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Heres A Diet That Wont Work
How's this for a diet: Take in fewer calories than you expend and you'll lose weight. I just read another article that suggested this as the sure-fire way to lose weight. Of course it's true, and about as useful as telling an alcoholic he can beat his problem by not drinking. Yeah, right. Have you noticed that almost every diet is guaranteed to work if you follow it? Of course, it's your fault if you don't do what they say, right? What a bunch of nonsense. If you can't stick to a diet, then it doesn't work - not for you, anyhow, and what's the difference if it works for others? You Are Unique Don't let someone sit there biting their nails for the fortieth year in a row tell you it's willpower you need. Of course it would be wonderful if you could force yourself to do whatever you decided to do. The truth, however, is that we each have our areas of difficulty, and our ways of operating. No one but you can judge just how hard you actually are trying, or even what you need to do. Address your specific needs. Maybe your weight problem is something that requires psycological help. Maybe you just need a slightly easier to follow diet, and you'll finally lose that weight. Maybe exercise is the way for you. You know people that eat all they want and don't gain weight. It's so obvious that we are each physically and mentally unique, and so often ignored when it comes to diets. Find the unique combination of factors that work for you, and your existing "willpower" will be more than enough. Steve Gillman writes on many self-improvement topics. You can get more weight loss tips, and subscribe to a free weight loss newsletter at: http://www.99WaysToLoseWeight.com
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Court Overturns Ban In December 2003, the FDA incorporated an ephedra ban making it illegal to sell any products containing ephedra. The ephedra ban was put in place after investigation of several allegations that ephedra caused serious health problems, including death. Diet: Are French Fries Really A Vegetable? The government, nutritionists, doctors, and dietitians implore us to eat 5 servings of vegetables a day. Considering that a serving is only half a cup, a decent-sized side of vegetables and a big salad does it for the day. I Can, I Cant One common question I receive is, "What do you do for maintenance?" It always takes me by surprise because the concept is alien to me. Maintenance? Granted, when I started this lifestyle, I would have loved to have some "vacation" waiting for me at the end, and I was certainly thinking about how I would "relax things" when I achieved my peak physique. Along the journey, however, I learned a true lesson in life: there is never any "maintenance." Walking: Its Never Too Late to Lose Weight! How did a thin person like me become overweight? My mother had probable Alzheimer's disease and I was her caregiver for nine years. During this time she lost the ability to read, understand television, converse with others, and the ability to speak. Eating was the only thing that gave her pleasure. Focus: A Weight Loss Strategy I just finished working my quads on a weight machine. My head races and my body hums all in an attempt to lose weight. Only moments ago, my legs worked so hard that they began to fail. They worked so hard that my muscle tissue cried out in pain and began to tear. Now having just finished, my body sweating with the effort, I can rest for a couple of minutes before doing it again. The Answer to Combining Diet & Exercise for Maximum Weight Loss Put simply, your resting metabolic rate is the minimum number of calories your body needs to survive if you sleep in bed all day. Your body needs energy for hundreds of bodily functions such as breathing, keeping the brain functioning and any movement your body makes. Just being alive uses up around 70% of the calories you burn every day. Determine Your Stage and Plot Your Weight Loss Course We all know that losing weight and improving your overall fitness are things that don't happen overnight. But, did you know in order to be truly successful that important steps need to be taken before you even start a diet or exercise program? The first thing you should do is identify where you fall on the behavioral change spectrum. There are five distinct stages of behavioral change. Do you know what stage you currently fall under? How Slimming Down Can Add More Cash in Your Wallets Are you unhappy with your current weight but aren't "motivated" enough to do something about it? From Fat to Fit: Read One Womans Amazing Weight Loss Story An Interview with Success Story, Caitlin Johnson Lose Weight the Healthy Way It's definitely no fun to lose weight -- put it back on, lose weight, put it back on, and so on. Just as you learn the rules of a new diet, you find yourself trying to get around them. What if all you had to do to lose weight was to eat less? The Magic Formula Works its Wonder Today Part 4 The people of earlier times depended on the rich resource of plants and herbs to cure them of various ailments and maladies. The world has changed a lot but not the basics of life. Even today, many of the life sustaining drugs are procured from natural resources instead of the fact that man has progressed leaps and bounds. Protecting Your Spine and Lower Back While You Lose Weight When most people begin a Weight Loss program or diet plan so that they can tone up and/or lose weight, the often forget about THE most important aspect of any exercise and diet program: Safety. Fat Does Not Make You Fat Fat does Not Make You Fat. One of the other huge myths is that fat makes you fat. It doesn't. When you eat fat, your body has to break it down into its little building blocks and then absorb the pieces. The fat you have in your body is not the same as the fat you eat. In fact, the fat naturally found in whole foods is fat you actually need for your body to function properly. Add High Water Content Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet For Fast Weight Loss Include in your diet things that contain more water like tomatoes and watermelons. These things contain 90 to 95 % water so that there is nothing that you have to lose by feasting on them. They fill you up without adding to the pounds. Diet and Exercise Evolution: Adaptation (part I) -- Theory Adaptation is the most important concept I teach. The human body adapts to the pressures it is put under with the goal of prolonging life. Your body wants to survive as long as possible, and it will adjust its internal workings quickly if it is presented with changes. So, everything that happens to you - especially things that happen regularly, like eating habits, sleep cycles and general activity - will have two effects on your body. 1) An immediate effect in the short term, then 2) for the long term, your body will adapt to it to better perform the next time. It is this adaptation that most people forget about. How Dance Dance Revolution is Getting Kids Off the Couch Are you concerned about the lack of exercise your child is getting? How To Lose Weight and Stay Thin Diet is one of the most controversial subjects around. Bring it up at a party and I can guarantee you'll have everyone's interest whether they're talking or not. No matter how much we ignore this fact, food affects us. This world operates on a sowing and reaping system, if you plant watermelon, you harvest watermelon. If you feed watermelon the right nutrients they will grow healthy, sweet, and juicy. The same is with our bodies. If we put in high quality substance, we will reap high quality results. I think we all know this on one level or another. The hard part is choosing the right substance to put in our bodies. The Right Way to Eat for Better Health and Weight Loss Did you know that how and when you eat is important for good health? Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #8 Life is extraordinary filled with wonderful people to show up to teach us things. Mitzi, a special friend from high school, sent me a book, The Game of Life and How to Play It, when I was struggling with a sickness years ago. The author speaks about the law of attraction, which I have written about previously. In addition, she writes, "No man is your enemy, no man is your friend, every man is your teacher." When you look at life this way, it becomes so simple. Theyre Wide, Theyre Here, Get Used to It America's Obesity Epidemic ![]() |
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