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Phentermine Generics & Brand Names: How To Avoid Prescriptions Riddled With Impurities
Which diet pill are you currently taking for your weight loss needs? Recently, many people have been switching to brand names as opposed to generics. This is because generic manufacturing is put under far less strict rules and conditions. For example, the purity of the prescription drug you are taking is allowed to be far less when manufactured as a generic. Should I Buy Generic Prescription Medications? If you are taking a generic prescription medication, another factor to consider is that there are several generic versions of Phentermine available online and from brick-and-mortar pharmacies. Depending on which pharmacy you use, you may receive a different version of generic Phentermine each time you refill your prescription. This may affect your ability to lose weight, as different purity levels and doses of medication will change benefits and the number and strength of side effects. It is recommended that you choose a brand name version of Phentermine, such as Adipex-P, and continue using that brand exclusively to avoid getting medication containing a dissatisfactory purity of Phentermine. Generic Or Brand Name Phentermine: Which Is Best For Me? In many cases, the generic versions of Phentermine use differing mechanisms of action, and, therefore have differing efficiencies. This inconsistency can affect your program for weight loss. You may want to stick with a single brand that is proven to yield consistent results. Which Brand Name Diet Pill Should I Use? Adipex (Adipex-P) is a weight loss medication that is indicated for short-term use. This is because long term use will cause you to build tolerance and, therefore, all Phentermine diet medications will lose their effectiveness. If you are enjoying refreshing bursts of energy in the morning, but then are becoming hungry during the night hours, have a chat with your doctor about using Adipex-P 37.5mg tablets. Many doctors prescribe this medication for their patients because the 37.5mg tablet can be broken in half. As a result, you can take half (18.75mg) in the morning and the other half at night to extend your medication's effectiveness through the whole day. If you then have trouble sleeping at night, talk to your doctor, who will probably tell you to take half (18.75) a tablet per day, until you can tolerate Adipex. Adipex-P is, so far, the only version of Phentermine which lasts over 12 hours. However, please remember to diet and exercise along with taking your medication in order to maximize weight loss and your health. Keep In Mind: Note that I'm not a physician. You should talk to your doctor before taking any advice found in this article. I do not speak on behalf of the manufacturer of Adipex-P, Gate Pharma. I simply do a great deal of research in the health field. I just love to do it, so you can expect good information from my newsletter! Visit my site and subscribe for free. Join our online community and discuss weight loss at the Phentermine Forum Happy weight loss! Copyright (C) Shoppe.MD and Ian Mason, 2004-2005 Ian Mason, owner of Shoppe.MD, your source for discount Phentermine refills, drug information and weight loss support forums. Ian is a fat-to-fit student of health, weight loss, exercise, and several martial arts; maintaining several websites in an effort to help provide up-to-date and helpful information for other who share his interests in health of body and mind.
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Why Do Athletes Use Ephedra? You are probably familiar with the weight loss connection with the ephedra pill, but did you know that the ephedra pill is also extremely popular with performance athletes? For decades, athletes have been seeking out ways to enhance their performance. One of the most common and popular enhancing substances was the ephedra pill. Five Serious Dangers of Low Carbohydrate Diets Cancer To Be or Not To Be: Low Carb... I get asked all the time, "what do you think about the Atkin's Diet?". Well, as a Nutritional Bio-Chemist, my opinion and answer to that question would have to be a biochemical response. Study Finds Healthy Mouth - Healthy Body Relationship According to a new study appearing in the American Journal of Periodontology, researchers have found a significant correlation between healthy eating and healthy gums. Specifically, those people who were not overweight, consumed a nutritious diet, and regularly exercised with moderate intensity were 40% less likely to suffer from gum disease. Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss In order to lose weight, your body must burn more calories than it takes in, but keep in mind that your body needs calories for energy and when you exercise; your body needs even more calories. Before I talk about energy, the first thing you must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Just because you lose weight, does not mean you lose fat, and just because you lose fat, does not mean you lose weight. When people talk about losing weight, what the really want to do is lose the excess fat on their body and obtain an attractive figure. Dietary Weapons of Mass Distraction (WMD) As hoards of low-carb proponents invade the nutritional landscape, the increasingly tired low-fat guard seems to be giving way before their steady march and drumbeat. Tips For Successful Weight Loss Throughout my childhood and teenage years I watched as my mother tried every fad diet under the sun. I recall one time she ate boiled cabbage and nothing else for a whole week. I felt my mothers' frustration and misery, however I could not understand why it was so difficult for her to lose weight and keep it off ? until that is I became a weight management coach. Say No To Obesity Obesity still remains one of the commonest avoidable causes of several disease conditions. Most often than not, it is a result of the wrong habits or lifestyles. Want To Lose Fat? Eat More of This If you've been working out with weights for any length of time, you know the importance of supplying your body with frequent feedings of quality protein so that your body will be able to have the necessary building blocks to build muscle in the shortest amount of time possible. Acupuncture Weight Loss -- Does it Work? Acupuncture for weight loss is a modern application of this ancient medical practice. This article reports on the conclusion of it's safety and effectiveness following an extensive examination of the published evidence. For the complete report, please visit the URL displayed in the author bio. Why Breakfast is Good for You Ok... If you are reading this is because you do want to hear the "why breakfast is good for you" sermon. The Top Ten Things You Dont Want to Hear About Losing Weight (But What You Need to Know if You Want to Get Fit!) Obesity:The Gateway to Diseases Do you know the name of that one disease which has spread in the U.S.A. like an epidemic? Are you aware of the fact that the maximum number of people suffering from this disease in the world are in no other country but U.S.A.? It might sound very surprising but it is true that obesity has tightened its grip on none other than the Americans. YES! The disease is Obesity, the very mild and harmless looking disease, which has often escaped the attention of the people. Because what people thought to be a simple case of overweight gradually took a bad shape in the form of obesity. The bulging paunch, the expanding waistline, the heavy fleshy face with eyes nearly closed or appearing like just two beads on a big sphere, these are the images of an obese which make others break into laughter suddenly. But obesity is much more than what just meets the eye. A Warning of the Complications of Gastric Bypass Surgery Gastric bypass surgery involves stapling the stomach to make it smaller and reattaching the small intestine to bypass a portion responsible for the majority of calorie and nutrient absorption. Planning Your Diet We have plans for everything these days. That is how we can fit 100 different things into each day. While to an extent this seems a bit over doing it, some things do need to be planned. I don't know why we don't plan our diets. I mean, we plan everything else. Some people even plan on when they will have sex. Hence, the birth of hump day. Why not spend a few minutes and plan out what you will eat? If you are reading this, you have the time so. So sit back and follow these seven easy steps. Don't blink, if you do it will be over. It is really that simple. Weight Loss Motivation: I CAN DO IT! Several months ago I was in desperate need of weight loss motivation. As I was observing my friend's kindergarten classroom I was struck by an idea when I saw her in action. One of her students was filled with self-doubt and seemed to truly believe that he was unable to accomplish the task my friend was requesting of him. She kneeled by his side and patiently showed him once again what was expected of him. After hearing, "I can't do it!" several times, she quietly got up and walked across the room. When she returned she was holding a can that was covered in 'google eyes.' She placed it on his desk and asked, "Do you know what this is?" He shook his head and she whispered, "It's an 'EYE CAN' and every time you doubt yourself you can put it on your desk." He looked up at her with an extremely confused look on his face and she went on to explain, "When you see this can sitting on your desk it will remind you that you 'CAN' do it!" To make sure he understood, she asked him again what it was. He looked up at her and replied, "It is an 'I CAN'!" He bent down and began working with a new found confidence and the 'I CAN' stayed on his desk for the remainder of the day. 5 Easy Steps to Help You Lose Weight When losing weight, most of us don't have the time to drastically change our lifestyles. We need a practical and convenient way to integrate effective habits into our daily lives. The following steps are easy and practical ways to get you on the track to loosing weight and feeling better. Real Weight Loss Begins Today...With Cliff Kuhn, M.D.s Fun Factor Diet! Weight Loss is something that many Americans struggle with. In this article, Cliff Kuhn, M.D. will teach you why your weight loss techniques so far have been unsuccessful, and how to correctly lose weight - and keep it off! Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #13 Life is great, isn't it? Stop and just look around you as you're reading this and breathe in all that you have to be grateful for. You have a computer; you have the Internet; you have the ability to type; you can read; you have an attractive, intelligent, vibrant 50-year old woman who cares about you-that's me! Remember to define yourself as Divine. The One who created you wouldn't have it any other way. He expects you to let people know who you are and shout it out your car window if you have to. I prefer to wear a t-shirt that reveals who I am. I celebrated my 50th birthday on March 11 and got a t-shirt that says, "I'm 50 and I'm a Hottie!!" Fitness through Exercise for Life ? Principles that Keep You Going for Life! 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