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7 Power Packed Tips to Help You Lose Weight & Gain Optimal Health
Did you know that what you're eating could be making your body toxic? I mean so toxic to point that your body is unable to metabolize food. These little critters, called parasites, feed off of foods that have sugar and yeast. This is what causes people to eat junk food around the clock and never feel satisfied. Therefore, it is vital that you detoxify the bodybefore starting any weight loss program. I know it's hard, but it's very important that you reduce your intake of sugar. So instead of sodas, drink water. Some will say, "Well what about sugar free, drinks?" The ingredient in diet sodas called, Aspartame can increase your risk of brain cancer. Drink 1 cup of Tropicana, Grovestand orange juice in the morning, then drink water throughout the day. It's also important that you have a good source of multivitamins, minerals,and antioxidants. Consume these daily to prevent micronutrient deficiencies. After you detoxify the body, take all of those vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and change your diet; you should have enough energy to exercise. Please change the way you think about exercise. Your body was created to move and it's mandatory that you start moving. Now the best exercises you can ever try is Tae Bo and Pilates, 3-5 times a week. Before you start Tae Bo always remember to wear a PROSPIRIT strap that heats up around your waist, this will increase your chances to develop toned abs. Combine Pilates with Tae Bo and you've created a power packed exercisingroutine. If Tae Bo is too hard on your body, just simply replace it with "Walk Away the Pounds." After following these simple guidelines you will have the most incredible body! Do you know what device will empower you to remain focused, motivated, and consistent in this program? Can you live without optimal health? Faye Hines is a health and beauty consultant. She invitesyou to discover how to obtain optimal health and wealthStarting today: http://www.quickinfo247.com/8929768/Free
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Hollywood Weight Loss Secrets ? Five Things to Avoid! As an employee of famous fitness star Kathy Smith, personal trainer of many movie stars, and best selling author, it came to my attention of a few things that prevented Hollywood types from losing the weight they wanted. Here they are; Eating Tips Make sure that no more than a quarter of your calories come from fat. What are the Benefits of the Low-carb Diet? Are you one of those who hate dieting? Well, you are not alone, almost all of us hate the deprivation from food that dieting brings to us. Aside from the fact that our parents raise us to believe that food intake is necessary to keep us energetic, especially carbohydrates. Potatoes and breads are the essential members of our diet from morning, noon and night. Therefore, we resent the idea that carbohydrates are not good for us. How to Eat All You Want and Still Lose Weight How would you like to eat all you want and still lose weight, or maintain your trim figure?Sounds impossible?Have you seen those skinny young women who eat like horses, with plate after plate of food at the buffet table without putting on any weight?Ok, so some of them may be bulimic. You know, the sort who eat all they want, then go to the toilet to throw up everything they just ate. Not only is that disgusting, it is very unhealthy. That damages your body in the long run.No, I'm talking about the girls who just cannot seem to gain weight. Probably due to a very high metabolic rate. They burn off all the calories they consume, effortlessly. Not every skinny girl is bulimic or aneroxic or even on a stringent diet. Some are just naturally thin. I know. In my early twenties, I was one of them.When you are young, your metabolic rate is high. As you get older, your metabolism would naturally slow down. Also, back in my skinny days, I walked a lot. As a student, I was underweight. Yet I could out eat any guy at a buffet table. That was because I walked a lot. I was on my feet walking around the campus when not at class. I had to climb a hill several times a day as the hostel where I stayed was on the top of the hill. As a young adult, I walked a lot. I'd go shopping for hours after work. Walking at least 3 hours each day, browsing from shop to shop.When I let a more sedentary lifestyle after marriage, I really gained weight. Staying home, watching tv instead of walking for hours in the malls let to serious weight gain. Even though I was eating far less than before.The gist of this is that your weight depends on the amount of calories you burn as well as the calories you consume. Consume more calories than you burn and you end up gaining weight. Burn more calories than you consume and you lose weight.So if you seriously want to eat all you want and still lose weight, you have to make a serious effort to burn those calories you consume.Just ate a big mac? That is worth 485 calories.Playing tennis for an hour burns 450 calories.Scrubbing the floor for an hour burns 440 calories.Try doing that to offset the calories you consumed from that big mac.When I run on a treadmill, uphill with the slope set to the max at 15, and speed at around 6.5 for 35 minutes, I burn about 410 calories. So if you want to lose weight and eat Big Macs, or other high calorie foods, you have to be prepared for some serious exercise.Likewise, the snacks you might eat while watching TV, or in the office all contain serious calories. Take note of what you eat, how many calories they contain and burn those off through exercise. The Diet Dilemma. Why Diets Dont Work Let's face when it comes to overweight and obesity there are 2 basic facts we have to take into account. Quick Weight Loss or Quackery Cellulite - Reduce The Appearance--------------------------------- Sallie Elizabeth has always had large breasts and a big bottom, and she has accepted them as part of her genetic makeup. But when cellulite appeared in the back of her upper leg, she "freaked out" and resolved to do something about it. Put Down That Brownie! Just One Bite Can Knock You Off Plan It is very important for low carb dietersto stick to the exact plan prescribed ina book or by a doctor or dietitian.Taking even "one bite" of somethingthat is not on the plan can easilyruin a dieter's progress on a lowcarb plan. Supersizing America For some of us, food is warmth and love. We associate it with home and childhood: tempting smells that greeted us after school on a cold December afternoon. The kitchen served as the center of the house under the kindly direction of the Captain in the apron. If we were good, we might be allowed to stir the pot. If we were very good, we got to clean out the mixing bowl. The Hidden Truth About Diets Quick, what's the first thought that pops into your head when you hear the word "diet?" Probably that when you're on one, you feel like you're going to "d-i-e" right?! Focus: A Weight Loss Strategy I just finished working my quads on a weight machine. My head races and my body hums all in an attempt to lose weight. Only moments ago, my legs worked so hard that they began to fail. They worked so hard that my muscle tissue cried out in pain and began to tear. Now having just finished, my body sweating with the effort, I can rest for a couple of minutes before doing it again. Buyer Beware: Purchasing Fat Burners and Other Supplements Online Each month I receive hundreds of e-mails from consumers who have been bilked outof their hard earned dollars by unscrupulous supplement / fat burner manufacturers. Manufacturers who have added them to monthly recurring billingcycles without their permission. Manufacturers who don't honor their money-backguarantees, and, while providing a 1-800 number for refunds, but don't hire areal, breathing person to monitor this number. These manufacturers treat theircustomers with disdain, and in general, regard them as little more than sheepwho need to be parted from their money. Slimmer Legs... Stress-Free Well, with the success of my article, "Wrinkle Remover That WORKS!!", I realize that there is a really strong interest in getting information that is going to do something for you, rather than generalities that come under the "same old thing" category. And, as you know if you read the article, we found a great and effective cream that does a knockout job of actually reducing wrinkles. Dieting Effects ? Diet Pills When it comes to our weight and the appearance of our bodies, most of us are concerned about one thing or another. We have a hard time fitting into our clothes and we want to do something about it. Hard work and dedication usually work the best, but somehow we are fascinated by the easy way out. Binge Eating: Will This Cycle Ever Stop? Here's a letter from my email: Shape Up! 4-Alternative Weight Loss Solutions I am embarrassed to admit how many different commercial weight loss programs I've tried. I don't know about you, but after a while I grow tired of talking heads touting empty promises. None of them helped me look the way I think I should and most of them left me agonizing over eating the same foods over and over. How to Burn Pure Fat and Lose Weight More Quickly If you're trying lose weight, maintain your weight, or sculpt your body, than you're probably trying to discover how to burn pure fat. You want to know what you can do to make your body burn fat faster and more efficiently. Stop Putting Life Off Until You Lose Some Weight No One I Know Looks Like a Bathing Beauty, so Why Should You? Weight Loss Superfecta If you are a fan of horse racing, you are familiar with the exotic bet called the Superfecta. It requires that you pick the first four horses to cross the finish line. Depending upon the size of the field and the odds of the winning horses, the pay-off is frequently tremendous. 5 Easy Steps to Help You Lose Weight When losing weight, most of us don't have the time to drastically change our lifestyles. We need a practical and convenient way to integrate effective habits into our daily lives. The following steps are easy and practical ways to get you on the track to loosing weight and feeling better. The Answer to Combining Diet & Exercise for Maximum Weight Loss Put simply, your resting metabolic rate is the minimum number of calories your body needs to survive if you sleep in bed all day. Your body needs energy for hundreds of bodily functions such as breathing, keeping the brain functioning and any movement your body makes. Just being alive uses up around 70% of the calories you burn every day. ![]() |
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