. You can't imagine life without your good friend. Abundance Of Money - Abundance Of Love How much happiness is there in a piece of paper with the word "happiness" printed upon it? It depends on the person who holds that piece of paper... ![]() |
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