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Ecology Chypre belongs to the evergreen plant family with needle-like leaves. It has about 20 different varieties, all growing to heights of 25 to 45 metres. Chypre has scale-like leaves growing on its trunk and branches. Both its pistillate (female flower) and staminate (male flower) grows on the same branch. The pistillate bears fruits and contains round winged seeds. The Mediterranean or Italian chypre originates from the coastal regions of Europe but at present, chypre is also cultivated in the temperate zones of Europe and North America. These chypre trees are grown very close to one another, thus making them a good choice for building windbreak forest in South Africa. Chypre is also seen in most of the gardens in South Africa, Greece and Italy. Origins Ancient Egyptians were very familiar with chypre. Many records have pointed to the medicinal usage of chypre. Even ancient coffins were made from chypre wood. Ancient Egyptians also used chypre as offerings to their gods, thus chypre was commonly used in funeral rites. Chypre was even used as a cure for hemorrhoids bleeding. In fact, in many unearthed ancient records, chypre was often quoted as having the power to stop bleeding. Many scientific experiments have also proven that chypre has the ability to contract blood vessels and cure many illnesses such as varicosity and hemorrhoids. Benefits Chypre essential oil is extracted from the tender leaves and round winged seeds via the process of steam distillation. The essential oil is colorless or sometimes pale yellowish. After distillation, the essential oil has a subtle scent of woody and amber muskiness. Its fragrance is very refreshing, allowing an easing of the heart and mind. Frequent usage of chypre not only purifies the heart and spirit, it is also believed that chypre helps to improve the respiratory system. Inhale your way to better health with chypre!
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Body Calling: All Natural Cures Natural remedies can heal and have been around for centuries. They are affodable cost wise: vitamins, minerals, calcium supplements, digestive enzymes and essential oils. In the 1970's vitamins, minerals and natural enzymes were considered a cure for the fatal and terminal inherited disease Cystic Fibrosis. This research and discovery took the lifespan of 5 Year Old children into 30 years of age and some now into 60 years of age! The quality of life was dramatically increased 25 to 50 years to what was once only known as a "Childhood Disease". There is now a dire need for Physicians for "Adult Cystic Fibrosis" to help them maintain and continue optimal health. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, donated $20 Million dollars to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in 1999 due to the fact research was doing it's job helping to extend all these children's lives! The point is our bodies all need all natural herbs, vitamins, minerals, supplements, essential oils, fatty acids to reach optimal health. It has been proven over and over most problems go away and many diseases and "the New Diseases" or so they are now labeled "Disease" can be cured and or maintained. Preventive Medicine - Ayurveda It should not be hard for anyone to imagine that man sought medicine to maintain life and gain knowledge since the time of his being pre-hominid and eating plants while learning which ones killed him. Your puppy or kitten will show this when it goes outside for the first time and eats grass to help its gastrointestinal processes. The Therapeutae of Pythagoras who some say developed the pentagram were learning from far more ancient insights that were being lost and we have lost a lot of the knowledge of healing he had in his chanting or 'Singing of the Spheres'. Natural Pain Relief Through Magnetic Therapy is Possible No one can deny the power of magnets, racing pigeons find their way home across thousands of miles, and Salmon use the earth's magnetic pulses to travel through oceans to make their way back to their spawning grounds. The ancient Celts built their places of worship at points where the earth's magnetic ley lines intersect. Beating Your Neck, Back and Shoulder Pain Suffering from neck, back and shoulder pain? If you are, you're in good company. Millions of people wake up every morning and endure every day experiencing pain in their necks, backs and shoulders. While neck, back and shoulder pain used to be thought of as conditions affecting only adults, due to more parents scheduling routine doctors visits for their kids, it's becoming increasingly apparent that children and teenagers are also suffering from the symptoms. So if it's not age that causes this severe discomfort, what is it? Believe it or not, the culprit may be your sleep habits and the position you sleep in. Lemon and Parsley Home Remedies You might think of lemon and parsley as great garnishes for your drink glass and plate, but did you know that you can use them to ease symptoms of common minor ailments? Hemorrhoids ? What Do I Need To Do? There are many unpleasant symptoms and diseases associated with constipation. Hemorrhoids is one such symptom and many doctor or practitioners say, "its not a serious condition." As a natural nutritional consultant, I say, "Hemorrhoids is a condition you need to treat or better yet eliminate." Being Rubbed Up ? The Right Way! - The Therapeutic Wonders of Massage PROBABLY one of the most powerful preventive medicine tools available to us is that of Massage. It is one of the oldest forms of treatment and can be traced back many thousands of years to the ancient Greeks, Persians and Chinese who are said to have practiced massage as a spiritual art. The word Massage comes from the Greek 'massein' meaning 'to knead'. Today in this fast paced 21st century, it could be argued that we've never known a more hectic style of living. When we become stressed our activity becomes strenuous and our energy requirements exceed supply. Our bodies can become tired and stiff, our muscles cramped and sluggish with the overall feeling of being tense, fatigued and stressed. But do we take time-out? Do we look for ways to relax and slow down? Do we decide to nurture ourselves a little? Usually not! Let's face it, most of us just soldier on. We are so caught up on the treadmill of our busy lives that we have forgotten how to listen to our bodies. The experts and their statistics tell us that we are living longer than ever before. Our life expectancy is extending every few years with a result that most of us can now expect to live well into our eighties! Perhaps this is one of the reasons that more and more people today are now taking responsibility for their own health and well being. People are looking to complementary therapies to aid the recovery from tension, stress and fatigue. In our determination to be healthy and remain healthy many of us now use massage as a powerful form of preventative medicine and as part of an integrated approach to our personal health care. THE POWER OF TOUCH It has long been recognized that the power of touch is crucial to us as humans. We are all sensual beings and as a result our bodies respond well to massage and human contact. Research in the UK has proven that in many health institutions, such as hospitals and nursing homes, etc. patients responded better to treatment and were more content when there was more physical contact between their carers and themselves. Here's why it works - There are many types of massage techniques which can include, sports massage, mother and baby massage, Swedish, Shiatsu and Reflexology, but the basic principle of each is very similar. Massage improves circulation allowing your blood to send oxygen and nutrients to your muscles where ultimately they are converted into energy. Furthermore it assists the filtering out of toxins and drains the essential lymph system which is so important for a strong immune system. The result? A nourished, cleansed and relaxed body and a wonderful sense of well being that can last for many days afterwards! POINTS TO REMEMBER WHEN VISITING A MASSAGE THERAPIST: - 1) A qualified massage therapist will have undergone a substantial period of training and should be a member of an international association relating to his/her specific field of expertise. There are a number of excellent therapists in your locality and referring to your telephone directories should provide you with a qualified massage therapist or clinic in your area. 2) Your therapist will want to get to know about you on your first visit and will prepare a personal case history based on a number of questions he/she will ask. In order for the therapist to provide you with the best suited therapy during your session these questions are important and will touch upon medical, social, personal information as well as your family history of illnesses, etc. Based on the information compiled the therapist will then design a treatment specifically for you. 3) It is important for you to feel at ease with your therapist and it is the practitioner's job to make you feel comfortable and explain to you what they will be doing. 4) Always let your therapist know what you are planning to do after your massage. 5) If you are planning to have an Aromatherapy Massage, i.e. a massage combined with pure essential oils, it is best not to have a shower or bath for approximately eight hours as this period of time is needed to allow the full absorption of the oils into the body. 6) Finally when your session is complete your therapist will allow you some quiet time to relax on your own before getting up and heading off and continuing your day. So, as and from today, make a promise to yourself, commit to having a healthier body, system and rested mind and book that massage appointment now ? aren't you worth it? Green Apple: Refreshing Taste, Uplifting Fragrance "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" How to Use Natural Remedies for Ulcers Caused by Helicobacter Pylori One of the bacteria that live in your mouth and cause gingivitis is the helicobacter pylori or H. pylori. This bacterium is transmitted by kissing. Everyone have this bacterium in his or her mouth and stomach. You mostly likely got this when you were a youngster and were kissed by your parents and all kinds of relatives. Allergy Control: Reducing Airborne Allergens in Your Home Those who are plagued by allergies are always struggling to diminish those irritants that cause watery eyes, runny noses and rashes that sometimes translate into full-blown hives. These and other symptoms can be brought about by a number of contaminants that infiltrate the very air that people breathe within their own homes. If you're among those who are constantly being attacked by airborne allergens, there are some positive steps that you can take in order to reduce or eliminate the elements that are the catalysts to allergy attacks. Injured Athletes and Acupuncture I have always been amazed at the clinical results that I have seen with injured athletes and acupuncture. For a while, my wife and I worked closely with a number of athletes from a world championship athletic team, the Santa Barbara Condors At the world class level, these athletes would be compared to world cup soccer players in the way their body is used and abused. My findings were that for most types of injuries, acupuncture had profound results. What is important is the distinction between acupuncture that is used to get rid of pain, and acupuncture that is used to relax the muscles and soft tissue (while freeing up the energy flow). Also, the distinction of separating sprain from strain and tear. The best results that I always found were from stress and strain. Tear, I would always refer to an Orthopedic Physician and suggest herbs to speed up the healing process. When it comes to knots, clicks, pops, soreness, tension, and aches, acupuncture is extremely effective. Plain Soap as a Natural Method of Infection Prevention It is estimated that 80 percent of communicable illnesses are spread through touch but only about 30 percent of adults wash their hands after using the toilet and still fewer wash thoroughly. The very people who ought to know better are among the worst offenders. Nosocomial infections, or those occurring as the result of hospital caregivers not washing properly, kill 30,000 people each year and sicken another 70,000. In fact, the CDC estimates that as many as 15% of all hospital patients catch some type of nosocomial infection. The vast majority of these illnesses and deaths could easily be prevented by careful, deliberate handwashing with plain soap and clean water. Strong Drugstore Laxatives ? Use With Caution Osmotic chemicals ? Saline Carthertics Sleep And Massage Therapy Hands-On Therapy for Peaceful Sleep Just The Tea FAQs: Health Benefits (Part II) A hot cup of tea might be just the thing to soothe a sore throat, warm the body, or relax with after a stress-filled day. But tea is more than just a comfort drink. Its healthful properties make it a smart choice for just about everyone. Tea has been used as a medicine in other cultures for many years, but it has only recently gained a great deal of media attention for the many nutritional benefits it offers. Reduce Asthma And Breathe Free Asthma can be a serous and often frightening condition that is typified by a tightening of the chest, wheezing and difficulty breathing. Asthma is made up of two underlying components: inflammation and constriction. During normal breathing, the bands of muscles that surround the airways are relaxed, and air moves freely. But in people with asthma, the bands of muscle surrounding the airways tighten and air cannot move freely. In addition, individuals with asthma often have airways that are inflamed, irritated and swollen. This can make it hard for them to breathe. This irritation can also cause the mucus membrane that lines these tissues to produce excessive mucus, which can further reduce the flow of air into the lungs. Magnets: How Do They Really Work? Can magnets actually help us feel better? When I first read about this theory I was somewhat skeptical but curious. After looking into it further and trying out a few magnetic products, I was pleasantly surprised. Let me tell you a few things I found out. Basilic : A Priceless Uplifter "The smell of basil is good for the heart, it taketh away sorrowfulness, which commeth of melancholy and maketh a man merry and glad". (John Gerard) Benefits of Alternative Medicine With the growing number of people being affected by newly discovered chronic degenerative diseases such as AIDS and chronic fatigue syndrome, Are you worried or wondering.... Mindfulness and Pain: Just Say Ouch What's the best way to manage pain? ![]() |
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