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Weight Loss - Make a Significant and Lasting Lifestyle Change
Losing weight can make a significant and life altering change in how we live our everyday life. After losing weight many people experience better sleep patterns, increased energy levels, improved blood pressure and cholesterol levels. There is renewed vitality and self-confidence after weight loss that improves life in general and health in particular that cannot be overlooked. However, statistics show that 90% of people who undergo a weight loss program regain the weight within two years. Why? One reason is that most diets are unrealistic and simply cannot be maintained in the long term. They almost always set you up for failure because they do not take into account real life ? stress, eating out, a hectic job, cooking for the whole family or the many other temptations that are all around us every day. We constantly feel like we are fighting a losing battle! The second major reason that most diets don't work is that they don't really address the emotional and spiritual elements. Food that is meant to nourish and strengthen the body becomes something we fear and leaves us feeling deprived. Or it can become a poor coping mechanism for stress, tiredness, anxiety, sadness, boredom or other emotions and feelings. Don't despair; there are sensible and practical solutions available to help us cope with the weight loss dilemma. Have you noticed how active people seem to be more satisfied with their physical appearance and weight? A few simple activities added to your daily routine can have a positive impact on overall health, fitness and quality of life: 1. Begin a 5 minute stretching routine each morning 2. Take a 10 ? 15 minute brisk walk each day 3. Walk whenever possible - instead of using the elevator, car, bus or train. Exercising on a regular basis speeds up metabolism, burns calories and distributes the weight loss evenly throughout the body. Muscle and join pain will be less severe and your mobility and flexibility will be greatly enhanced. In order to stay motivated and keep on-track working with a fitness and nutrition professional, who understands that weight loss is a journey towards health and wellness for each individual will help. They can design a balanced program that offers the right combination of diet and exercise to suit your particular requirements and help you to succeed in your goals and inspire you towards a life full of vitality. So stay focused and most of all look for improvement long term not overnight! Spas in Canada ©2005 About the Author: Angie Kocsi co-founder of Spas in Canada email: spas@spasincanada.ca After many years enjoying spas in Europe and drawing upon her knowledge of the corporate world along with an successful career in Public Relations and International Marketing Spas in Canada was created. Canadian wellness and heath spas lead the way in wellness and weight loss programs. For more information on where to find health and wellness spas in Canada go to Spas in Canada. The Spas in Canada website provides a place where premier health spas and industry professionals provide useful information to all spa lovers everywhere.
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It?s Not Just About Dieting You may not like what I'm about to say, but dieting alone will not help you to lose weight. You have to give your body the exercise it needs. As I mentioned earlier, a couple of centuries ago, people were involved in a lot of manual labor. The Top Ten Things You Dont Want to Hear About Losing Weight (But What You Need to Know if You Want to Get Fit!) Rapid Weight Loss Tips, Techniques and Strategies It seems everyone is looking for that magic bullet - rapid weight loss secret that will instantly shed excess weight and turn you into a supermodel. The Pain of Instant Gratification What a great world we live in. You want something, you get it! You need something, you buy it! You don't have money, you charge it! Are Low Carb Diets Good for Everyone? What's a Low Carb Diet Really Mean? Weight Loss Program - Weight Loss? Why Bother With a Diet Plan? Does Weight Loss Matter? We all know that weight loss is important. We know we need a weight loss plan or to start a weight loss program - but ... honestly ... why bother? Will a weight loss program really make any difference in the long run? Resist that Snack Attack and Keep Your Diet on Track When on a diet, snack attacks can hit hard and fast. Everywhere you go reminds you of what you can't have and what you want. Sometimes it is certain cravings, hunger and even your own emotions that candrive you straight into those treats you promised yourself that you would stay away from. The good news you do not have to go overboard everytime you have to give into those cravings. Follow tthis advice and you will reap the rewards that come with triumph over adversity. Win the battle of the bulge once and for all. Weight Loss and Huricanes? Weathering the Storm! Do you know this year Florida will go through a surge in baby births? Think about it! More time spent inside last year. That's what it boils down to with more babies this year. Fear motivation makes people bond in order to weather the storm. Sometimes, Mother Nature in her on little way brings people together. Faster Fat Loss Thats Healthy I received a telephone call from a lady Fake Weight Loss Claims: Identify Them Its crowded..really crowded..every other site offers Weight Loss Programs and guarantees loss of weight quickly and effectively. But do they really live upto it? Does Loss of Weight remains with time or the individual regains the weight after some time? The answer to these question differentiates between genuine Weight Loss Programs and fake Weight Loss Programs. Catching Yourself In A Binge or Compulsive Eating: Stopping Behaviors Oh, no . . . You suddenly realize that you are well on your way to eating more than you had intended. Maybe it's a meal that you've already eaten too much of, or perhaps an unexpected binge. How do you stop? It's not going to be easy, and that's certainly an understatement, but it is possible to find a way to put the brakes on. Look On Aisle 5 Have you ever stopped to calculate how much time you spend in each section of the supermarket? Drinking Green Tea May Help You Lose Weight Green Tea Also Has Anticancer Properties Dieters Need More Calcium Women on diets need more calcium than normal to avoid boneloss, say Rutgers University researchers. Weight Control: One Day At A Time Most of us are aware of the AA axiom of "One day at a time." It speaks to the secret of any long term goal - concentrate on taking the right step and the journey will take care of itself. Like the alcoholic who faces the urge to drink at every turn, the overweight fataholic must also steer a narrow passageway through the shoals of temptation and the deadly barrage of food advertisements, ubiquitous drive-throughs, social occasions, and office treats. Buyer Beware: Purchasing Fat Burners and Other Supplements Online Each month I receive hundreds of e-mails from consumers who have been bilked outof their hard earned dollars by unscrupulous supplement / fat burner manufacturers. Manufacturers who have added them to monthly recurring billingcycles without their permission. Manufacturers who don't honor their money-backguarantees, and, while providing a 1-800 number for refunds, but don't hire areal, breathing person to monitor this number. These manufacturers treat theircustomers with disdain, and in general, regard them as little more than sheepwho need to be parted from their money. Diets - Why Drastic Does Not Work How was it for you? Did you get through the Christmas Season eating sensibly, taking exercise and avoiding the usual seasonal excesses? Or, are you sitting at your desk reading this and wondering why all of your waistbands are tight? What is Your Healthy Body Weight Everywhere we look in the western world we are inundated with pictures, images, icons and inferences of the 'perfect' female shape! The truth is that many of these images are altered or enhanced in some way and do not depict the typical female form. The pressure to lose weight is immense when we are bombarded every day with media selling products based on slimness, sex appeal and fashion. The constant message is that slimness will make you desireable. Making Healthy Lifestyle Changes that Last - A New Look at New Years Resolutions Would you run out of fingers, and maybe even toes, if you used them to count your tries at adopting a healthy lifestyle? Many of us would. The reason? Often it's that we need to change how we try to make changes. How we make the journey, not whether we always reach our exact goals, determines our success. And how we make the journey is really about our ability to support ourselves along the way, instead of falling back into judgmental and self-defeating ways of thinking and doing. Are You Confused By All The Different Diets? Heres A Quick Diet Comparison It would not be surprising to hear your answer is "yes, I'm confused by all these so called diets." You may read from one expert that low carbohydrate (low carb) and high protein is the way to lose weight. Another will try to convince you that low fat, lots of carbs, fresh fruits and vegetables, is the right way to go. Yet another will try to convince you that you need to count the amount of sugar; or another that main culprit for your being overweight is white flour. So, if you are serious about losing weight, who should you listen to? ![]() |
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