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Why You Need an Article-Marketing Strategy before Posting a Single Article Online II

This is Part 2 of a 2 part article - Read Part 1 at

Write for the Non-Human Reader

Articles should be written to cater to two dissimilar typesof readers - humans and search engine spiders. Each respondsto information in their own ways. How one attains the bestof both goes to the heart of your article strategy.

People want articles they read to be useful, timely, andrelevant. Writing quality (with wit, persuasion, emotionalimages, etc.) matters to them. But that's of no concern tothe spiders. Readers who like what you've written are likelyto come to your website - maybe even buy something. Yet, thebenefits received from search engines are just as important.

Search spiders are attuned to links, keywords, and Page Rank(the popularity of sites that link to yours). Decide whichkeywords or recurring theme to build every article aroundbefore starting to write. That amplifies your search engineoptimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) efforts. Multiplearticles can draw attention to a wide array of pertinentterms.

What Search Engines Do for Your Articles

- Track your keywords as they appear in posted articles

- Deliver links to you in response to relevant queries, thereby sending targeted traffic to the site

- Find your site through links from posting sites - particularly important for a new or low-traffic website

- Show the places that publish your articles

- Increase your Page Rank as high-quality links are established

- Raise your site in the rankings as more and more articles appear

Decide Where to Submit your Articles

Who (human) are you writing for? Narrowly definingappropriate interest groups will dictate what spin to use.Unless that's clear, blasting out articles is too hit ormiss. For example, if writing about electronic games forchildren, your emphasis will be very different if writtenfor parents, schools and institutions, or the kidsthemselves.

Clarity about your audience determines where to send yourcreative output. Article Marketing Academy offersextensive lists of where and how to post your articles.

You'll soon learn which sites actually publish yourcontributions, and which drive traffic to your site. Yoursubmission list keeps growing with every completed article(becoming more valuable to you all the time). At some point,your name-recognition and expert status kick in.

Watch Out for Contradictory Messages

Maintain a consistency of message from one articles to thenext, that is also in synch with your website personality.If your article promises a mother lode of answers, makecertain they can be easily found, once a reader visits yourwebsite. Confusing navigation or a sour note can quicklyundo whatever good your article accomplished.

Recycle Your Articles to Work Harder

Posting your articles online is just the start. Even beforeyou've written them, plan off-line ways to recycle that sameinformation. When I write articles for clients, I encouragethem to use it in as many ways as possible. Don't neglectyour customers who aren't Internet savvy.

Re-package Articles Multiple Ways

- Send to local publications as press releases or PR

- Submit to trade journals

- Create handouts to be provided at your store or with services

- Collect them into handouts or flyers to sell or give away

- Reformat them as hints, booklets, tutorials

- Incorporate them into speeches or classes

Monitor the Results

A strategy only makes sense if you also keep track of what'sworking. How many websites actually publish your article andlink back to yours? (That's easy to determine. Conduct aGoogle or Yahoo query with your article title in quotes.Continue to log where it appears for several months afterposting.)

Spelling out an article promotion strategy makes yourInternet and traditional promotions work smoothly together.And it assures that the needs of both search spiders andreaders will be satisfied. The right time for planning isbefore starting to write any articles. I can help you withthat.

Your carefully-crafted strategy assures that a steady flowof articles supports your multiple business goals. Best ofall, you don't have to wait long to see people and searchengines responding to what you've written. That's bound topay off, and keep paying off...

(c) Lynella Grant, 2005

Part 1 includes writing multiple articles and meshing onlineand offline marketing methods. Part 1 of 2,

--Dr. Lynella Grant - Article Marketing Academy - Promote yourself, business, website, or book with articles posted online. Author, Yellow Page Smarts, (719) 395-9450

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