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The Pearl Story
I'm going to tell you the story of one of the most precious items on earth, and how this story can benefit you! It all starts in a shell a tiny little shell that strives for survival, but how can a living thing survive when it doesn't move in its life span? And to add to that, produce something that precious like a pearl? The only function a shell does is to open up and to close up again and again and again till the end of its days. You see the secret is that it feeds with plankton, every time the shell opens up some amount of food will get inside and once that happens the only thing the shell has to do is to close up. Once it digests its food the shells rinsings remain inside. This cycle repeats itself over and over again till the rinsings accumulate and form the pearl as we know it. One day a fisherman finds the shell and when he opens it up screams with joy, for what he has found has changed his life. How can this story benefit you? STOP reading this article for a minute and think about it! It's very simple, if you wait enough everything will come to you, Patience is a great virtue. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not telling you to sit all day on your couch doing nothing and wait for money and fortune to pour on you. If you work on yourself, your personality and skills, good things will start happening. You will be considered to be a "pearl", what can that possibly mean? Everyone that gets the chance to meet you talk to you or interact with you in any way, will feel very fortunate. The "Demand" for You will rise and so will your "Prize" do. Actually you will become the "Prize"; you will become a giant magnet of success and fortune. Friedrich Nietchzche once wrote 'man is like the tree, the higher it stretches up, up to the light, its root get deeper towards the darkness' it's a good quote to bear in mind while you walk down the path of fortune. Your Friend, John Giagkiozis Publishes Self Improvement Tips, he is dedicated helping people like You! If you're looking for the Home Business Opportunity that will make your Dreams Come True, information and helpful support from an honest friend in the business, come by and subscribe for FREE at: http://www.success-factory.net The Life all Deserve, An Opportunity and a Challenge Feel free to reach me at: info@success-factory.net
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A Look In The Mirror That's all it takes to change the world. Take a long hard look in the mirror and really notice who you are. Yes You Can If you could change one thing in your life today, what would it be? Why don't you have some of the things you'd like to have, and why do you have some? What's the reason for the inconsistency? Plants, Herbs, And Roots For Love In the column Plants, Herbs and Roots For Prosperity, I explain in detail how to practically use a plant material to attract things to you, so refer to that if you have never used plant matter in magic before. Did Your Personality Choose Your Career? We almost all think we are masters of our own fate. While it is true that we all make our own choices there are many things that influence what we choose. Ask yourself: Why do some people choose professions that help only themselves while others of us choose professions that help those in need? Finders Keepers Do you remember your younger years when you and your friends played all sorts of fun games all day long? I'm sure you do. If there is one thing children know how to do, they know how to have fun. Doing Your Lifes Work Most people want to do their life's work. Some people are able to separate work completely from life and be happy doing anything, but this is not the norm. I once knew a man who managed things for a living. He'd managed a restaurant for several years, seen an ad in the paper, and become manager of a print shop. He didn't particularly like the job, but he didn't hate it. The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Most of us don't want to admit we have a dark side. And from that dark side we do attract some ugly stuff. I was given the gift of a vivid display of just how ugly my anger and feelings of injustice truly are. Abundance Flourishes in an Atmosphere of Integrity There's no way to fake INTEGRITY. You are either are IN INTEGRITY offering a PURE positive vibration which the Law of Attraction responds to. Or you're OUT of INTEGRITY which creates a negative or mixed vibration, which the Law of Attraction cannot ignore. The Mechanic (Channelled) Are You Killing Your Beautiful Dream? And the real sad part is that the people involved give in totheir fears and kill their beautiful dream. Any chance ofexperiencing a fulfilled happy life, of living the life theytruly want, evaporates. How to Improve Your Love Life with the Power of Feng Shui - Without Spending a Dime! FENG shui (say "fung shway") is the art of creating a home environment that supports the life you wish to live. A key element of feng shui is creating a smooth flow of chi (positive energy) through your space. Chi likes to move through your home as though it were a gentle breeze or a meandering stream. Where it is blocked, the energy becomes stagnant--like a pond choked with algae and fallen leaves. You are likely to feel blocked in life, and your energy and enthusiasm for matters of the heart will be low. Balancing and correcting the chi of your bedroom helps encourage and invigorate romance. Here are some quick and easy ways to improve your love life by improving the energy of your home: Living a Values-Based Life What is a values-based life? A values-based life is a self-capable life free of doubt or fear; a life that allows you to take risks, fulfill dreams, capture goals and live to your fullest capacity. Sound wonderful? It certainly is. Too good to be true? Not at all. When you live a life according to your personal values all of these awesome options are possible for you. However, there is some work involved that is an absolute necessity before any of those amazing things can happen for you. That pre-work involves identifying and accepting your values as the guiding principles in your life. Only when you have chosen this self-responsible attitude are you able to live a values-based life. How To Bypass Your Conscious Mind and Program Yourself For Success Emile Coué, the French psychotherapist once said: "When theimagination and will power are in conflict, are antagonistic, itis always the imagination which wins, without any exception."Then you can program yourself for success by understanding thepower of imagination. Theres No Glory In Being The Richest Man In The Graveyard! What was your energy level like today? Did you wake up this morning like Tony the Tiger feeling Grrr---ate?.? Did you jump into all your activities today with enthusiasm? Were you rarin' to go at the first chance? Did your "get-up-and-go" rare up and roar, or, did it get up and went? Grab Their Attention In the movie, "The Player" during a scene at a Hollywood studio executive meeting Mr. Levy shows Reeve, the central character, how to pitch a potential movie story. Levy holds out a newspaper, saying, " Here, read a headline, any headline." Recognize Desire AS Power I just moved into my new luxurious, harborside condo, overlooking the famous Songees of Victoria, BC, Canada. Three months ago, I didn't know such a beautiful place existed and today I am living in one of the most sought-after locations in North America! Breaking News: The Answer May Not Be In The Infomercial Financial Course The other night, leg cramps kept me up at night so I found myselfwatching these various couples discuss their success over buyinga Real Estate course in this infomercial, at 2AM. Your Life and Prosperity Are In Your Reputation! "Your good name and your reputation are EVERYTHING! ? Protect them at all costs!" my father used to say to me when I was a lad. Law-of-Attraction Article: Wake Up and Create Something It's time for the "mainstream" to WAKE UP. The alarm clock is ringing, they keep hitting snooze, and in the meantime, the life they could be living is passing them by. Awaken The Genie Within Ancient lore tells us that there's a magical genie who lives in a lamp and the person who possesses that lamp has the power to invoke wishes and desires beyond our wildest dreams. ![]() |
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