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Why Does My Cat Drink Dirty Water?
You know that cats should always have a supply of water, especially if you are feeding them dried food. There on your nice clean kitchen floor is a bowl of nice clean fresh water, in a nice clean bowl. What does your cat do? Maybe gives the bowl a sniff and walks away from it, or just ignores the bowl completely, as if water were the last thing a self respecting cat would consider drinking. "Okay", you think to yourself, "Kitty just isn't thirsty at the moment". But then later, you happen to spy your cat busily lapping up stale water from a puddle in your garden as if it was nectar. Cats are self-reliant, independent creatures, but surely your cat is not going to turn its nose up at the nice clean water you provide, just to let you know it can survive without you? After all, kitty does not reject the food you provide even though it is perfectly capable of catching mice. No, the answer is not your mouser's independence. Tap water is usually treated with chemicals, often chlorinated strongly enough for a cat to smell it. Cats noses are far more sensitive than human noses and many cats find this chemical odor very offensive. Stale water in puddles and pools has a far more attractive smell are far as a cat is concerned. Puddles may be full of rotten vegetation and microbes, but cats find this organic soup very tasty. As well as the off-putting odor of chemicals in tap water, cats find the smell of detergents repugnant. So, because you diligently clean your cat's water bowl in the interest of hygiene, the detergent that you use deters your cat from drinking from it. You use the same detergent to wash your cat's food bowl, why then, does your feline friend eat heartily from the bowl, and not be repelled by the smell of the detergent? This is because the aroma of the fish or meat is stronger than the smell of the detergent. With the water bowl, the combination of the two unpleasant smells, the chemicals in the tap water and the detergent, means that your cat will only quench its thirst from the water bowl if there is no better smelling option to be had. So, what can you do? You need to rinse your cat's bowl more thoroughly than you would a plate for a human. Remember feline noses are far more sensitive than ours, every trace of detergent needs to be rinsed off. Secondly, let the water from the tap stand for a while before putting the bowl down for your cat, this will allow the chemicals to dissipate. These two things should have kitty drinking happily from the dish, unless, of course, kitty has got so used to drinking from puddles it just can't kick the organic water habit! About The Author Larry Chamberlain If you have a pet related web site and you wish to reproduce the above article you are welcome to do so, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this resource box and live link to http://www.best-cat-art.com. Cat art posters, art prints, cat calendars and cat collectibles. Great cat gifts for yourself or your cat loving friends.
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Whilst there are many off the shelf options, increasingly these doggie outlets are offering made to measure individual options for the discerning pet owner.Dog coats are also becoming a must have for every dog's wardrobe. A particularly popular choice is to have a coat that has your canine friend's name embroidered on the side in a color that complements your choice of collar.Dog Edibles from the BoutiqueNot only is it important that your dog looks great but he also wants to feel great! Take a look in your local dog boutique for the latest tempting treats. A great range that is increasing in popularity is the organic biscuits and other treats. What better way to reward your dog and also to keep him fit?Pet Pampering DaysAs well as the many items that you can take away, a specialist dog shop may offer you a 'spa' day for your canine friend or even a health break! These breaks will offer your dog a series of holistic treatments such as massage as well as organic foods and detox. 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No one wants to try to have a conversation with a fluffy fur ball trying to jump on them or sit on their lap. Dog Eye Problems - What To Watch Out For Dog eye problems can occur at any time. You should pay close attention to your dog's eyes just as you would their teeth, so that you can catch any possible infections or injuries immediately and have them treated. Training Collars: Teaching Your Dog Basic Obedience and Breaking Bad Habits Training Collars Lemon Tetras Glassily transparent, the lemon tetra (hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis) could appear to be just a sunbeam flashing through your community tank if not for background elements like plants and driftwood. Another member of the large characin clan, the lemon tetra has a fairly elongated body like its smaller relative the neon tetra and like neons and other characins, the lemon tetra does best if kept in small schools of six to eight fish. Why Should I Adopt A Pet Over the past couple of years, animal rescues have been gaining popularity and support from all sorts of pet lovers. Basically what rescues do is take in animals and adopt them out to loving homes. Local animal shelters can only provide minimal support for pets needing homes. As a result euthanasia is a unfortunate reality of overpopulated shelters. With the over population of shelters such as the SPCA, rescue organizations are many pets only and last chance at a new beginning. Pet Peeve: Dogs Doing Business Where Not Wanted We've recently moved into a new apartment complex that really is much like a resort. We don't have to maintain the lawn, handle any maintenance problems, or deal with unruly neighbors. We can use the pool without having to clean and maintain it, we can work out in a gym without the added monthly expense, we can play pool without going to a bar, and we can enjoy many sports such as racquetball, tennis, volleyball, and basketball. Breeding Piranhas Piranhas are unique creatures that have gained popularity not just because of their appearance, but also due to the many myths that are told about them. Unfortunately only a few species of piranha have been bred, including Serrasalmus nattereri, S. spilopleura, S. gibbus, S. rhombeus. Another that is considered relatively easy to breed is S. maculatus. ![]() |
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