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Reciprocal Linking
Ideally you don't want to be in the position of having to email other webmasters asking if they're interested in reciprocal links. You want your website to be such that people will want to link to it, whether it be because of a cool feature, generous affiliate program, whatever. The problem is unless you have at least some sites linking to you you're not going to get noticed. In short, if you have a fairly new website you're going to have to email other webmasters and ask if they're interested in reciprocal linking. So how to you go about finding suitable websites? Here's one of the methods I use: Let's say I created a website about killer whales. The first thing I do is a google search on killer whales. Next I take the first website that's listed and do a google search on it's url. So if the first website's url is "www.allaboutkillerwhales.com" I would copy and paste that url into the google search box. One of the nifty things about Google is that if you search on a url it'll give you an option of finding pages that link to that url. So continuing the example the above the next thing I do is click on "Find web pages that link to www.allaboutkillerwhales.com." Now I have a list of urls that have links to a site about killer whales. I can email these sites and ask if they'd like to link to my site. But it doesn't stop there. When I find a web page I can also use Google to find similar pages. These similar pages are likely to also be suitable candidates for reciprocal linking. Finally I repeat the process above for other websites I found when I searched for "killer whales." Find out how one web site averages over $27,000USD in revenue per month with only around 100 visitors a day. Visit kdaviesnz.com and download this essential *FREE* report today!
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How to Run a Successful Link Exchange Program Link Exchanges are a very time consuming project. The time it takes to find the sites to exchange with, contact them and place a link on your page can seem like an eternity. The hardest part about link exchanges isn't the research, it's the waiting. This article will give you some tips to help speed response time to your requests. 10 Tips to Avoid Getting Ripped Off by Web Traffic Experts If you are looking at ways to increase traffic to your website there are many things you can do. Here are 10 tips to avoid getting ripped off by the mounting army of web traffic experts. Most of them will just take your money and waste your time. How to Exchange Links With Other Sites As a result of search engine changes, linkingwith other sites is becoming an increasingly iportant way to generate traffic to your website. Links done properly will repay the effort and not be subject to the whims of the search engines.No more need to be concerned unduly about algorithmnchanges and the "Google dance". The Link Factor There are many different approaches and techniques required when optimising a website for a high ranking in your chosen search engine. In most cases loads of informative, relevant content is required as well as plenty of outgoing links to separate you from the cat like competition. Costly Link Exchange Mistakes and How to Avoid Them When you are trying to promote your website, you want to make sure that you make as few mistakes as possible. However, there are a lot of mistakes people commit when making link exchanges that can be costly for their websites. Read the following ways to avoid making those costly link exchange mistakes: What Do Your Site Statistics Mean, Anyway? The purpose of analyzing your web site statistics is to look for trends and to research the success level of your marketing campaigns. The numbers themselves can be misleading, as statistical packages count "hits" in different ways. If someone visits a page on your site doesn't mean that they read it completely. Search Engine Submissions That Boost Link Popularity! "Submit to 10,000 Search Engines" or "Submit to over 200,000 Search Engines". This kind of ads should attract customers. It looks great to submit to so many search engines. Submission software is offered that helps to submit hundreds of websites to hundreds of search engines during several hours. What is a realistic, possible result of all these nice tools? The achieved link popularity is near Zero, but the mail box is filled by the autoresponders from the mass of FFA (Free for all) search engines.Which Search Engines count?Only a few of the many search engines really count! 99,9 % of all those who go on-line to find something use one of the 18 top search engines. Scrub The Web provides this information in it's member area. Yahoo, MSN Search and Google are the top three search engines according to Alexa Ranking. Alta Vista and AllTheWeb ? also famous search engines - belong to Yahoo and are supplied by Yahoo.If Link Popularity of a website is measured by the services that provide this information, only the Link Popularity of a website at Google, MSN, Yahoo, AllTheWeb, Alta Vista or Hot Bot is displayed. This shows that only a few search engines really count for Link Popularity. It is not necessary to submit to thousands of search engines, but to the few important search engines in the right way.Manual work instead of automated submissionsYahoo search demands that a submitter of websites has to be logged in a Yahoo email address before the submission can start. Submitting to MSN is only possible after typing of a code that is presented in a window. Google says that it is not necessary to submit a site to their search engines. Their spiders crawl the web and can find the websites. Google offers anyway an Add URL page and does not penalize repeated submissions. It seems that Google Sitemaps is a recommendable tool for webmasters to improve the chance that websites get indexed.Submissions to directoriesSubmissions to directories result in good quality links to the website. The Open Directory Project is the most important of all directories. It is very difficult to get a site listed in this Number 1 directory. Repeated submissions are necessary. Google favours websites that are listed in The Open Directory Project. The Yahoo Directory comes next but it is expensive. The websites of vilesilencer and trendmetrix list hundreds of good directories. A lot of them are free and of high quality. They are spidered by the major search engines. This high quality links are not only good for boosting the Link Popularity, but of the Google PageRank.Quality countsThe conclusion is that only the quality of the links counts that can be gained from search engines and directories to the website. Submissions to thousands of search engines are a loss of time and resources. Most of the work has to be done manually. Good results can be achieved, but it is a question of time, rather in months than in a days. Dont Just Concentrate on Web Site Traffic - Focus on Sales Conversion I cannot stress the importance of targeted traffic for the survival and prosperity of any web site and the importance increases when this web site is an ecommerce web site. But getting more and more traffic is not always the answer to increase your profits, I am not saying to stop working at increasing your traffic but I am saying that you must also focus on your 'traffic to sales conversion rate'. 9 Hot Tips for Linking With Other Sites If you have a website the chances are you receive e-mails from Webmasters asking you to make a link exchange with them. But how do you know whether you should link to their website or not? Well here are 9 rules of thumb, to help guide you through the linking maze. Deep Linking Strategy for Content Sites Linking - what a mess if you don't know what's going on. Either linking is "IN" or it's "OUT" according to what you read these days. If you need More Targeted Visitors to Your Site this Will get the Free Traffic Flowing If you don't know by now one the best ways to attract free traffic to your site is with articles. You find them in your email. You find them on any website that provides useful content. Take a look and you will see they are all formatted the same way. A Simple Guide to Analyzing All Those Web Traffic Ideas - Part 3 Just to recap - Parts 1 and 2 of this topic outlined some of the so-called "secrets" of website traffic being offered on-line and what you might expect for your money. If you missed either of these parts you will still be able to view them by clicking on the links appearing in the resource box at the end of this, Part 3. Skyrocket Website Traffic With OPT If you are looking for an immediate increase in your website traffic, and you don't want to shell out a lot of money for pay-per-click search engines, I'll let you in on a secret that has helped me make many sales and build large lists very quickly with zero cash up-front: it's called "OPT" (Other People's Traffic). 7 Simple Ways Of Driving Traffic To Your Site Using One E-Published Tips Booklet I am not a web designer or search engine optimizer, nor do I play one on TV. However, I do know that the driving force in bringing qualified traffic to your web site is dynamic high value content. That means compelling, interesting, approachable, and immediately useful information, especially when you also directly sell products or services at your site. Increasing and maintaining traffic also demands both offline and online mechanisms to attract those visitors. A Beginners Guide to Exchanging Links Reciprocal linking is an effective, free way to get more visitors to your website. Ten Ways To Effectively Increase Your Site?s Prominence On The Web It's a strange world, this place we call the internet. Many things here are stark opposites of their real life counterparts. Take for example the following. Whereas blind dating is a most dubious manner of meeting people in real life, it is the norm in cyberspace. Whereas multi-level marketing carries with it a stigma of disaster in the actual world, it is a venture very much sought on the web. And whereas traffic tends to irritate us in our daily existence, online denizens would kill to increase the same for their websites. 20 Easy Ways To Get People To Link To Your Web Site First off all let's define what is a link exchange? A link exchange Internet marketing campaign is the process of exchanging hyperlinks with a quality site that is somehow related to a company's product or service. How to Increase Link Popularity Link Popularity refers to the number of links coming from other web sites to your web site (also called inbound links). The competition between search engines and webmasters has led the search engines to find new ways to measure the importance of a site. Google has been responsible for introducing link popularity as an important aspect in its algorithms. For instance, if Google reads your site and sees many inbound links from related web sites it interprets each link as a "vote" that your site is good and as a result gives you a boost in your ranking. Common Sense Link Exchange Creating a simple links page to exchange links for the purpose of higher search engine ranking is a bad idea. Now you're probably saying to yourself why else would I make a links page? The answer is simple. You want to offer your visitors good quality content. Following this line of logic will help you go a lot farther in rankings and traffic than just throwing a links page together. 5 Unique Ways To Get More Free Traffic Ok so the first way to get traffic is not particularly unique. But the fact is that you will get lots of traffic by writing articles. The traffic won't come immediately but it will come. Articles will also bring link popularity. I wouldn't be doing my job if I wrote about free traffic and neglected to mention articles. ![]() |
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