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Cheap Web Hosting is No Bargain
Ever heard the saying "Penny-wise and Dollar-foolish"? Well bargain priced website hosting may just represent theperfect example of watching a jar full of pennies whilebucket loads of dollars fly out the window! When I launched my first website way back in the "dark ages"of 1997 I paid almost $150 a month in hosting and datatransfer charges. My web host watched how many files I uploaded like a hawkand always seemed to send their hefty invoices earlier witheach passing month. I'm obviously not the only one who felt that way, becausesuddenly a whole industry of "bargain" web hosts sprang upall over the web. On the surface they all sound great, especially when youthink you can go from $150 a month down to $4.95 a month! Five bucks a month sounds great, until you realize theamount of data transfer (number of page views) and bandwidth(the amount of data transfer your host allows in a 24 hourperiod) you get for that low price severely limits yourability to do business. This realization - along with a panic attack and a quicklesson in how data transfer and bandwidth get calculated -usually comes at the least convenient time. When you exceed your limits, a bargain host usually justshuts you down with no warning. Most webmasters realize they've made a mistake by choosing abargain host when their site suddenly gets shut down in themiddle of a big promotion because of a traffic spike.Believe me, everything just stops! Here are a few bargain hosts that provide good service, butyou really need to really check the fine print for how muchbandwidth they allow. www.FeaturePrice.com For $24.95 a month you get to host up to six independentwebsites with a single account. You get unlimited datastorage, unlimited email and a variety of other higher endservices, but their bandwidth policy seems hard tounderstand. www.HostSave.com Host Save is another low price hosting company that deliversa wide range of services for only $6.95 per month. Theyrecently raised their allowable data transfer, but theirpolicy on how much bandwidth you can use at a given timeseems non-existent. www.DotEasy.com For $25 DotEasy offers a domain name purchase along with oneyear's hosting. Sounds incredible until you read the fineprint to discover they limit you to 1 Gigabyte of datatransfer a month. Not much data once you start gettingreasonable site traffic. The moral here? Either be prepared to have your businessshut down mid-stream if you get successful, or pay a fewextra bucks each month to ensure you have enough bandwidthand data transfer. At a minimum, specifically ask and read the fine print aboutthe host's bandwidth and data transfer policies before it'stoo late! © Jim Edwards - All Rights reserved - http://www.thenetreporter.com Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and theco-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how touse fr^e articles to quickly drive thousands of targetedvisitors to your website or affiliate links... Simple "Traffic Machine" brings Thousands of NEW visitors toyour website for weeks, even months... without spending adime on advertising! ==> "Turn Words IntoTraffic"
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Configuring DynDNS.org in Linux via DDClient Most Internet service providers do not give you static IP addresses (without paying more for them), which makes hosting your own Server (Games, FTP, Web) a pain in the butt. There is however a means to create a relatively static looking connection by using a the wonderful service provided by DynDNS. They allow you to get a subdomain off one of their many domains that will automatically forward to your dynamic IP address. Free Web Hosting Tips 1. The reliability of the service and their offers. Switching Web Host Moving a web site to a new host is not as difficult as you may think. If you follow the tips below carefully you should be fine and have your site up in no time at all. 10 Helpful Tips to Follow When Switching Web Hosts You've made your decision to move from your website from your current web host to a new web host. The following tips will help you make the transition easier and make you aware of some potential pitfalls to avoid. Cheap Internet Hosting - Get The Most For Your Money With a Cheap Web Hosting Package With so many web hosting companies competing for your web hosting dollar, the companies have had to stretch their imagination to come up with ways to convince you that their company is giving you the most for your money, and consequently, the most affordable web hosting package for you. The most typical way they've done this is to throw in a bunch of bells and whistles to create full 'packages' so that you get everything you need - and a lot you don't - for one low, affordable price. How to Know When It is Time for Your Website to Move On to Dedicated Servers Knowing when it is time to move onto a dedicated server includes many variables and requires you to answer a variety of questions. While dedicated servers are great because only you and your business will be using them, they are expensive and require someone to manage them, which costs more money. Evaluate if you have all of the elements required for a dedicated server before making plans to move onto one. Below are several things you should consider first. How to Choose the Web Hosting Provider? 1. Does the company offer telephone support or 24/7 email support? The 2 Sides of Reseller Web Hosting In the first case the customer is really looking for a large shared hosting plan that allows multiple domains. More frequently in the industry you see the term "Multi-Domain account" to refer to these plans. These customers can be webmasters with a network of websites, web designers, or a company that wants separate websites for their different brands. Most people doing business on the internet have more then 1 website. Hosting companies have recently taken notice to this and started offering "multiple domain" accounts. Before customers were left with the choice of a full blown Reseller plan, dedicated server, or multiple hosting accounts. How To Host Several Websites Under One Account If you operate several websites, each with its own domain name, signing up of separate hosting accounts can be an expensive proposition. Even if your hosting company offers the add-on domain feature (which will allow you to add different domains to the same hosting account) you will be charged a monthly fee for each domain you add, sometimes costing almost the same as your full hosting fee. How To Change Your Web Hosting Provider ? Step-By-Step Guide Whether you are disgruntled with the level of service your current web hosting provider, or you have discovered a provider that offers you better deal, or your online business has simply outgrown your present provider, any reason is as good as any for changing your web hosting provider. The only concern is how to switch your web site from a web host to another in the right way and no or as little aggravations as possible. GBs and Gbs of Web Hosting What is web hosting you ask? Web hosting refers to the service that a webmaster provides to ensure your website and email at your domain name stay up and running 24/7. Think of web hosting as renting space on a special computer that stays on all the time to keep your precious domain name up and running. The computer that hosts the files for your website is called a web server. A web server is really just a computer that hosts the contents of your website either in files. These files can be in any number of different formats, but that is a whole nother topic in and of itself. Top 6 Ways to Promote Your Web Hosting Business Part 2 Here are the following three methods that can help you improve your web hosting business. These three are targeted towards the service you provide: Cheap Web Hosting, What To Look For And What To Stay Away From "Bargains for sale, Unlimited Hosting for only a Dollar." Solving Common Problems with Hosting Companies For those of you with Web sites, you probably know what a "host" is. It's a company that provides a location, or address, on the Internet where your Web site resides. Choosing Your Web Hosting Package General rule of thumb is not to sign up for yearly web hosting plans. Instead, get monthly plan where you can unsubscribe from on the second month when you are not happy with the service. That is, if you ended up with an unreliable web hosting company in the first place. Changing to a New Host? No More Worries! John's online business is expanding. His customers are increasing day by day. However, he feels very frustrated at the moment as he finds his website is 'down' about every 4th day. Whenever he calls up the support team of his web host, he gets the same old answer that his problem will be rectified soon. If the problems do persist it will surely hamper his business. He has been with his present hosting provider for the last year but now he feels he has to find a new web host as soon as possible because his present hosting package is also not able to meet up with his growing demands. This is not a one-off occurrence that has happened only to John, it happens with many people like him. Changing the web host might become a cumbersome task if John and other people like him don't know the correct procedure of doing it. So, let's have a look at the following easy and simple steps: Web Site Hosting For Your Business ? Free or Paid? It's time to choose! Should you spend some money to get a web hosting solution for your business or get one for free? Web Design and Hosting - Free Web Hosting Perks That Will Perk Up Your Web Site If you've got or are considering a web hosting account with PHP and mySQL support, you'll find a wealth of free programs and scripts to take advantage of their powerful combined capabilities. Buyer Beware: Web Hosting, Registration, and Site Building All in One Package Nightmares Starting out in any type of online marketing or Internet business can be confusing and overwhelming. There are so many different aspects of a start-up: domain name registration and purchase, Web site host purchasing, and of course, the "building" of the Web site itself. This leaves many consumers looking for an easier way to purchase everything in one place, both to save money and to save time. Cheap Hosting Packages and Low Cost Web Hosting - Watch For Hidden Costs If you're shopping around for an affordable web hosting plan, knowing what services you want and what you should pay for them can help you pick out hidden costs that could launch your cheap hosting plan into an expense you just can't afford. Here are a few things to be on the watch for when you're shopping for the best low-cost web hosting plan for your personal or business web site. ![]() |
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