Advertising Information

What the Newspaper Ad Person Won?t Tell You

Newspapers are considered the PRIMARY advertisingmedium by 99.4% of all retailers. Newspapers havebeen there in every step of the typical storeowner?s life from the very beginning. Newspaperscovered his birth, his high school graduation, hisengagement, his marriage, the death of his parentsand everything else.

The Skinny on Billboards

Several years back the billboard people put a bigpicture of "Sharlene Wells, Miss America" onbillboards all over town. She was everywhere. Theclever use of the girl had two purposes; the firstwas to cover up all the unsold boards. The secondwas to show the effectiveness of billboardadvertising.

9 Tips for Better Billboards

It is a given that billboard advertising "outdoor"is not a "quick fix". If sales are down, you can'tquickly put up a few boards to boost the numbers.You must plan ahead.

7 Tips for Better Ads

The content of advertising is basically the sameno matter what the media. It is good and it works,or it is bad. Some TV ads are so clever peopletend to remember the cleverness and forget theproduct.

Books, Bibles and Fast-Talkers

Every community has 'em. Fast talkers who rollinto town with a clever idea to sell to people inbusiness.

What Do Your Ads Say?

Make a list of everything you think should beincluded at one time or another, in one of yourad, be it radio, newspaper or Little Jimmie'sclass play program.

The SKINNY on Radio Advertising

From meager beginnings in 1920, radio has grownwith us to be a major player in advertising. Theradio industry says they get about 8 percent ofall advertising bucks. Not bad when you considerthe many ways to hawk your service or product

Should You Advertise on TV?

When people discover my background in advertising,the questions flow. One of the most frequentquestions is "Should I advertise on TV?"

Send em to the White Pages

Your business is listed in the Yellow Pageswhether you buy an ad or not. Your business islisted in the Yellow Book and the other phonebooks, too, no purchase necessary.

15 Tips for Better Yellow Page Ads

Yellow Pages advertising is one of the mostpopular forms of advertising in the country today.Almost every home in America (96.9%) and businesshas at least one copy of "the book".

5 Tips for Hot Yellow Pages Ads

Yellow Pages advertising is one of the mostpopular forms of advertising in the country today.Almost every home in America (96.9%) and businesshas at least one copy of "the book".

Radio Interview 101

Different Types of Station Contact

Creditability In Advertising

I recently saw an ad taped to my mailbox, mind you, my mailbox is shared by many residents of my area. The postal real estate is typically reserved for flyers of lost dogs, cats, small children, etc. This time, however, the ad was soliciting a service which, I feel, requires a personal connection. The ad simply stated: ?Affordable, Quality, Licensed, Day Care. Call XXX-XXXX?

7 Unique Ways To Get FREE Advertising

1. Give Testimonials When you purchase a product or service and it exceeds your expectations e-mail the business a testimonial. Tell them in the testimonial the benefits you got from the product or service. Give them permission to publish the testimonial on the web site if they include your sig file at the end.

When Advertising Wears Out

One of the challenges facing marketers is determining the most effective level of advertising exposure for a brand, while maintaining a given budget. Conceptually, the media planner could choose continuous advertising (even exposures spread over a period of time) or follow a strategy of pulsing (?on? for some months and ?off? for others). The decision is important because the wrong one will considerably affect customer response. When advertisements are run at a low frequency (very few times), they run a risk of going unnoticed. The first time customers view an advertisement, a majority of the time, the message doesn?t even process in their minds. On the other hand, when an advertisement is run at a high frequency, advertising wearout may occur. Therefore, the task at hand is finding just the right frequency for a positive response.

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