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Lemon and Parsley Home Remedies
You might think of lemon and parsley as great garnishes for your drink glass and plate, but did you know that you can use them to ease symptoms of common minor ailments? Sure, the lemon makes a good drink and even tastes good squirted on fish, but you might want to make sure you have some on hand for more than dinner. The lemon can be your best friend when you have a common headache. Simply cut a long strip of the rind and put it on your forehead ? rub in the inside white part and then fasten it to your head. Sure, you'll look a little nutty but who cares as long as it gets rid of the ache! Lemon peel is not only good for the head, but for the feet too! One age old remedy for corns is to apply a lemon peel (white side against the corn) to the corn and affix it so that it stays on overnight. You can remove it during the day, but repeat each night for 7 days. Parsley is another great home remedy food that is often left uneaten on the side of the plate. Besides being rich in potassium and vitamins it is also reputed to strengthen the kidneys and help with waste removal. And not only that, but it can help relive bad breath too! So next time you get some parsley on your plate, eat up! Parsley is also good as a topical remedy for bruises. Next time you have a bruise, crush up some parsley leaves and apply straight to the affected area. One other problem that parsley is a good remedy for is bladder infections. You've probably experienced how quickly cranberry juice can clear up one of these, but if you don't like cranberries or get sick of drinking it, try a parsley tea. Simply pour some boiled water over parsley and let steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain out the parsley and drink. Visit herbs-home-remedies.com for more on natural home remedies and herbs. Don't forget to check their extensive article database.
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Ive Given Away Control of My Life To Doctors?and Now I Want It Back. But How Realistic Is It For You To Start Managing Your Own Pain Using the Mind-Body Connection? Lead Poisoning in Environment and Our Children Pollution is generallyy defined as the release of harmful environmental contaminants. Pollution can take two major forms: local pollution and global pollution. In the past, only local pollution was thought to be a problem. For example, coal burning produces smoke and in sufficient concentrations can be a health hazard. One slogan, taught in schools was "The solution to pollution is dilution". In recent decades, awareness has been rising that some forms of pollution pose a global problem. My Search for Happiness in the First Year of Sobriety DAY 1: HOUR BY HOUR Natures Way To Relieve Arthritis Pain PINEAPPLE AND PAPAYAS Classical Music Therapy Music, more than entertainment, has played an instrumental role in healing and harmonizing the mind, body and spirit. For thousands of years, the Vedic culture has used sound and music for body and mind balancing, health enhancement, healing promotion and encouragement of heightened awareness. The Greek mathematician, Pythagoras theorized that music diminished and even eradicated negative energy and emotions. Modern studies explicitly show that specific sounds and music do in fact, have documented, measurable and multiple healing benefits. Today's medicine understands that all bodily functions, like breathing and pulse, work cyclically and rhythmically. It is these rhythms that are influenced and synchronized with certain music and sound patterns. Health Improvements for Your Family Your husband always seems tired. Your son is always hungry. And your daughter? Well, she goes through enough hair products to try to make her hair look healthier, that you're sure all the chemicals she's using are going to make her go bald. So, what if there was a way you could increase your husband's metabolism, decrease your son's hunger, and give your daughter really healthy hair instead of hair that just looks healthy? And what if all that could be done from the juice of just one plant's fruit? The Raindrop Technique Massage Raindrop Technique is a procedure for applying therapeutic grade essential oils to the feet, back and spine. It is a form of aromatherapy. Raindrop icorporates certain Native American concepts, including a special form of massage called "feather stroking" which is simular to a massage technique called "effeurage". Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Phantom Pain Much of what goes on in our bodies is controlled by the subconscious mind. A simple example is the process of moving from a sitting to a standing position. Infants (and stroke survivors also, for example) have to think consciously of exactly what their muscles need to do while they are learning to stand up, but it soon becomes automatic. Thereafter, when we want to stand up, we simply do it -- from then on, it's a process that's controlled by the subconscious mind. Reduce the Effects of Fears and Phobias with Hypnosis Hypnosis is very useful in the treatment of fears and phobias. Hypnosis is perfectly natural and allows you to experience deep physical and mental relaxation. Daydreaming is very similar to hypnosis in that it is a mild hypnotic state. With hypnosis you are always in control, you remember everything that happened and you can come out of a hypnotic state at any time. Aromatherapy -- The Fact & The Fiction You've seen those mysterious little brown bottles in the health food store. But do you really know what "essential oils" are? Have you seen outrageous claims about lavender instantly curing wounds and found yourself thinking "Whoa!"? Let's take a look at one of the biggest fads to hit North America in years and try to separate some of the fact from the fiction. MSM: Enhance Your Overall Beauty, Your Hair, Nails, And Skin While Reducing Allergic Reactions Welcome to another exciting issue of "The Home Made Medicine e-zine". Lavender : The Purple Panacea Lavender is wholly spent with us, for to perfume linen, and the dried flowers to comfort and dry up the moisture of a cold braine(Parkinson) Holistic Methods: Hemp Seed Oil and Aromatherapy in Steamboat Springs, Colorado Aromatherapy is a well known holistic method for healing, but when boosted by the quickly penetrating carrier hemp seed oil, the healing potential is magnified exponentially. No other carrier oil can take the beneficial medicinal qualities of aromatic essential oils as quickly through the epidermis as hemp seed oil, so if your lotions and salves are missing it, you're not doing your body justice, but it's not too late?. Essential Oils Are Essential For Our Time What is "it"? Oils-Pure Essential Oils. Frankincense and Myrrh, for Christ's birth; Christ anointed with oils for healing. The Egyptians used it for healing, so why don't we? We have been exposed to oils for basic smells, but what about using them for more therapeutic purposes? The Flu Hysteria and Your Family (originally in Nov. 2004 ZoneNet Newsletter) Pain Relief: Is There an Alternative? Do you rely on Vioxx, Celebrex or Aleve (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs) to ease pain? If you suffer from inflammatory arthritis or pain due to injuries, you probably are familiar with one of these drugs. No doubt you have also heard recent reports linking some NSAIDs with an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Belonging to a class called Cox-2 inhibitors, the drugs in question work by reducing inflammation and pain, while having a minimal effect on stomach bleeding and ulcers. But several studies have raised questions as to the long-term consequences of using Vioxx, Celebrex, Aleve and, possibly, other drugs in this classification. What are the facts and do you have an alternative for pain relief? Using Carrot Juice for Relieving Constipation Carrot Juice Complementary Medicine Complementary Medicine is the use of natural therapy and medicines to restore and maintain health in addition to conventional medicine. Dating back to 420 B.C., around the time of Hippocrates, complementary medicine is also considered a practice beyond the realm of conventional modern medicine - naturopathy, chiropractic, Ayurvedic, homeopathy, acupuncture and so many other complementary medicine treatments are steadily in demand and on the rise. New Foot in the Sand Technology can Solve Many Health Problems A vast array of after-market insoles has been merchandised through the years. Most of these consist of a bed of cushioning foam with only hints of accommodation for foot anatomy. Other than extremely expensive orthotic insoles, commercial varieties do little to solve the far-reaching problems of feet restricted in a quite unnatural device, the shoe. YARROW TEA (Achillea Millefolium) An amazing tea that can help with colds and flu, and also help you see in pure colour. Yarrow has an ancient history. The generic name comes from Achilles who, according to legend, saved the lives of his warriors by healing their wounds with yarrow leaves. Crushed and rolled in the hands the plant provides a temporary styptic to check blood flow. Millefolium means 'thousand leaves' which were reputed to help with binding a wound and helping a scab to form. One of this astringent herb's ancient names is 'Soldier's Woundwort', along with 'Carpenter's Weed', 'Staunchweed' and others that show its popularity and prolonged use over many centuries. ![]() |
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