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Got Fleas? How to Spot and Care For Fleas on Your Dog
Your poor pooch is scratching himself all over. Plus, youknow he's uncomfortable because he's whimpering andgnawing too. Chances are, he's got fleas. These little sixleggedparasites will wreak havoc and mayhem for you andyour pet if you don't learn how to take care of the problemnow. Most fleas are known in the medical world as CtenocephalidesFelis, which is a species of cat flea that has really enjoys dogmeat. It's ironic, but true. These little buggers have fourstages to their life-egg-larva-pupa-adult-and it's yourjob to kill them all off or you're going to have big problemswith these tiny insects. Fleas thrive in warm, humid and low altitude areas. Femalefleas are the one's that need your puppy or dog's blood inorder to lay her eggs, and their most likely the ones that areaggravating your pooch the most. However, male fleas alsodo their fair share of bloodletting on your doggie's skin. Ifyou live in a warmer climate (southern US states or Hawaii),you should treat your dog for fleas year-round. There are many ways to check to see if you puppy or doghas fleas. As mentioned above, they may scratch, bite orwhimper, but many dogs won't react at all. It simplydepends upon their skin type and if they have an allergicreaction to the flea's salvia residue, and not the actual bite. If your dog is allergic to fleas and/or their bites, you'll know it. It's called Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD), and the dog maydevelop a rash or even lose hair. Fleas also spreadtapeworms and have been known in extreme, but not rare,cases to cause your dog (or especially puppies) anemia.To check for fleas yourself, simply brush up your puppy ordog's coat and look for the insects hopping around. If youcan't see them for yourself, try using a magnifying glassunder good light. Keep in mind that fleas don't necessarilylive on your dog. So, you may have to check for small fleafeces or eggs, which are brown and/or red. If you notice fleas, there are some things that you must do.You may want to talk or visit with your vet before startingyour own flea-battling regimen. First, let's take care of thepuppy or dog. Use gentle flea and tick shampoo. Wash andsoak thoroughly. The shampoo will rid your dog's skin ofany eggs, larvae or flea feces. When dry, you may want touse some flea powder on your dog. But first, test a spot tomake sure that it doesn't burn or irritate your dog's skin.Second, wash the puppy or dog's sleeping area (which youshould do once a week anyway). Use a pyrethrin-basedproduct or an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) or InsectDevelopmental Inhibitor (IDI) on his sleeping area.Try using a monthly dosage product proven to help battleagainst fleas. If your dog still has discomfort, use adermatological mist and/or try an antihistamine tablet. Keepyour dog from running all over the house. He shouldremain somewhat quarantined as to not roll around on orbecome infected with any more fleas. Finally, it's time to take care of the environment that the fleas thrive in, your home. First, experts say that vacuuming the infected area will help substantially. Be sure to empty andchange the vacuum bag each time. Then, you can use an IGRor IDI product throughout your home. Better yet, use acanned fogger in your home and spray in all the hard-toreachareas. Then, vacuum thoroughly again. You can alsotreat the grass in your yard against fleas. It's a full-fledgedbattle against an almost invisible enemy. You can win it, andyou must for you and your dog's sanity. About the Author:
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If a child can learn to treat an animal with respect they can take that lesson into later life. A cat can be a marvellous, loving companion for a child, but it is up to the adults in the family to ensure the cat and the kids live together happily ever after. How to Start a Pet-Sitting Business Everyday someone asks me, "How do you start a pet-sitting business?" I try to answer their question succinctly. But the truth is, starting a pet-sitting business, or any business is not always a succinct process. Following are 21 tips that I know can lead to pet-care business success in any economy. Does Your Dog Need Puppy Prozac? Is your dog up to dirty no good again? Did he eat your socks? Knock your drink off the coffee table? Chew through your favorite vintage record album? Should you invest in Doggy Prozac? Should you think about dropping him off at the local pound? If You Want a Friend, Get a Dog! Carl Icahn, the hostile takeover master who was THE original corporate raider, is often quoted as saying, "In this business, if you want a friend, get a dog!" The rest of us already knew that dog was man's best friend, and with good reason. Dogs as pets date back at least as far as the days of Pompeii, where the remains of a dog stretched out next to a little boy were recovered from the rubble at Pompeii. Dog Breath-It Doesnt HAVE to Be SO Bad! While your friends and family are amazed that you'reraising such an amazing dog, you notice that they flinchwhen the dog gets too close. They may shrug away or notbend down to pet him as they once did. While they may notsay so directly, it could be due to your dog's killer breath.While this situation is all too common, hopefully you'venoticed your pooch's halitosis before anyone says or doesanything to cause you (or your poor dog) embarrassment.As stated, your dog cannot tell you that he has a sticky,plaque taste in his mouth that won't stop. 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However no matter how serious it may be you can contain it if you are able to diagnose the cause of this aggressive dog behavior. Animals Are Forever Throughout the course of my life, I've encountered my own share of dogs. From early childhood days, I recall having several dogs that stayed temporarily with us until my dad's next military assignment. Though my parents took good care of our animals, military life was unsuitable for animal adoptions as in most cases, animals were not permitted to go back overseas with us; thus we were inevitably forced to find homes for our pets. Six Dog Training Tips to Modify Negative Behavior Almost every dog owner will have to use some sort of behavior modification techniques at one time or another when training their prized pet. If you are able to 'get' why your dog does what he does, when he does it, you are one step closer to solving the problem. This article will detail ten ways of doing just that, in a general fashion that can be used for a wide variety of issues. How to Make Your Cats Life, and YOUR Life, Happier - Training Your Cat Imagine that you are scolding your cat for scratching at your new furniture, and Kitty is sitting staring at you. Suddenly you realize how silly you look and how futile your scolding is. So how do you train your cat to respect your home? ![]() |
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