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Breast Cancer - Another Obesity Victim
Obesity raises the risk of various types of cancer. And only 3% people know that obesity increases cancer risks. According to a recent research based on one million Americans conducted by the American cancer society, 14% of cancer deaths in men and 20% of cancer deaths in women occur due to Obesity. Scientists say that 90,000 deaths can be avoided in America if they take good care to maintain their body weight. Women are more likely to get cancer in their breasts, gallbladder, ovaries, colon and cervix while men get cancer in colon and rectum. Breast cancer in women: Obesity and Breast cancer risk in females: Breast cancer in men: Obesity and breast cancer : Author is the webmaster of http://www.pillslim.com which gives valuable information on weight loss diet pills.
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Atkins Diet ? Simple Advice Just like any other diet, the Atkins diet can become boring and for some very dangerous. Before you get into the plan make sure you get a physical and talk to your doctor. We already know that the diet works but how do you work the diet? There is plenty of advice and information available online and in the library. Gastric Bypass ? The Nightmare for Food Lovers While the gastric bypass may seem like the perfect solution to those who are obese, I'd like to explain just how the surgery affects the lifestyle of those who've had gastric bypass surgery. Hypnosis for Weight Control - Why Diets Dont Provide a Long-Term Solution One of the difficulties with dieting is the well known yo-yo effect. You get all enthusiastic, go wholeheartedly into the new diet, lose some pounds; then after a few weeks, or a few months, the enthusiasm starts to slip, you've done really well, and you want to give yourself a treat or a day off, then that day happens once a week, twice a week, three times a week and the treat happens once a week, once a day, three times a day... The Ultimate Weight Loss Red-Flag Guide Weight Loss Red Flag Guide Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #9 WAHOO!!! for YOU!! You are the most AWESOME person alive!! Stand up and repeat after me. Come on, get up and feel the presence of God all around you. Are you up out of that chair? You can stand up while you're reading, can't you? Okay, are you up? Now shout?. I am AMAZING, I am WONDERFUL, I am POWERFUL, I am my IDEAL WEIGHT, I LOVE myself, I am BEAUTIFUL, I am the DIVINE!! Phew!! How did that feel? I am always saying those words and I move my whole body. It is such an energy boost and every cell in my body dances with joy. Hoodia - An Elixir that Fights Obesity Part 1 Humanity is always in search of a wonder drug that ends all physical ailments. While it is a wishful thinking yet, there are areas where the dream is almost accomplished. One such problem that has got an answer is obesity. Pick Up Your Pen and Lose Weight! Although every dieter knows that keeping food records is a key to permanent weight loss, few understand the importance of also keeping an "emotional journal." In fact, one dieter lost 100 pounds, thanks in part to the insights gained through daily journaling. The Lies You May Have Been Told About Ephedra, and How They May End Up Improving Your Life Losing Weight quickly and easily has become one of the main goals of many people today. So, with all the information out there, where is the best place to find what you're looking for? I believe it is here, as I will explain. Let me first begin by asking, "What have you been told about Ephedra, the miracle weight loss herb, that may or may not be true?" In this short article, we will be looking at some of those "lies" and dispelling the myths about Ephedra and how it can actually help you to lose weight quickly, easily, and most importantly, how it can do it safely; and how it can do all this while helping to make you feel better about yourself. This is one of those times when what you don't know can really hurt you. Diet and Exercise Evolution: Water: 65% of Your Body Cant be Wrong The LiverThe function of your kidneys is to filter your blood (which is mostly water). And one of the functions of your liver is to metabolize fat. If you don't consume enough water, your kidneys can't function properly, so your liver starts to help perform kidney functions. So, if your liver is busy helping your ailing kidneys, you can't burn as much fat. Let me repeat that: No matter how much you exercise, if you don't drink enough water, your liver will not metabolize fat for you, because it is trying to help your kidneys.Too Much Water?Being hyper-hydrated (consuming too much water) is not in any way harmful , and actually helps your body metabolize fat. The greatest ill effect of excess water consumption is that you will visit the washroom more often. Consider it a chance to fit in a little more exercise into your daily routine.There have been a few cases of long distance runners who have died from drinking water to toxic levels, but this is extremely rare, and their situation is very unique, so it is nothing for a normal person to worry about.Retaining WaterYou may have a medical condition that causes you to retain water, probably because of excess salt (sodium) in your system. The solution is simple: drink more water. Your body retains water for the same reason it retains fat: your body thinks that it's hard to come by. If you teach your body that food is abundant, it will stop storing it. If you teach your body that water is abundant by drinking more of it, your body will stop storing it. For more information on how your body adapts to various stimuli, read my articles about adaptation on my website, they're free.Other BenefitsThe more water you drink the healthier your skin becomes, because it has to be moisturized from the inside and out. It also contributes to joint lubrication, reducing the risk of injury in any activity. Water is the best cure for constipation, and should be your first choice, even before increasing fiber or taking laxatives.When you are active, you should drink even more water, especially on hot days, to replace what you lose in sweat. Do not wait until you're thirsty, because that is your body telling you that it is already under-hydrated. Try to keep yourself over-hydrated for best health. Here's an extra tip: cold water is more easily absorbed into your system, plus it slightly lowers your body temperature, so you have to burn a few extra calories to bring your body temperature back up.I Drink Plenty of Coffee, That's Mostly Water, Right?What counts as water? Some say "only water", but some research has found that fruit juices that are mostly water can be counted towards your daily quota. However, you simply can't drink as much juice as you can water. Juice will fill you up, and contains sugar which you should try to minimize in your diet. So, it's really not a substitute for simple, clear water. And even though coffee is made with mostly water, it does not count since it is a diuretic and actually strips water from your system. Colas are also full of that diuretic caffeine, besides their ultra-high sugar content, so soft drinks should be the first item to stop consuming if you're trying to lose weight. Replace those "alternatives" with a glass of water, and you'll feel better and start losing pounds and inches.It was recently found that even diet sodas do not help dieters, go to the "news" section of my site to read more about this research.I hope it goes without saying that alcohol, even when mixed with water, is a diuretic and my advice is to minimize your consumption of alcoholic drinks.Final TipYou don't have to drink a huge glass or two all at once, either. I have a large glass of water at my desk all day. As soon as it is empty, I refill it. I naturally sip it whenever I like, and I end up drinking more than my quota of water every day. 2 Ways To Start Burning More Calories Today 1. Start Exercising first thing in the morning. Weight Loss With Water It's calorie-free, inexpensive and easily obtained - yet few people follow the old fashioned advice to drink eight glasses of water a day. Changing Your Eating Habits We are bombarded with advertisements pushing delicious looking, fat filled, and obesity producing food in our faces every single day. We hear it on the radio; see it on TV and on billboards and even in newspapers. We go on a diet and try to totally turn our eating habits around. We go from eating hamburgers, French fries, pizza, hot dogs, and other junk to eating lettuce and drinking water. If we are really disciplined we make it a week or so. But like most people, we are back to our old habits within days. The change is just too drastic and makes it next to impossible for us to stick to our diets. A Warning of the Complications of Gastric Bypass Surgery Gastric bypass surgery involves stapling the stomach to make it smaller and reattaching the small intestine to bypass a portion responsible for the majority of calorie and nutrient absorption. Dash Diet -- Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure. Blood pressure is the force exerted on artery walls when the heart is beating and when it is at rest. Action Plan to Take the Weight Off This Year Addicted to Restaurants Weighing-In On Low Carb Diets With all of the conflicting studies and fuzzy interpretation of information, it's no wonder that confusion reigns when it comes to the value and safety of low-carb diets. It seems like heated debates are raging everywhere! Whether it's Atkins, the South Beach or some other low-carb plan, as many as 30 million Americans are following a low-carb diet. What Obesity Debate? This is a perfect example of how on-line weight loss "experts" can confuse and harm the American consumer...The Obesity Debate? During a dinner conversation with a friend, the topic of laziness was brought up. From there, we some how got around to the topic of obesity. He said to me, "A great example of how bad laziness can be is obesity." "Excuse me," I coughed out (almost chocking on the last bite)."You know, obese people don't do anything. They are fat because they are lazy," my friend said as if from a position of authority. This was going to be a long dinner I could tell.It turns out, my friend read an article posted on the net that started with a statement similar to my friend's words that almost made me choke. Unfortunately, he didn't remember the author's name but the title was Fitness and Exercise -- I haven't found it...yet. What blows my mind is how easily people believe what is written on a website by someone calling himself an expert! The real experts need to start making noise! Laziness does not cause obesity. If that were so, obesity would be the norm and not considered a problem. I recently found a wonderful definition of obesity...it covers all the possibilities in one clear sentence:The etiology of obesity is complex, determined by the interplay of genetic and environmental factors -Andrea Baessler, from her recent article in Diabetes, Jan, 2005.There has never been a debate about what causes obesity. We have always known that obesity is multifactorial in etiology. The "real" debate topics are which environmental factors and which genes increase the risk or incidence of obesity. The rest of the article reviews recent work around two genetic links to obesity.SREB-1 Gene Delphine Eberle's work (Diabetes, Aug, 2004), with the sterol regulatory element binding protein transcription factor, found that the two isoforms are linked to the "plasma leptin concentrations in American obese families."His group hypothesized, "...genetic variations of the SREB-1 gene could be associated with obesity and obesity-related metabolic traits such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and dyslipidemia." Interestingly, SREB-1 gene polymorphisms were found among obese cohorts when compared to nonobese cohorts. This means they are on to something and possibly not far from marking the SREB-1 gene as a clear link to obesity (1).Ghrelin Receptor Gene (GHSR)The importance of ghrelin in the central regulation of feeding has been demonstrated in animals and humans. Ghrelin increases appetite and food intake in normal subjects and patients with decreased appetite, such as those suffering from cancer cachexia. Recent evidence suggests that obesity is associated with an impairment of the entire ghrelin system (2).Besides its biological function, the ghrelin receptor gene is located in a quantitative trait locus or QTL strongly linked to six phenotypes of obesity (1).This is a second strong genetic association to obesity. Both groups will soon have conclusive evidence to support their arguments for SREB-1 and GHSR genetic links to obesity.As far as I can tell, laziness wasn't mentioned once. How many wonderful people avoid treatment because they actually believe it's their own fault? Educate at all costs.Healthy Living!Michael A. Smith, M.D.Additional Information is available at The Weight Loss ProfessionalReferences: Finding a Weight Loss Program Getting involved in Weight Loss Program can be intimidating for a beginner. It can also be hard to know where to start. There are several questions that you can ask yourself, which will guide you towards the right weight loss program. Why Do You Say You Want To Lose Weight? How many of your New Year's resolution start out with "I want to lose x amount of pounds" as if just saying it were some kind of magic mantra. Getting Through a Weight Loss Plateau If you are traveling on the path towards wellness you will occasionally hit road blocks in self motivation. There will be times that you will be filled with self doubt and will undoubtedly ponder the question that has left even the most motivated dieter reeling, "How do I get through a weight loss plateau?" Dealing with slow weight loss and plateaus are very frustrating, especially when you have stepped on the scale after a week of doing everything "right"! The best way to surge past a weight loss plateau and avoid any future blocks in self motivation is to use the power of your mind. ![]() |
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