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Priorities: Dont Dry Your Dishes
Do your dishes really need to be dried, or could you just let the water evaporate? If you spend just 5 minutes per meal drying dishes, that equals a quarter of an hour per day, or 91 hours each year. Imagine spending almost four days in a row standing at the sink drying dishes. No eating. No sleeping. No bathroom breaks. Just drying dishes for four days straight. Now imagine doing something else with that time. Savoring the fresh air. Going on a camping trip. Playing with your children. Volunteering at the food bank. Upgrading your career skills. You can do a lot in four days. Or you can dry dishes. Some chores we have to do (like washing the dishes). But some are optional. You are given a short time to live. How you spend that time is your choice. This inspiration was first published in A Daily Dose of Happiness: ( http://www.thehappyguy.com/daily-happiness-free-ezine.html ), to which one subscriber commented: "Another thought is, do dishes, laundry, sweeping, dusting, and other chores as a family. The best conversations I ever had with my parents, grandparents, and other family members were when we were doing dishes or laundry, etc. TOGETHER!" To that, I had to laugh...and respond: "Indeed, folding laundry is what passes for going on a date in our house!" About The Author David Leonhardt is author of Climb Your Stairway to Heaven: the 9 habits of maximum happiness: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/059517826X?v=glance Get the Best Daily Doses in a free ebook: http://www.thehappyguy.com/l/daily-motivation-inspiration.php
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Prioritize Your Life for Success Today, it is hard to open an e-mail newsletter, a website, or an offline magazine and not see someone talking up the importance of time management. Mercury Retrograde and Time Management The concept of Mercury Retrograde is very well known even among non-Astrologers. First Things Last Years ago clients would tell me they could not identify their priorities. Now I hear them saying 'I know what my priorities are?I just can't get to them'. Achieve More With Less Through Proper Planning One question a lot of people ask me recently is: "how do I manage my own personal time and get so much done in the same 24 hours everyone else have? They wonder how I have time for my family, being a Motivational Speaker, Business/Life Coach, Writer, Publisher, and Toastmaster." Your Most Important Appointment An appointment is simply a mutual agreement to meet with someone at a specific time. Tips to Save One Hour Per Day At Home How to Make More Time For Your Life Do you wish you could work less and play more? Are you so stuck in the rut you can't see a way out? Have you ever said I wish I had more time for me? A Time-Saving Programming Tactic that Doesn?t Work Let's say that you have a software project that's under severe time pressure. Let's say that this deadline is so tight that you already know it will involve many late nights of black coffee and frenetic programming. What can you do to make this process go faster? Organize Your Time Most people want to start a home-based business to make more money to supplement their income. The issue though, is finding the time to make this happen. Career Redesign Tools For Work-Life Balance Partnering with the University of Pennsylvania Law School and the Wharton School, Thirdpath Institute, a non-profit whose mission is "To assist individuals and families in finding new ways to redesign work to create time for family, community and other life priorities," held a 2-day conference in May, 2004 for lawyers, entitled "Having a Life: Creating Work-Life Balance in the Law." I was part of a small team of career and work-life professionals who facilitated small group breakout sessions that were held throughout the conference. Are You Always Late? "Fashionably late" is no longer in fashion. In today's heavily scheduled world, it is the punctual who are respected and admired. Even though most of us know this, some people are always late, no matter how much time they have to get ready. You may be one of them. Do any of the following sound familiar? Do You Have The Time? Show me, O Lord, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. Psalms 39:4. Time Management Lessons from a 3 Year Old Zak is my three-year old godson. He is the apple of my eye along with his sisters Carley and Brenna. I was watching him the other day as he was preparing to assume a self-proclaimed role of 'Master of the Universe' while playing a game with some of his friends. I marveled at how prepared he was and how his plan included alternatives if there were any 'problems' in the scheme of things. He was, in fact, more focused on achieving his goal than just about anyone I've ever seen. The Keepers of Time I give presentations on organizational skill building as it relates to paper, time, and computer file management. It seems that we all have too much paper, not enough time, and more than enough information stored in our computers if we could just find it! How to Minimize Trips to the Grocery Store Still awaiting the birth of my baby (I am overdue), it is increasingly a challenge to go grocery shopping. Thank goodness I have wonderful friends and neighbors who offer to go for me. Procrastination: Why We Do It and How to Change PROCRASTINATION: You've known about it since high school or college, when everybody boasted about it. Everyone put off papers for a basketball game or a night on the town. It was OK-you only go through college once, right? You left college, but did you leave procrastination? You are now accountable for procedures and personnel responsibilities more complicated and more consequential than any you shouldered in college. Have your habits and attitudes evolved to handle them? How to Find More Time in Your Day-Balancing Career and Family Goal Planning-Achieving balance in a person's life requires assessment of one's goals and priorities. This translates into sitting down in a quiet atmosphere and taking just a few minutes to think about "What are my priorities in life? What could I never live without?" When one is clear about the things that are important to them in life, it is easier to determine which errands, assignments, and projects to take time out to complete or to dump or delegate. You will then be able to do the things you love to do. Thinking about goals is a crucial step in striking balance for our busy lives. Time Management - How To Get More Done In A Day? Everyday, in life, we are bombarded with 101 tasks that are waiting for us to resolve it. This is especially true when we are involved in internet marketing where we had to check emails, respond to customer queries, set up product page.. etc...etc.. The list goes on... If Only Your Brain Was the Size Of That Of an Ant You Could Easily Implement Habits A year and a half ago I was introduced to something called Swarming or Swarm intelligence. Creating A Not-To-Do List When I sit down with a client to work on prioritizing and delegating, the biggest challenge we face is deciding what kinds of activities and responsibilities to give up. Quite often, we get so entrenched in what we think we SHOULD be doing, that we forget to pay attention to what we ENJOY doing. So when it comes time to let go of the boring, tedious, and time-consuming tasks that eat up our day, we have a struggle trying to identify them. ![]() |
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