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Crate Training Your Puppy
Teaching your puppy crate training is the first and best step in his life. It makes all the other steps in his training go so much smoother, much like a solid foundation makes for a superior wall. Establishing you as the Alpha member of his "pack" is one very good reason for starting your puppy in a crate when he is very young. Another reason for crate training is that dogs love predictability. To know what is going to happen in any given situation makes him happy, and more apt to be the best-behaved dog he can possibly be. A strong crate is the very basis of good puppy training. A wire crate with a lock is the best kind. Make sure it is large enough for him to stand up and turn around. But not so large that he can roam and wander around. A too-large crate will inhibit house breaking. A crate that is just the right size will be perceived as his "nest", where puppies never "go potty". They will learn to hold it if you don't make a prison out of it. Never leave a puppy under 8 weeks longer than one hour in his crate. He will soil it, after struggling and suffering as long as he can. Put a nice pad in there with a bone. Start with placing a tasty treat in there, he will go in and get it. Do this several times without closing the door, let him come in and out freely for an hour or so. Praise him highly each time he goes in, make it all very pleasant. Then when his attention is on his treat, close the door. Praise him quietly, "What a good boy, it's ok, such a good boy!" In 10 or 20 seconds, no longer, let him out without a word, no praise, just a pat. Do this for increasingly longer intervals, but do not give him a chance to get upset. You can do this several times the first day. Make sure every training session ends on a happy note, this is crucial. Once he sees the crate is his own private territory, he will go in there on his own, expecting treats and your attention. When he does, say, "Wanna crate?" with a happy face while getting his treats. Start leaving the room while he is in there for 2 minutes and onward, gradually. When you return, don't make a fuss, just walk over and open the crate. In 3 days he will be officially crate-trained, ready to be left alone for an hour, no longer at first. Leave him gradually longer, slowly and carefully. Q. Why do I want a crate for my puppy? A. Because they love it is the best reason. They feel very safe and secure in there. Here are some more: When you leave a puppy alone, he always has some measure of separation anxiety. This leads him to any behavior that brings him comfort, which is chewing, digging, or when it is severe, voiding his bowels. When placed in a crate, he feels safe because nothing can get to him, nothing can harm him. He will sleep and chew and wait for you to return. Crate training is the first step in being able to leave him overnight at the vet. Without it he will cry the entire time, feeling lost and abandoned. With crate training, he is sure you will return, you always do. Of course the vet's office is strange and will cause him some anxiety, but nothing like the pure terror he will feel without experience in being locked in. NOTE: About crate-training, do not make a prison of his crate. Do not use it as punishment. Do not leave him there for more than 2 hours, just time for a long puppy nap and some chew time. After that he will cry. Do not remove him while he is crying. This will make him think he has to cry to get out. No matter what, make sure he is being good when you open the door. He will learn he has to be quiet to get out. Do not make a fuss when you are letting him out, just quietly open the door and take him out to potty. When he potties, praise him to high heaven! Dogs naturally do not go where they nest, but sometimes it happens. Do not scold, just clean it out with a bland face. He will learn the lesson. If possible, try to clean it while he is outside so he returns to a clean crate. In 25 years of training dogs, I have never seen any one thing more critical for a dog's well-being than good crate training. Dy Witt has shown, bred and trained standard poodles for 25 years. The dog training method she uses has started her puppies off so well that the vets nad groomers of her placed pups have sent word back that they had never worked with happier more well-adjusted dogs in their careers. To read more, go to http://www.DogTraining15MinsaDay.com or email her at DogsLoveToWork@aol.com
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With time, you and your dog became very close ? even closer than you are to a lot of people you know. Your dog is special to you. He might be your best friend, a rascally mischief-maker, or just an accessory to your lifestyle. He depends on you for feeding, play, and discipline. You depend on him for companionship, a connection with the animal world, or household security and protection. For these reasons and more, you should protect your dog from harm, and yourself from loss, by getting him a dog tag. Shock Collars: Teaching Your Dog Basic Obedience and Breaking Bad Habits Shock Collars Why Should I Adopt A Pet Over the past couple of years, animal rescues have been gaining popularity and support from all sorts of pet lovers. Basically what rescues do is take in animals and adopt them out to loving homes. Local animal shelters can only provide minimal support for pets needing homes. As a result euthanasia is a unfortunate reality of overpopulated shelters. With the over population of shelters such as the SPCA, rescue organizations are many pets only and last chance at a new beginning. If You Want a Friend, Get a Dog! Carl Icahn, the hostile takeover master who was THE original corporate raider, is often quoted as saying, "In this business, if you want a friend, get a dog!" The rest of us already knew that dog was man's best friend, and with good reason. Dogs as pets date back at least as far as the days of Pompeii, where the remains of a dog stretched out next to a little boy were recovered from the rubble at Pompeii. Water Chemistry For The Discus Tank Much has been written about the Discus, or Symphysodon aequifasciatus, its Latin name. The Discus has always been given a bad rap for being hard to raise and difficult to keep. Actually, these long-lived fishes are easy to keep as long as certain guidelines are followed. Dogs, Cats, Horses?We Love Them All! We have a long history with domesticated animals and even the nay Sayers can't deny their roll in society past and present. Adopt A Pet In order to add love and affection to their lives, many people look into where they can adopt a pet. A number of neglected and deserted animals end up in shelters that house them until someone is looking to adopt a pet or the shelter can no longer care for them. Adopting a pet of any kind from a shelter or animal rescue service is a great way to get a pet with medical treatment as well as the spaying or neutering of the animal. When you adopt a pet from a shelter or rescue that provides these kinds of services, you often save money on the care that the pet received while in the shelter or rescue's care than you would have if you had taken the animal to the vet on your own. Can Cats And Dogs Live Together As Friends? Can cats and dogs live together without constantly being at war? It seems that they very often can. How to Litter Train a Cat For most cat owners, training their cat to use the litter is a relatively painless process. It is among a cat's natural instincts to eliminate in an area that they can cover their feces in. This behavior may be a way of your cat accepting what they perceive to be as the natural order of dominance. In the wild feral cats will bury their feces if they are not at the top of their social hierarchy, if a feral cat does not bury his or her feces it is likely that the cat exhibiting that behavior is the dominant feline. So when your housecat buries his or her waste he or she may be recognizing your role as the dominant animal in their social community. It is also possible, however, that your cat may be displaying his or her inherited instinct to bury his or her feces in order to hide their trail from would be predators. The 5 Things You Should Know Before Breeding Cats The cat population is astronomical. Most experts agree that average cat owners should spay their cat, not breed. Still there are people who want to have a litter from their pet. But there's a lot to think about before planning a feline family. Kittens Are Just The Cutest Things Is there anything more cute and cuddly than tiny little kittens? They're small and light. Cats kittens, they're fragile yet so curious and inquisitive. Kittens bring a sense of well being and comfort into our homes that few other animals can. Does Your Dog Have An Irritating Jumping Habit? Do you have a puppy that jumps on you, company and even your Grandma who has a walker? This can be a very irritating trait for your dog to develop. Unfortunately, it can make people dread coming to your home. No one wants to try to have a conversation with a fluffy fur ball trying to jump on them or sit on their lap. A Guide to Bird Cages for Sale As overwhelming as picking out a pet bird can be, picking a bird cage can be even more so. There are so many options available. Sizes range from mere inches to several feet. Styles range from a simple square box to an elaborate house. Materials, too, can vary greatly-iron, stainless steel, aluminum, acrylic, wooden, brass, and wire are all available. Why Dont I Understand My Dog? I have encountered folks who have complained to me about their numerous (dog) behavior problems. And interestingly enough, I usually discover that most of the behavioral problems are linked to a common factor. That common factor being pet owners all too often miss crucial, pet communication signals because of their busy lifestyles. Dog Obedience Training Dog obedience training begins with the owner. There are several tips to keep in mind before starting any dog obedience training. First of all, understand that dogs have an attention span of no more than ten minutes. Training routines, therefore, should be limited to this time frame. Secondly, all training should be positive. Reward your dog for correct behavior and always end your obedience training sessions on a positive note. Tips For Traveling With Your Dog Wether it be on a vacation to your favorite resort, or just visiting the in-laws for the weekend, many people are choosing to take their dogs with them when traveling. Land or air, there are many things to take into consideration. The best advice is simple; be prepared. Below are some great tips for traveling by air and land. How I Get More Training Done On My Horses In 1/2 The Time Here's a simple way... to help your horse learn twiceas fast. The Pros and Cons of Vaccinating Your Dog To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? That's become the burning question of many dog owners in this day and age. I'm not a veterinarian, just a regular pet owner like yourself, but would like to impart the information I've found regarding regular vaccinations for animals. You can then make your own decision. ![]() |
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