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4 Natural Home Remedies to Ease the Pain of Sunburn
At some time or another, we've all experienced the effects of sunburn ? be it a light burn or a more heavy burn. Although the sting of regret of inadequate protection (from UV exposure) can be an excellent incentive to plan more carefully on 'future' occasions, it's of little help in soothing the immediate physical sting (i.e. pain) accompanying sunburn. However if you 'have' found yourself having spent a little too much time in the sun, -- here are 4 natural home remedies to help ease the pain of sunburn, and assist in the body's healing process:
2. Cool, sugarless tea: - The tannin in tea is the active ingredient here, which helps to soothe and relieve some of the discomfort of sunburned skin. After brewing a big pot of tea, and allowing it to cool completely, slosh the affected areas with a soft sponge or washcloth. As with the vinegar (4), you could also fill a spray bottle, and spray the tea directly on the skin. And don't throw away the used (cool) teabags. These are especially good for sensitive areas around the eyes ? simply place the teabags over your eyes if they feel hot and tired. (If you have 'St. John's Wort', consider using this as it contains cooling properties, which can help tone down some of the heat in your skin, as well as soothing the nerve endings damaged by the sunburn). 3. Aloe Vera: - Aloe Vera is commonly used to treat sunburn. As well as providing soothing relief, it may also assist in the healing process. Apply to the affected areas as needed. Although the gel extracted directly from an aloe Vera plant works best, if you don't have ready access to one, you may use an 'over the counter' Aloe Vera Cream that contains the gel. For this to be effective, just ensure that the cream contains a high concentration of Aloe Vera than it does water or other solutions. 4. Water: - When exposed to the sun, your body loses water and essential body salts. Dehydration occurs when your body loses too much fluid, and begins to reabsorb fluid from the blood and other body tissues. To prevent the consequences of dehydration, increase your fluid intake to ensure you adequately re-hydrate your body for optimum recovery and health. Sunburn should of course be avoided where possible -- particularly as it's adverse affects not only include damage to the skin, but also the increased risk of skin cancer. Prevention and protection should always be considered the best treatment for sunburn, and will assist in ensuring your optimum long-term health! DISCLAIMER: These are home remedy tips only, and should not replace your regular health care provider. If in doubt at any time in relation to your sunburn, please seek the appropriate health care assistance. Angela Perin is editor of the 'Safe Tan Ezine', which features practical articles and tips on Beauty, Fitness, Nutrition and more. To discover the Ultimate Experience in Natural Sunless Tanning, visit http://www.safetan.com.au
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It involved the injection of EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid) that is an effective and widely studied chelating agent. But gradually, oral chelation scored over intravenous chelation. This is primarily because of the comparative cost involvements. While, intravenous chelation is definitely less expensive from bypass surgery or angioplasty, they are still costlier in comparison to oral chelation. How to Use the Subconscious to Cope with Lifestyle Triggers of Your Pain Emotions, food and lack of sleep can all be potent triggers of pain signals in your body. Here's a way to use your subconscious mind to try to lessen the impact of those triggers. Green Tea for Health: Your Heart Will Thank You I began drinking green tea about five years ago after I had my cholesterol checked. I am not overweight and do not eat a lot of saturated and trans fats, but my LDL cholesterol was a little on the high side, according to my doctor. I began reading up on ways to lower my cholesterol and found a lot of information pointing to green tea as a remedy. Fruits, Juices, and Food for Relieving Hemorrhoids Part II Eating the right kind of food and following good eating habits will speed up your healing of your hemorrhoids. If you have a diet that is hard to digest and moves slowly through your colon, then, expect to have constipation which will encourage formation of hemorrhoids or prevent the their healing. Prevent Disease By Thinking Differently Than Experts Did you know that all physicians and medical researchers have been indoctrinated with a flawed model of thinking dating to the 17th century? Chiropractors: Theyre on My Team! Whenever I see the title "men's health", it conjures up a couple of images in my mind, and as far as most of the articles I see on the subject, they fall into one of two distinct and very different categories. 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The Honeybush Miracle Perhaps a little eclipsed by the world-wide success of Rooibos, another natural South African health tea, Honeybush; is finally getting the attention it deserves. How Can Green Tea Benefit My Family? No doubt you've heard of Green Tea and the health benefits you can experience from drinking it. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental and emotional condition that has its origins in a physical and/or mentally traumatic event that occurred anywhere from a few days to several years in the past. PTSD can develop by one overwhelming trauma as in 9/11 or by a series of smaller traumas or abuses occurring over several years such as living in an alcoholic home. It can be recognized from symptoms such as recurrent and persistent recollections of the traumatic event and recurring dreams of the event. The History of Reflexology It is important to be aware of the great archetypal history manifested by the practitioners which dates back over 6,000 years. Quantum Biology and Its Uses for Aromatherapy Bel'Air has brought in cutting edge medical technology from Europe and America, in the form of "Quantum Xrriod C.I System", to allow distributors to understand their health conditions using the most advanced medical therapeutic method. Without the use of computation segmentation and test strips, you can have access to more than 300 health statistics for your body within a few seconds, such as stomach problems, extent of toxins within the body, immunity functions, etc. You do not even need to go through blood tests or X-rays; all you need is to place your head, hands and feet on the device and it will be able to test for any abnormalities pertaining to liver functions, cancerous signs, spinal construction, etc. Professional medical practitioners will also advise you on the kind of Bel'Air essential oil to use to create the most accurate and effective medical therapy results. Health in the Self What is health? Reduce Asthma And Breathe Free Asthma can be a serous and often frightening condition that is typified by a tightening of the chest, wheezing and difficulty breathing. Asthma is made up of two underlying components: inflammation and constriction. During normal breathing, the bands of muscles that surround the airways are relaxed, and air moves freely. But in people with asthma, the bands of muscle surrounding the airways tighten and air cannot move freely. In addition, individuals with asthma often have airways that are inflamed, irritated and swollen. This can make it hard for them to breathe. This irritation can also cause the mucus membrane that lines these tissues to produce excessive mucus, which can further reduce the flow of air into the lungs. Cure Arthritis? Right! Arthritis sufferers are daily bombarded with new, better, more exciting treatments. Try Enbrel! Try Humira! Miracle drugs!Get your NSAIDS! Get your DMARDS! Pump more chemicals into your system. Side effects? What side effects? You have a choice; accept the side effects or get sicker and sicker. Healing the Body & Mind ? The Karma of Health Within each one of us resides the divine healer. All healings come from within and not outside. Once the healer within is set in motion the healing takes effect. Alternative Medicine & Herbal Preparations Alternative medicine is gaining more attention every day. The idea that one can heal their body, prevent physical symptoms and even treat them - naturally - is very appealing. It is especially appealing in the wake of some alarming findings on popular prescription medications which resulted in them being pulled from shelves due to health hazards. ![]() |
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