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Vision -- What Are You Doing Today Towards Achieving Your Vision?
Every man who accomplishes things sees first in his mind what he wishes to do. He puts away all doubt. It makes no difference how small or how large the thing you want to do may be; if you have an unlimited confidence in your ability to do it, you will do it. - Charles Fillmore By definition, vision is a future orientation, a broad stroke picture that serves as the basis for making decisions or taking actions towards achieving the vision. In order for a vision to become a reality, there are certain elements that must be present. Most importantly, the vision must be anchored in truth. If there is no or little truth, the vision will not be obtainable. For example: If a client says that she wants to be an opera singer despite the fact that she truly can't sing-can't carry a tune, has no pitch, etc. it's not impossible for her to achieve some level of singing ability with singing lessons. However, the struggle and the reality is so far fetched, that it really doesn't make sense to have this as an aspiration. Accordingly, it would be important to find out just what she would hope to gain or could expect her life to be like as an opera singer. Upon investigation and exploration, it would be discovered that she loves to be on stage, get attention, and perform in some way. Those qualities can be used in many ways besides being an opera singer - and surely would be anchored more in truth. It is also important that the vision is aligned with your purpose in life. If she wants to make this world a better place by sharing her talents and gifts, then singing would probably not be a wise choice. On the other hand, if she chooses some form of teaching and reaching many people so that she is sharing her ideas and wisdom, she's probably aligned with her purpose. Perhaps some form of public speaking might be more appropriate. A vision must be exciting and compelling. If not, there is no incentive to take steps towards making it happen. If she chose to have a vision of becoming a nurse and caring for sick people when in fact, she doesn't particularly enjoy being around sick people, it's not going to pull her forward to wanting it to become a reality. In fact, there will most likely be lots of struggle and sabotaging along the way. Could it be a possible vision with truth? "Yes, but..." She could learn nursing and she could care for sick people, and it does align with her vision of sharing talents and gifts, BUT for her, it's not exciting or compelling. Therefore, the chances of her finishing the necessary course work aren't great and even if she did, it would feel more like drudgery. So in creating a vision, it's important to think about what experience you would like to have. It would be helpful to notice and check if it's anchored in truth - for you. Does it align with your purpose? Is it compelling and exciting to you? Could it pull you forward and be an incentive and is it motivating you to wanting to take steps towards it? Invitation to Experiment:Create a vision for your life. Include the type of experiences you want to have - include ALL of the elements possible: such as where you will be living, how you will be living, with whom, what type of work you'll be doing, etc. Don't leave anything out from your dream. Once it's crafted, look at the truth in it. Does it align with your truth? Look at your purpose for being on the planet. Does it align with your purpose? And lastly, is it exciting and compelling? Could it motivate and inspire you to take steps to move towards it? If so, take your first step, and then the next. It may at first seem like a pipe dream, but if it's aligned and compelling enough, it can become reality. You may modify your vision along the way, but all the while, you are moving towards a life that truly fits who you are and what you want. Marion Franklin - is a Professional Certified Life Coach who coaches individuals and groups regarding personal and professional change, focus, human relations, and conflict management. Marion has coached managers at major corporations including PepsiCo, Toys'R'Us, and Reader's Digest. She conducts and help clients design workshops and presentations, has been a featured presenter at meetings, retreats, and an ongoing Women's Workshop Series, has been cited in The Journal News and The Wall Street Journal, and has appeared on local Cable Television.http://www.lifecoachinggroup.com
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Whos Up For A Challenge? Depending on the person, challenges can either make or break a person. On one hand, challenges possess the power to increase one's skills and knowledge, their motivation, faith and character. It also has the ability to produce hope and endurance. These are all great achievements that can propel us towards success. On the opposite end of achievement, however lie disappointment, discouragement, and defeat. Personal Excellence: Whats Your Motivation? (Part 2 of 3) The scene from "Biloxi Blues" where Matthew Broderick's character kept asking, "Is the heat getting hotter?" was looping in my mind. Indeed, the surface of the sun may well have been a cooler place to spend the day. Identity Theft - Defining Who We Are Identity theft! Risking For Success Everything we do in life involves risk. There's no growth of any kind without risk. We start running risks when we get out of bed in the morning. We take a risk every time we cross the street. Risks are good for us. They bring out the best in us. And, you cannot achieve happiness or success without taking risks. Blessing The Money You Spend A young girl opens a birthday card from her grand mother and folded inside the card is a crisp $100 bill along with congratulations and sincere wishes and hopes for happiness. A successful store rewards its customers who spend more than $20 with a bonus service or gift. A woman I know writes hearts on her cheques and blesses her creditors each time she makes a payment on a loan. What Is Your Legacy of Success? Success! Easy to talk about, but difficult to achieve. Or is it? Success is defined differently by virtually anyone you ask because success is a very personal experience. Is your definition of success based on the values, dreams and beliefs of others? How often do people strive for accomplishments that will show they are "successful" yet they are left spiritually and emotionally lost? For Meeting Planners: Organizing Your Office for Less Stress and More Profit If you discovered your speaking career depended on how organized your office was, your reaction could range from complete composure to sheer terror. Even the most successful professional speakers sometimes utter, "Some day I'm really going to get organized," but purging files, organizing computer files, tackling piles of unread journals, or learning a new software program (even one that will help you get organized!), usually gets pushed to the bottom of your list of priorities while you handle today's crisis. Success Lessons From Cricket That Can Improve Your Life This summer (2005) huge crowds in England and Australia have been following the 5 test match series between England and Australia. The sides are evenly matched and have played some of the most exciting cricket seen for many years. Whether you play cricket or not, you will find some great success lessons in this series of matches. Learning From Failure--What To Do When You Blow It! Becoming successful is not easy. We all get tossed around somewhat in our attempts to win or succeed. Learning opportunities are usually created by the "I-Blew-Its". Fear Not If You Dont Feel Youre Off To Quite The Blazing Start Youd Like There are those out there who would lead us to believe that if we don't meet with overnight success in our endeavors that we are some how not trying as hard as we can. Changing Your Luck In this week's New Age Notebook, I am going to address a subject that often comes up in the chat rooms: LUCK. Why is it that some people seem to be born with horseshoes up the wazoo while others battle an endless string of disasters and setbacks?Is there such thing as being born under a lucky star? Is it karma or a curse? While some are eternal victims of Murphy's Law: "if something can go wrong, it will.", others seem to be able to get away with murder and suffer no consequences at all. K.O.R.E. Elements of Success I want to focus our thoughts on each of these four elements of success. While these were originally written for a business audience, the principles can be easily translated to cover yourself or any group or organization you belong to. Fanning the Flames of Passion -- Reconnecting With Life Imagine you are a fire. Fires burn at different levels of intensity, from low barely glowing embers to tall roaring bonfires licking the night sky! What kind of fire are you? What is it that fuels you, feeding your burning desires? Forget Dreams...Have Visions! Do you still keep that all important 'Inner Spark Alive'? ...even 15 yrs later from college! Plan to Succeed Have you ever made plans in your career but never fulfilled them? Or have you fulfilled a plan but found that you have gone in the wrong direction? 3 Power Tips To Increase Financial Success FA$T! Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be blessed with miraculous success while others are not? From Rags To Riches Nicholas Darvas, escaping his war-torn homeland, Hungary, sought refuge in Turkey in June 1943. In Istanbul, however, he faced a new crisis. Now, he had no friends, no money, no knowledge of Turkish, and no citizenship. He risked starvation. He also risked losing his sense of being special. He didn't want to be poor and hungry for the rest of his life. No, he had fonder hopes for himself. He wanted to thrive. He wanted to be an outrageous success. Seven Steps for Success "The secret of success is to make what you are doing interesting to other people." - Florence Scovel Shinn Keep Track of Your Results Three key words to remember: weigh, count and measure. Now, why weigh, count and measure? To see what your results are from your activity, your attitude and your philosophy. If you find that the results are not to your liking, there are only three places to look. Your philosophy needs to be fine-tuned; your attitude needs to be strengthened or your disciplines need extra skill. But that's it. Activity, attitude and philosophy create results. Reach Your Goals - Believe In Your Own Divine Nature Believe in your own Divine nature ![]() |
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