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Dreamweaver 8 Preview
August 8 2005, Macromedia announced a release of Studio 8. Based on the feedback of previous users, Macromedia made it's already very powerful software even better. Dreamweaver 8 improvements include: CSS panel With the new CSS panel it is very easy to add, view and edit CSS styles. XML integration In Dreamweaver 8 you are able to click and drag XML files into the layout. And if you are using XSLT to format the XML, the code hints will help you do that easily. Guides Use guides to help you align your web page elements Zoom in-out This is the new feature which helps you zoom in and out of the layout, helping you focus on specific elements of your web project. This may be very helpful to people who are working with print. Coding toolbar This is a feature that was available in Homesite. It is a bar to the left of the code view that helps you comment, un-comment, collapse and expand code, display or hide line numbers etc. Web Development Dreamweaver 8 now supports digest authentication and SSL for secure servers, PHP 5 coding standards, updated support for ColdFusion MX 7 etc. Background file transfer New functionality enables users to work with files in their local machine while Dreamweaver communicates with the server. Visit Macromedia website for more information. Emir Plicanic Visit Bewebmaster.com for more web design/development articles.
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Business Website Building Do?s and Don?ts First, using a lot of web graphics, flash, banners and pictures on your home page may make it look fancy or cool; but it will slow down the loading time extensively. And lets be real here, most people that look at your web page will leave if it doesn't load in 3 seconds or less. Because most people are naturally impatient. If they click on a banner or link that leads to your home page, they expect to see it the second they click, all of it. Not too many people will sit there and wait for your web graphics, flash intro, banners or 30 pictures to load. Keep in mind that not all visitors computers will load pages as fast as yours may. Set your screen resolution at 800x600, or at least put a notice on your page what resolution your site is best viewed in, because people hate to have to scroll back and forth to read from side to side. What Your Customers Say About YOUR Site! Part 1 The following is a list of patterns that many visitors follow, and you can use these suggestions to better your site. The Topic Of Your Website The first thing you will have to deal building your website has nothing to do with the web design itself, it's me related to content writing but it must be defined and will effect the rest of your actions. So first of all you need to decide what the topic of your future website is. Topic is very closely connected to another web design issue: keywords. The keywords you select will depend upon the topic you have chosen. When thinking about website topic ask yourself a few questions: What is the goal of the site you are making? What are you trying to achieve with your site. Specify a goal, preferably in one short sentence. FREE Amber Alert Tickers for Your Website Project Safekids provides webmasters a valuable tool which could save a child's life. Add our Amber Alert Ticker to your website today. How To Evaluate Your Web Sites Performance Setting up a website is the very first step of an Internet marketing campaign, and the success or failure of your site depends greatly on how specifically you have defined yourweb site goals. Web Development Processes and Technical Environments The process of Web application development is critical to the success of web-based projects. The proper processes can not be enforced unless technical environments are properly setup. Technical environments are required for development, test and production. Website Success is Key The popular search engine Google indexes over 8 billion websites. Is one of them yours, or is your website just floating around in cyberspace and you're hoping your customers will just find you? Is your website a benefit to your organization or company? Is it just an expensive showpiece or is it of true value? Be Creative Before You Purchase Or Create A Website Before you jump into spending coutnless hours on designing and publishing your website, or spending hundreds on having it done by anyone else you should plan out your full design (or structure). This is very important so that when it comes time to do this long-lasting project you will be well prepared. 3 Reasons Why You Need URL Rewriting Module To Enchance Your Web URL rewriting are major needs for your sites that produce a dynamic pages like PHP pages with redirection pages inside your index page. Why You Need a Website You hear a great deal about the Internet these days -- that it's revolutionised communication ... commerce ... education ... Life-As-We-Know-It ... Art, Artists and the Web: Part 3--What to Put on an Artist?s Website What to put your the website if you are an artist. How To Make Your Website More Successful? (Part I) Building a website and getting it online is easy. Driving visitors to it is the more difficult part. Most people are not patient enough when it comes to build up traffic. They expect thousands of visitors a week after they go live with their website. But that is not how it works. We share some secrets of how to make your website more successful. 12 Essential Tips to a Professional Business Website 1. Choose a big enough font size. A size 12 is good for easy readability. Having a Domain Name And Web Site Gives Your Business The Key To The Door Just like all things in life, the ways to run a business are rapidly changing and evolving. The potential involved with having a domain name/web site is staggering to say the least. A web site gives the consumer a 'shop front' that is not only open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but is also situated right on their desktop. Instead of being locked into only the immediate area, the whole world's marketplace becomes your sphere of interaction. Functions and Subroutines in ASP If you read our Tutorial on Include Files (SSI) then you learned how to encapsulate ASP code within include files and the benefits it brings us. As developers, we should endeavour to make our lives easier wherever possible... no one wants to re-invent the wheel after all. Functions and Subroutines exist to not only save us time, but to bring power to our ASP. They are just another way of encapsulating code, but have a lot more functionality than just 'saving some code for later'. First, let's look at Functions... Imagine a balloon salesman in the street. We've all seen them they require one piece of information when you buy a balloon, the colour. Let say we asked for a red balloon... The balloon salesman armed with this 'information' then does a pretty basic action... he hands you the balloon. The balloon you received is a direct result of the information you gave the balloon seller. Functions are just the same... they return to you a value based on the information you provided. Lets look at an example Function: - <% Function getBalloon(strColour) Dim Tempstr strColour = lcase(strColour) 'This converts the value lowercase. Select Case strColour Case "red" Tempstr = "Here is your red balloon" Case "yellow" Tempstr = "Here is your yellow balloon" Case "green" Tempstr = "Here is your green balloon" Case "blue" Tempstr = "Here is your blue balloon" Case Else Tempstr = "Sorry, we have sold out of that Colour" End Select getBalloon = Tempstr End Function%> The Importance of Website Stats to You One of the best tools you have as a webmaster is your website statistics. The most popular site stats programs are Awstats, Webalizer, and Analog. Usually, they come free of charge and are accessible through your website's control panel provided by your web host. Successful Commercial Sites Do you make your website just to entertain yourself or do you want it to be a great web store? The fact is more than 80% of websites are trying to sell you something. There is nothing wrong if you want to get some money from the website you made, but remember to put some REALLY interesting information on your pages. This information must be free, unique and necessary to as many people as possible. Developing A Website: 10 Tips For Getting Started 1. Be clear on your purpose. Let Your Customers Redesign Your Website! When you purchase a new item from a Yahoo! Store, you are asked if you'd like to provide feedback on the transaction. About two weeks after the initial purchase, an email from Yahoo! Stores shows up, asking you to provide feedback for the vendor. Whether your experience was good or bad, the opportunity is probably seized more often than not by customers. Link Trades That Waste Your Time Never has competition been so difficult in the Internet world. Google and Yahoo keep indexing more and more pages, into the millions upon millions, and yet more and more people are creating super quickie links pages that are supposed to get other webmasters to want to trade links with them. ![]() |
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