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7 Things You Must Do If You Want To Increase Your Traffic
Gary Halbert once said that the ONLY advantage he wanted when it came to selling burgers was not a better sauce, or better grade of beef, but a STARVING CROWD. It's a simple concept, but not many people get it. #1. Find and Know Your Starving Crowd You can have the greatest product in the world, but still sell squat if no one wants to buy your product. Who are your potential buyers? Do you know them like the back of your hand? KNOW your buyers. Head down to http://www.Overture.com, type in your keywords and take furious notes! #2. Power Position Yourself Understand that people online are looking for information. They don't want information from just anyone. They want good, solid information from people who have been there, done that. If you can provide valuable advice to your prospects, you can be sure that they'll begin to trust you and develop a RELATIONSHIP with you. And just how do you position yourself as an expert? Easy, Become one. Once you develop a reputation as an expert, the traffic will come in flocks. People NEED help. Help from experts. Are you an expert? : - ) #3. Create an Epidemic Imagine this. What if you could get a super salesman to spend 24 hours everyday, 7 days every week, 52 weeks every year, for the rest of your life... a salesman who never gets sick or tired and all he does is direct hordes and hordes of targeted traffic to your site? Don't even try to estimate the astounding value someone like this would bring to your business. It is possible, and it's called viral marketing. It's the most powerful concept on the Internet. Many have tried using it and many have failed miserably. People have this misconception that as long as they have an ebook that is "brandable", it constitutes a viral marketing campaign. They are dead wrong. #4. Steal Traffic from Someone Else Got you. Of course, there are ethical ways to do that. The most powerful way, is through a JV or Joint Venture. A JV does not mean shooting an email to someone in your field of high repute saying "Hey, wanna do business with me?" You're in for a big disappointment if you think that's gonna work. Your potential JV partner is a human as well, and chances are, he/she is a SOMEBODY in your field. So make your JV proposal as benefit laden, and "hands free" for your potential partner as possible. Recognize your JV partner's accomplishments, be generous with your praise and above all, be sincere. But never be afraid to ASK. If you don't A-S-K, you will never G-E-T. #5. Become A Marketing PI Here's Industrial Espionage 101. The magic word? Forums. Forums will show you exactly what your target market is unhappy about and the problems they have. Lurk around forums. LISTEN. Forget about YOUR problems and listen to other people's problems. Solve those problems. I guarantee you'll become rich. Zig Ziglar said, the way to achieve success is to help others get what they want. #6. Expired Domains Do More Than Expire You can always use expired domain names as a great source of traffic. Search the expired domain databases, look on EBay. Some web hosts now allow multiple domains to park on a single account. Take advantage of that. #7. Transform Words into Traffic Articles are the best "Traffic Machines" that work for ANYONE- no matter what product, service, or information they're selling. You get 100% targeted traffic, FREE! And, they position you as an expert, and improve your link popularity. Plus, articles are really easy to write as well. If you have never written an article, go try writing one NOW! All 7 steps above seem really easy. It's one thing to read and go "ahh" and another thing to read those steps and actually take solid action. Nothing will happen until you take action. No action equals no traffic, equals no sales, equals no money to pay the rent. Copyright 2004 Jo Han Mok About The Author Jo Han Mok is a frequent guest and featured speaker at Internet Marketing bootcamps and conferences on subjects such as copywriting and Joint Venture Marketing. Find out how Jo Han's latest web tool can help you get laser targeted traffic in the next 7 minutes! ==> http://www.InstantVisitorSurge.com
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Free Tips to Generate Traffic for Webmasters Starting a new website and developing a traffic base if often the hardest and most frustrating part of being a webmaster. It's really an ego hit when you put a lot of hard work in to a website and don't see it perform, or perform extremely poorly. Steer Clear of the Internet Traffic Jam Yesterday, I got stuck in a traffic jam. It wasn't the first time and unfortunately won't be the last time! 5 miles of bright beaming red tail lights flickering in my eyes. Just the thought of it makes me kind of nauseas. Especially, when all I was trying to do was go to the grocery store to pick up a gallon of milk! Ethical Link Exchange, You be the Judge Webmasters understand that quality and relevant inbound links can increase site visibility; your search engine rating; and with any luck increase your traffic and revenue. Guidelines To A Successful Link Exchange Program Webmasters look for ways to get a higher ranking with search engines and increasing traffic to their website everyday. One of the ways they accomplish this is through exchanging links with other websites. In order for a link exchange program to be beneficial, one needs to focus on building a solid exchange program correctly. Costly Link Exchange Mistakes and How to Avoid Them When you are trying to promote your website, you want to make sure that you make as few mistakes as possible. However, there are a lot of mistakes people commit when making link exchanges that can be costly for their websites. Read the following ways to avoid making those costly link exchange mistakes: How to Draw Traffic to Your Website - More Steps Web site traffic refers to the number of times your site is viewed by the users.It is the most important point to be made for the success of your online business. Reciprocal Linking Reciprocal linking is considered by many people the most effective way to increase traffic to your website. You often get hits from the web sites that you have exchanged your links with, and reciprocal linking also helps boost your search engine rankings. How to Get Traffic The future of online business rest in one word: traffic. No matter how great or sophisticated your website is, if nobody comes, your online business will fail. Planning For Your Websites Future- Get Search Engine Traffic Five tips to effectively schedule your content. Using Traffic Exchange Programs Part 3 (Continued from Using Traffic Exchange Programs Part 2) Link Exchange Primer An Introduction to Link Exchange What Do Your Site Statistics Mean, Anyway? The purpose of analyzing your web site statistics is to look for trends and to research the success level of your marketing campaigns. The numbers themselves can be misleading, as statistical packages count "hits" in different ways. If someone visits a page on your site doesn't mean that they read it completely. Referral Traffic The subject of referral traffic may be a bit elementary to many folks who have been networking for a while. However, a few recent discussions with new marketers have led me to the conclusion that a brief commentary on the subject might be well received. How To Turning Your Online Visitors Traffic Into Buyers/Customers Traffic? Overview: Marketing Your Website Inexpensively There are a number ways you can go about marketing your website, many of which are quite inexpensive. Effectively marketing your Home website is vital to your ultimate success. In fact, the key to growing a business, and particularly a new Home Business, is marketing. Once you have a domain name (which can be bought for as little as $7 these days) and a reliable host (as little as $5 a month for reasonable one), you can get going on promoting your business on the Net. This can be done for free in some cases if you are willing to spend the extra time on the project. If you are unwilling to do this, you can pay someone to optimize your site and promote it for you, which is generally cost effective. Its Not The Opt-In List That Brings Success, Its Peoples Desire For Your Product Let me ask you a question. What is the most important thing in running a business? Well, obviously selling. Right? Wrong! This is like stating that the most important thing in life, its purpose, is breathing. 10 Highly Effective Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website There are many ways to promote your website for free online. Here are 10 highly effective strategies you can use right now. 7 Steps To A Powerful, Useful Reciprocal Links Directory The Problem How to Get Free High Traffic Links to Your Website Today I would like to talk about an easy way to get high traffic links to your site for free. This method is really simple and only requires a little of your time to see results. I have personally used this method to generate 260+ links and 392+ unique visits to my site in under a month. It also produced top ten rankings in Google, yahoo and AltaVista without even submitting my site to them! Sound exciting? Let's get started. How to Generate Traffic on a Zero Budget One of the most popular ways to generate free traffic to your website these days is to use a free traffic exchange service. ![]() |
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