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Body Composition And Weight Loss: They Are Related!
The world today has more obese and overweight people than any other time in history. The reasons are simple too much bad foods and not enough exercise and weight training. However, with so much focus being placed on health and wellness, people are changing their lifestyle, thus obtaining quality health. The one aspect of losing weight that most people agree they need to understand better is body composition, and how it relates to weight loss. First, it is important to understand that "obesity" is not just a condition involving too much weight, but also a disease that poses multiple health risks such as certain cancers, diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. In addition to these risks, obesity has a negative impact on physical performance, which could be as simple as walking up a flight of stairs or heading to the mailbox. Because obesity is such a powerful disease, it needs to be taken seriously. To get started in combating obesity, a person should educate himself or herself on how to achieve health. One problem is that most people are not even aware of the fat-to-muscle ratio, which is crucial to losing the right type of weight. You see, if a person is not combining nutrition, cardio exercise, and weight training, they are not benefiting their body at all and could even be doing themselves harm. These three things together create synergy needed to lose weight while maintaining muscle. For instance, a person that eats a good, balanced diet and goes to the gym but only works out to lose weight will in fact lose weight, but unfortunately, they will lose the wrong kind of weight. The weight this individual is dropping is not the fat they need to lose but muscle. When this happens, the body's metabolism and muscles are inefficient. For a person eating right and doing only cardio exercises, what you would have is a skinny fat person. Sure, they might lose the weight but again, it will be muscle. Therefore, the fat-to-muscle ratio plummets, giving that individual a soft, undefined appearance. Additionally, because the fat is not lost, all of the health risks such as diabetes 2, heart attack, some cancers, and other serious diseases still exist. Therefore, it is crucial that you use a combination of good nutrition with the cardio and weight training to lose the fat and not the muscle. Keep in mind that you do not have to overdo the weight training but you do need to incorporate it into your daily regimen. Weight training along with the cardio exercise is what shapes and sculpts the muscles, bringing the fat-to-muscle to a healthy ratio. Keep in mind that if you had 10 people undergoing a body composition assessment, all of them obese, you would discover not only a laundry list as to why the person is obese, but also realize that the same weight loss and exercise program would not work for every person. As mentioned, most people become obese simply because they start into bad eating habits and stop exercising. However, another reason for obesity relates to health. Some people have inherited or developed health issues that cause them to be overweight, such as thyroid problems. In connection with that, a person can experience significant weight gain because of medications being taken for health issues. Therefore, creating a one-for-all weight loss or exercise program simply would not work. Through a body composition assessment, all of these factors will come out into the open so the appropriate programs can be developed. This is important in that professionals want obese or overweight people to enjoy eating and exercising, as well as benefit from it. However, if an obese or overweight person were not on the right type of program based on their specific body composition, more harm than good could be done. The key to losing weight, the right type of weight, and living a healthy lifestyle is to remember that a poor fat-to-muscle ratio will have a negative impact on both. Sadly, approximately 45% of the population is overweight, with many of them being at the level of obesity. When the body has high composition levels, not only is there great risk of serious disease but also injury to knees, ankles, and the back. Additionally, being obese has a significant impact on a person's mental health, often throwing them into a tailspin of depression. The best thing you can do for yourself is to check your body's composition level so you know exactly the amount of fat being carried. In reaching the right fat-to-muscle ratio, it is imperative that you know the body does need some fat to function. For one thing, an appropriate level of fat helps to cushion internal organs and nerve conduction. However, when the fat is over a healthy ratio, trouble begins. In addition to reaching for your blood pressure cuff or diabetes testing kit, you need to measure your body's composition on a regular basis with the use of a caliper, which can be purchased at a minimal cost. Remember, by understanding your body composition, what is happening inside your body both good and bad, you can take control to lose the excess fat. Armed with this newfound information, you will no longer have to guess where you are with your fat-to-muscle ratio, you will know. We invite you to learn even more about body composition and take advantage of the invaluable tools provided at http://www.comptracker.com. Fitness Consultant Anthony Ellis has helped thousands of individuals lose fat and build more muscle. To read more about his fat loss recommendations please check out his site at http://www.fatlosstips.com
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Bat-Wings: The Dreaded Hanging Arm Skin After WLS Gastric-bypass surgery is only the first step many morbidly obese patients take in their total body make overs. One residue of massive weight loss is the dreaded "bat-wings". You know what I'm talking about - that upper arm skin which hangs like bat wings if you spread your arms wide ready for flight. Wave your hand and the bat-wing waves too. For some after massive weight loss there is so much skin it's difficult to find shirts with sleeves that fit, and worse, it's embarrassing to wear sleeveless shirts. 2 Simple Steps to Effective Weight Loss It's agreed that if you raise the amount of calories you burn and watch what you eat, both the food and the portions, you'll eventually start losing weight. Don't make it more complicated than this. Obesity Acceptance and Fat Acceptance: Different Labels; Same Dangerous Message Obesity acceptance, also known as fat acceptance, has a simple, appealing message... It's also a potentially lethal one. Overcoming Secretive Eating Finally - you are alone. No one else is around. Maybe you've waited until they are all soundly asleep. You find yourself in the kitchen sneaking food. Sometimes it's cake, sometimes it's ice cream. Other times you're standing in front of the refrigerator eating leftovers without a plate. Once in a while, you plan ahead, stocking up on your favorite goodies on the drive home. Helping Your Overweight Child With the rise of obesity and the increasing incidence of type 2 diabetes occurring in children, many parents are now faced with helping an overweight child. This may not be a daunting as first seems and here are some simple, but effective steps to take to help your child develop eating habits and active lifestyle that will assist improve their health. Role of the Stress Hormone in Weight Control! Eating when under stress isn't just about filling an emotional need. Your body has a system of hormonal checks and balances that actually promote weight gain when you're stressed out. BuildingMoreThanBodies: Best Proteins For Burning Body Fat and Building Lean Muscles and Strong Bone Lean turkey 3 Ways Going with the Flow Will Make You Fat - And What To Do About It! Wanna know the truth? If you're going to be slim, you're going to have to swim against the current. You're going to have to take charge of your body and make your own decisions?cause if you go with the flow today, I guarantee that you're going to be fat. Here are 3 reasons why: #1) Rampant Portion Sizes 'Supersize it', 'Biggie Fries', 'Value Meal', 'Super Big Gulp' ? phrases that we use so commonly, it's hard to believe that we'd have to explain what they mean to someone from another era. Restaurants have blown their portion sizes so big in the name of providing 'value' that one meal could feed a small soccer team. Considering that your stomach is roughly the size of your fist (but thank goodness it stretches!), the portion sizes you get today in the average restaurant could probably fill 5 or more stomachs. But we're told to get our money's worth right? So go ahead and eat up. That way you can spend your money going to the doctor for obesity related health problems later. That's truly getting your money's worth! #2) Diet as Religion Diets boast a stellar 2-5% success rate (that's a 98% FAILURE rate by the way). And yet if an alien landed in North America, he (or she) would be convinced that our society must be built on the value of dieting. Billboards, magazines, books, television shows, ads, even restaurant menus?everywhere you look you're inundated with the latest diet, diet food or diet plan. Diets are touted as the ONLY solution to weight loss. We have more diets on the market now than ever before. We have more people on a diet now than ever before ? and yet we continue to get fatter?is there ANY POSSIBLE connection here? #3) Escalator Generation Go with the flow and you'll enjoy a multitude of worldly conveniences. You can microwave your dinner in 5 minutes, load your dishwasher in 2 and pay the dog walker in 1. You don't have to walk to the store - just hop in the car. Your kids don't have to go swimming ? they've got a new Xbox game. Don't bother taking the stairs because there's an elevator. You can sit at a desk for long hours without even getting up from your chair. And when you do come home from work ? you have the luxury of flopping on the couch and watching 'Friends' while eating takeout. Go with the flow my friend and you'll expend less energy while eating more. Oh - and you'll also be told that taking a pill is the only way to solve the problem of your ever-increasing waistline. One of the best photographs I ever saw was of the front of a gym. There was a staircase leading up to the gym with an escalator beside it. And you guessed it ? people were taking the escalator UP to the gym! The only guy on the stairs was walking DOWN them. That pretty much sums up the problem. Unfortunately, if you go with the flow in our world today, chances are very high that you're going to get fat. BUT by knowing what you're up against, you can take steps to go against the flow. By taking a stand, taking charge and making positive choices for your body ? you can live slim and healthy in a world skewed towards weight gain. How To Maintain Your Ideal Weight The main reasons most people have difficulty maintaining their ideal weight are : ? Overeating NotOneOunce -- The Run-up To Thanksgiving The 8-Week Campaign to Survive the Holidays Anti-aging: Is It Really Possible? Although it is obviously not possible to turn the clock back entirely, we can take many steps now to ensure that not only do we slow down the aging process, but we can also reverse many of the signs of aging that we may presently be experiencing. Do You Make These South Beach Diet Mistakes? The South Beach Diet works, for most people. Its low fat, low carb approach helps you lose weight quickly and easily. Health benefits are great too. Snacking, Fear, Greed and the Gastric Bypass Tool Do you remember nodding your head with understanding during your pre/post WLS seminar when the speaker said, "Gastric bypass is only a tool, the rest is up to you." I nodded my head to the nurse dietician as she spoke to the room of fresh-out-of-surgery gastric bypass patients. We thought we understood "only a tool." Barriers to Healthy Diets -- Removing them is not as hard as you think Barriers to healthy diets are placed into four broad categories: External BarriersPsychological BarriersPhysical BarriersDieting BarriersThis article examines only the most difficult barriers in each category. Let's remove the barriers to healthy diets...but first, "What is a Healthy Diet?" Approaches to the Treatment of Obesity and A Free Weight Loss Formula The general approach for treatment of obesity is to suggest a low calorie diet and increased physical activity. Ther are many weight loss programmes in the market. Some over-the-counter wellness products are also very popular these days as they claim to produce the results fast. But many of these products are not researched properly and medical community has expressed doubts about their effectiveness in long term. Weight Loss, Exercise, and Bodybuilding Tips ? Keeping Your Body-Fat Low: Part 7 of 10 People usually quit weightloss and exercise programs for one of two reasons: boredom or lack of results, maybe even both! Weight Loss with Non Fat Foods? More is NOT Better! Studies show that most Americans are fifteen percent fatter today than they were in the early nineties. Wouldn't you think with all the non-fat foods on the store shelves that maybe we would be losing weight verses gaining it ? There are two reasons for this: one is physiological and the other is psychological. The Solution to Healthy Weight Loss The overweight and obesity epidemic is a worldwide problem.There are no official statistics for spending on dietproducts, but estimates vary from $40 to $100 billion in theUS alone, much of that on scams and fad diets that promisethe impossible. Today?s Diets ? What?s Hot! For the person who wants to shed a few pounds (or even a lot of pounds), there are many choices of diet programs. To pick the best one for your tastes and lifestyle, you need to look at the attributes of each diet plan. A listing of just a few is below. How to Eat Out and Lose Weight Diners have become more health-conscious the last few years, and now want healthy choices whether eating at home or at their favorite restaurants. Luckily, the restaurant industry has been quick to accommodate the demand, so you'll find you have many options to "eat healthy" these days. ![]() |
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