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Use eBay as Cheap Traffic!
Did you know that according to alexa, www.eBay.com is ranked number 8 out of over 36 billion sites on the web? (36,000,000,000!). On average, it recieves 40 million hits daily, and of that, it's average user views 17 pages. That's impressive! What's also great, is that most listings get at least 50 very targeted views. If you can get listed on eBay's "The Pulse" (most popular internet auctions) you are guaranteed at least 5,000 visitors to that listing, and many of them will click through to your site, affiliate link, whatever makes you money. Your probably thinking, big deal, it's almost like a ppc. What you probably don't realize is that you have COMPLETE control on the content of your ad (err?listing?). Two to three sentences not cut out to describe your site accurately? Then don't bother with Overture or Adwords, (Or kanoodle, goclick, etc etc) as they only offer you a few senteces. The price of a listing that can potentially garner you over 1,000 visitors? About THREE DOLLARS!. What PPC campaign can offer you such bulk, targeted visitors with such minimal cost and effort? Not any that I can think of! Another great thing, is that your listing doesn't cost more or less based on your keywords! No more spending upwards of 2 dollars (overture expenses anyone?) for keywords such as "Make Money" or "Real Estate Profits", or even upwards of 7 dollars for keywords such as "Website Promotion." Simply amazing?. The only pitfall of this is that you must have an actual product to bid on. Many simply don't think too hard about this, and try to sell an email or sales letter, or something of no real value, just so they can justify their listing on eBay. What you SHOULD do however (if you own your own product, this is harder to do with an affiliate link) is sell your own product! Simply modify and copy your sales letter as your listing. EBay is notorious for quick shoppers who are very irrational when buying things. Candy wrappers selling for over 100$ sound odd to you? Not on ebay. Some eBay bidders actually make it a habit to buy and collect this stupid crap, and resell it all as a "Greatest Hits of eBay" collection. Now that's smart thinking! You want to take that a step further? Write an ebook about eBay mystery auction, and strange auction in general, or a guide on how to think of such crazy idea's and sell that very product on eBay! You can probably understand why you should consider eBay one of the most unique prospects on the internet. It's like the search engines USED to be, where you are guaranteed hits and visitors no matter what the field, and where being outrageous pays off. Maybe you should check out eBay a little more? Chris Everson You WILL make money.
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Increase Your Web Site Traffic With Link Building Looking for a way to increase traffic to your web site? More traffic to you web site can increase sales and advertising revenue. Once your web site is completed, the actual costs of running the web site are very minimal. The challenge now is to get more visitors to your web site. You can purchase PPC (Pay per Click) but that can add up very quickly. If you are paying 10 cents a click, and you get 100 people clicking per day, your costs just went up $10. Now multiply that by 30 days and you are spending at least $300 just for clicks. Out of all those people clicking, very few will purchase anything and your advertising dollars are not working very well. Using an e-Signature to Guarantee a Boost in Your Web Traffic! Using an e-signature is one of the easiest, most effective ways to bring targeted visitors to your site. Many webmasters waste this great opportunity to advertise their site, and bring potential customers to their site. Alexa: Why You Should be Using the Toolbar Why on earth would anyone want to install a piece of spyware onto their Web browser? No sensible right minded person would ?unless you are a webmaster and you want to improve your SERPS ranking that is.The Alexa toolbar is not "technically" spyware as it doesn't retrieve any private or personal information. It does however log all the sites you visit and as webmasters we can use this to our advantage. It uses this information to compile traffic ranking statistics and a relational list. The relational list is very useful as it shows what other sites people who have looked the current website have also visited. Alexa is owned by Amazon and it is possible to make your own Alexa toolbar with your Amazon affiliate code included. You can then place this on your site and get credited when anyone buys through Amazon using the Amazon button on the toolbar you've distributed, it is also possible to include a link to your site in the toolbar.Alexa ranks sites from 1 to 5,000,000 and sometimes higher. Ranking 1 has the most traffic and so on, anything below 250,000 and you should be getting some decent traffic levels. This information can be used to determine how well your advertising campaigns are going and how traffic levels are growing over a period of time. This information can also be used to determine how you rivals are doing and keep you one step ahead of them. The Alexa information is also picked up by other search engines so you benefit from an increase in you SERPS as your site progresses up the rankings .One drawback of the Alexa toolbar is that it only works on Internet Explorer and not the tool of choice for most webmasters Firefox. However I personally feel this is a small price to pay for the benefits I get when using the tool bar for research and to check my sites daily. Checking the stats of your own site has a positive impact on your Alexa ranking as the toolbar is not generally used by the general public so every extra hit from a browser with the tool bar installed is valuable. I have 1 site that is almost exclusively used by webmasters , As webmasters are the people who use Alexa more than any other group 500 page views a day are enough to get this site into the top 500,000 Another site that has 3 times the traffic but the visitors are mostly the general public so this site is languishing in the 2,000,000 's.Why not try an experiment for a month, Download the toolbar and monitor one of your sites, once you see the data you get and the way it can be used you won't know how you survived without it. 10 Highly Effective Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website There are many ways to promote your website for free online. Here are 10 highly effective strategies you can use right now. Professional Traffic Building Tips Let's face it; the Internet is cluttered with all sorts of guides about increasing traffic to your web site. Unfortunately, most of these guides are outdated or incomplete. In fact, many of the techniques being touted in them will get you in serious trouble. Wouldn't you like to build up quality traffic that will stand the test of time? The key phrase is "test of time". You don't want to be a flash in the pan. 7 Simple Ways Of Driving Traffic To Your Site Using One E-Published Tips Booklet I am not a web designer or search engine optimizer, nor do I play one on TV. However, I do know that the driving force in bringing qualified traffic to your web site is dynamic high value content. That means compelling, interesting, approachable, and immediately useful information, especially when you also directly sell products or services at your site. Increasing and maintaining traffic also demands both offline and online mechanisms to attract those visitors. How To Generate Targeted Traffic...and Cash In On It. We all know that generating traffic to your site is creating a flow of visitors, but what is targeted traffic? Targeted traffic simply refers to visitors who are actually interested in the topic of your product or service. Targeted traffic will greatly out produce non-targeted traffic in terms of open rate, click through rate, and sales conversions rates. Keeping Track of Your Link Exchanges All of us want to increase traffic to our web sites. It helps our search engine rankings, and provides us with potential new customers. One of the best, and certainly least expensive, ways to do that is by exchanging links with sites similar to our own. However, you don't have to accumulate very many links before it becomes difficult to keep track of them all. Many of them have similar sounding (or identical!) names, descriptions and even URL's. Let me suggest a simple way to keep track of them so you don't embarrass yourself and annoy others by requesting to exchange links with someone more than once. Ten Tips for Generating Traffic To Your Website I know what you're thinking, oh great another article about generating traffic to my website. Well it is important for your website to have traffic. It makes absolutely no sense to have the most informative website in the world that no one knows about. This article lists ten low cost ways to generate traffic to your website. Enjoy. Email Can Be Extremely Irritating There are some extremely irritating things that have become an accepted part of life for virtually all webmasters and as the website administrator of the Wandle industrial museum, I promise you these things evan happen to the small local website’s. Get More Visitors to your Website using Free Traffic Exchanges Trying to get traffic to your new website or to your gateway pages for an affiliate program can be difficult if you are just starting out and have little or no advertising budget. Building A Business Without Advertising Your Product Are you trying to sell your product online with little or no success? Are you spending lots of money advertising all over the web and getting very few sales? Well, maybe it's time you try something a little different. Try not selling your product! You read that right. People do not want to be sold to. They do like to buy things, however. The Need For A Website Emetrics Audit Before Major Design Changes So you have decided on a design makeover for the website. Or perhaps it's the boss who thinks it needs refreshing and a bit of a lift. 3 Ways to Build Your Web Traffic Quickly It's a common story. Someone builds a great site, populates it with lots of fantastic content and beautiful graphics. They spend weeks or month making sure everything is perfect before the big launch day arrives. Then in the hours, days and weeks after the upload, a few people trickle in but nothing really explosive. What happened? How can such a great site not naturally take the internet community by storm? Simple ? the marketing of the site was not planned (and often not even thought about!). Link Exchange Primer An Introduction to Link Exchange Are Links From Unrelated Sites Really That Bad? When I started GetQuotes-IT.com in 2003, I knew nothing about link exchanges and didn't even know what SEO stood for. I remember how excited I was when googlebot visited my site 10 times in one day. WOW!!, little did I know it was merely crawling the 10 accessible pages on my site. It's still only a hobby and I am still not an expert, but we're learning. Marketing Your Website Inexpensively There are a number ways you can go about marketing your website, many of which are quite inexpensive. Effectively marketing your Home website is vital to your ultimate success. In fact, the key to growing a business, and particularly a new Home Business, is marketing. Once you have a domain name (which can be bought for as little as $7 these days) and a reliable host (as little as $5 a month for reasonable one), you can get going on promoting your business on the Net. This can be done for free in some cases if you are willing to spend the extra time on the project. If you are unwilling to do this, you can pay someone to optimize your site and promote it for you, which is generally cost effective. Where Do You Get Quality Content? There are three main sources for you to get the content you need. Free Traffic Course - Day 4 This day 4 of "Free Traffic Course" is devoted to mailing lists, their power to increase targeted web site traffic, automate online advertising and give more sales from web site visitors. Does Traffic Exchange Programs Really Worth The Trouble? It's been several months now since I've been promoting my website all over the Net and, having a extremely tight budget, I'm using most of the free tools available on the Web. A couple of months ago, as I was machinally surfing on the Net with my Traffic Swarm account, I ask myself if using these traffic exchange programs really worth all this time invested. As a young online marketer, I'm happy to see there are full of free and very useful resources to promote my website, but does traffic exchange programs really worth the trouble? ![]() |
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