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Are You Listening To Your Cat Talking?
Is your cat talking to you? Many cat lovers claim that their feline pets talk to them. They believe their cats can communicate vocally with them and tell them what they want, how they are feeling, and ask how their day has been! So, can domestic cats talk? Can the meows and trills that emanate from your kitty really be described as your cat talking to you? Yes it can!, and no it can't... Cats can not communicate vocally in the same way that humans can, of course. Cats, in common with other animals, have not developed language as such, they cannot question, debate or describe. But, cats do have extraordinary powers of letting you know what they want, and largely by using their vocal skills. The vocal repertoire of pet cats is greater than most animals because it draws its range of sounds from two distinct vocabularies. In its relationship with other felines, your cat grows from defensive kitten, to an independent adult, and the vocal sounds used for cat talking changes accordingly. But with human companions domestic cats remain very much dependent kittens, and will look upon their owners as their mothers. A modified variety of kitten sounds is used to talk to humans to communicate messages such as "Feed me now!", "I want your attention". It is well known that certain breeds of cats talk more than others. Ask any Siamese cat owner and they will tell you that their pet holds long conversations with them, using its voice to impart an impressive range of meanings. Longhaired breeds, such as the Persian, tend to use their voice more sparingly and are less often heard talking. Cats use body language to communicate just as extensively as they use their voice to talk. We humans, however are not so bright in picking up on these body messages. The tail is used to convey acceptance, fear, annoyance, contentment, and warnings. The ears too, are often used by the cat to signal warnings of annoyance. Nonetheless, nothing is as effective for the cat, in getting a message to humans, as its voice. You may not be looking at your cat when it is trying to tell you something, in which case body language, even if you can interpret it correctly, doesn't do the job. Cats are silent movers, you may not hear your cat enter the kitchen, but you will hear the meeeow! that says "get busy with the can opener!", that's your cat talking! © Copyright 2004 best-cat-art.com - cat talking About The Author If you have a pet related web site and you wish to reproduce the above article you are welcome to do so, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this resource box and live link to http://www.best-cat-art.com Cat art posters, art prints, cat calendars and cat collectibles. Great cat gifts for yourself or your cat loving friends.
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Guinea Pig History Their scientific name is Cavia Tschuldi and their nickname in South America where they were first discovered, is"Cavy.As you might have guessed Guinea Pigs are rodents. Preparing Your Home For a New Puppy While excitement and anticipation will be at the top of the list when bringing home a new puppy for the first time, preparing for his arrival should rank highly on the list. Just as you would have to prepare a home when you have a toddler, pet owners also have to take certain precautions when "puppy-proofing." How to Litter Train a Cat For most cat owners, training their cat to use the litter is a relatively painless process. It is among a cat's natural instincts to eliminate in an area that they can cover their feces in. This behavior may be a way of your cat accepting what they perceive to be as the natural order of dominance. In the wild feral cats will bury their feces if they are not at the top of their social hierarchy, if a feral cat does not bury his or her feces it is likely that the cat exhibiting that behavior is the dominant feline. So when your housecat buries his or her waste he or she may be recognizing your role as the dominant animal in their social community. It is also possible, however, that your cat may be displaying his or her inherited instinct to bury his or her feces in order to hide their trail from would be predators. Dont Let Ticks Ruin Your Dogs Good Time! Nobody likes ticks. Natural Dog Shampoos are Good for Your Dogs Skin and Coat A Healthy Skin and Coat for Your Dog ... A Look at Discount Bird Cages Buying a pet bird can be quite an investment. After spending money on your bird and its supplies, you might be looking to save a little on the cage. Luckily, discount bird cages are available. 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Germany, Canada, The United States, France, and England are among the major countries that have enacted some form of breed specific law that restricts or calls for a complete ban on several breeds from existing peacefully within their borders. Scottie & Westie - This Mistake is Perfectly Understandable Show an uninformed dog lover a photo of a Westie, and they'd identify a Westie as a white Scottie. This mistake is perfectly understandable, since they do have similar physical attributes and both originated from Scotland. Goldfish Tips - Finding Out The Gender of Your Goldfish Boy or Girl? BARF Diet For Dogs - Not As Gross As It Sounds! Are you just starting to research the BARF diet for dogs ? also known as "bones and raw food" or the RAW diet? It can be confusing ? I remember asking TONS of questions when I first started. How do you know how much to feed? WHAT do you feed? Can you mix the BARF diet with processed food? How long does it take to prepare the raw food? How much does it cost to buy all the BARF products necessary? Should you feed raw meat and vegetables? Well, on the last question, only you can decide what's right for your dog, but I'll answer the rest of your questions as best I can. The 7 Stages of Puppy Development Let's take a look at the different stages, but before we do, keep in mind that these stages are generalizations ? each dog will progress at its own pace. Why Exotic Pets Should Not Be Banned We all know how special interest groups can blow things out of proportion ? like the nonexistent "Exotic Pet Crisis." If you listened to some animal rights groups, you'd think keeping exotic pets is cruel, dangerous, and even bordering on treason! Before you buy that agenda, consider that a junior high student once made a convincing case for banning dihydrogen monoxide: colorless, odorless, and tasteless, it kills thousands of people every year. 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Because current survey information at OpinionTrone says most dog owners (over 50%) allow their pets on the family couch. Furthermore, if you allow your pet on the couch, chances are that you do not HAVE a dog house! How to Feed and Care for Orphaned Kittens Over the last 15 years, I have raised nine orphaned kittens. Four of them were two weeks old when their mother was killed; three others were only hours old when their mother died; two more kittens fell out of the nest in our barn when they were only a day old. How To Raise A Goldfish Did you know that your goldfish can live for over 10 years? Under the right conditions he can live even longer but most never make it past the first year! If you want your goldfish to live long and healthy lives, you've got to provide the proper environment. ![]() |
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