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Apostrophe Usage Made Simple
According to one of my previous articles, whenever a Southernersays "Y'all watch this," get out of the way because those areprobably the last words he will ever say. Well, I'm a Southerner. I used to live in the southeasternUnited States, but I moved to the southeast of China. And, I'mabout to say the magic words: Y'all watch this. The word is "week." If I want to talk about more than one week,like what I wrote a few weeks ago, I'll use weeks. No apostrophe.If I want to talk about something belonging to a week, such as"last week's newsletter," I'll use an apostrophe. That's the rule. If it's a noun, s makes it plural andapostrophe-s makes it possessive. It's just that simple. If I were still in the US, and I wanted one of those fancycarved signs that are so common on southern lawns, it would notread "The LaRocca's." The LaRocca's what? His lawn? His sign?That apostrophe makes it singular possessive, so The LaRocca(one person) is surely claiming ownership of something. If thatwasn't his intent, and he whacked in an apostrophe anyway, he'san idiot. What about plural possessive? Is it "the LaRoccas' house" or"the LaRoccas's house?" Well, it's neither, since my wife isn'ta LaRocca and we don't own a house. But for the sake of thisarticle, pretend she is and we do. In ON WRITING, Stephen King swears it's LaRoccas's. When I was astudent, my teachers swore it was LaRoccas'. As an editor, I'veheard the first was US standard and the second was UK standard.And the answer is, I don't care. Just be consistent. I once met an editor who said that the spelling determinespronunciation. She's an idiot. Spelling isn't all pronunciation.It's also history. I'll say LaRoccas-zz whether it's LaRoccas' orLaRoccas's. So will you. Jump up five paragraphs and read the seventh word. Noun. Notethat I didn't write pronoun. Just for fun, the rule for pronounsand apostrophes is completely different. It's is a contraction for "it is" and its is possessive. Who'sis a contraction for "who is" and whose is possessive. There'sis a contraction for "there is" and theirs is possessive. Etc.Possessive pronouns never use apostrophes. Its, whose, your,yours, their, theirs... And there you have it. Apostrophe usage made simple. Copyright 2005, Michael LaRocca Michael LaRocca's website at http://www.chinarice.org waschosen by WRITER'S DIGEST as one of The 101 Best WebsitesFor Writers in 2001 and 2002. His response was to throw itout and start over again because he's insane. He teachesEnglish at a university in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province,China, and publishes the free weekly newsletter WHO MOVEDMY RICE?
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A Single Technique Writing is hard work, and like all hard work, one tries to avoid it if possible. Yet writers feel the urge to write, the need to write, and the inspiration to write, but these are not what produces. The writer must have a technique for writing. Creating a Writing Space It's important to have a space set aside in your home for writing. It can be a big cushion in a corner of your closet with a notebook and pen, if that's all you have room for, or perhaps the back seat of your car because that's the only place you can get some peace and quiet, but it should be all yours, waiting for you whenever it's time to write. To Tell If You Are A Literary Snob "I don't know if I should put 'writer' on my business card," I murmured. How To Write Your Book Within A Week Everyone has a book inside them, or so the saying goes. But few people get that book out. Often it's because of lack of time. So, how can you get your book written inside a week or two? 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Most Online readers who don't know you will not open your email, and people who do know you want it this faster, easier way. The Work Flow Cycle of the Editorial Industry As an editorial professional, I'm sure you're aware of the market slump right now. What you may not be aware of is that this is due to more than just the economy. Publication Road The journey to having my first novel for children published has been riddled with road blocks and shonky bridges. The good news? At every rickety stage I've picked up tips (and anti-tips) which I'm happy to share with everyone... Through the Eyes of an Artist As writers, we initially tend to be either more cerebral or emotional than perceptive. Its occurs to me that writers are driven to express what they actually haven't figured out how to say verbally, but long to say somehow. Then, we at least have the struggle down on paper where we can move it around, erase it, start over and add to it. Seeing the words will perhaps give us a better chance of revising to something close to what we want to say. 6 Ways to Leverage Technical Articles Technology vendors often contribute bylined articles to trade journals. The articles are great exposure for these companies but they don't come cheap ? the trades rarely pay for these articles but the vendors spend time and resources to assign pieces, write them, approve them and submit them. Your PR agency can help your clients leverage their investment by wringing top value out of these articles. Here are some possibilities: Why Book Writers Need A Running Mate By far, I have found that the lack of discipline is the biggest hindrance for most people, when it comes to writing a book of any kind. Although I urge you as a would-be writer to develop a theme because once you are clear on "why" you want to write a book, your motivational level will shift into a higher gear, I also urge you to get an accountability partner. This person will be the most important asset you can have as a writer. ![]() |
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