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Two Great Success Tips - Read And Apply What You Learn And Do It Now!
Today I was glad that I had bothered to read two of my favourite ezines. It is only too easy to think that you can afford to miss an issue or two. Inevitably, the issues you miss will be the best ones! One ezine was written by Pawan Agrawal and the other by Martin Avis. They reminded me of two great truths which I have come across and even written about several times before. We need reminding of the great truths again and again because it is easy to forget them or fail to apply them. Pawan had come across a statistic which shocked her: "85% of the people who buy ebooks never actually finish reading them, and of those who do read the whole ebook, 95% of them never implement what they learn." The reason people don't read the ebooks according to Pawan's source is that they believed that they were reading nothing new and had already learned what was in the ebook. Those who do implement what they know and make things happen are the successful ones. Those who stop only at learning new things without putting them into action are unsuccessful. I think matters are even worse. Probably 85% of people who buy ebooks never actually start reading them let alone finish reading them and probably only 1 or 2 % actually implement what they learn. I value my own opinion on this because I am one of the guilty ones. I am highly motivated to learn new things and become very enthusiastic about any new ebook or more expensive product on the market. I have spent thousands of pounds and dollars on both high cost seminars and low cost ebooks and have only read a handful of them. The problem is that my enthusiasm moves me to buy one ebook and then before I have read it, another appears on the market and I buy that and so on. In the meantime I never get round to reading much except my email! I also have little time available to actually put anything into action. My reason for not reading is not that I think I know it all; it is my desire to know it all which makes me keep buying the latest and best and then getting overwhelmed with all the new info.I am also a sucker for good copy writing! I realize that buying ebooks and then not reading and not implementing them is crazy. Martin Avis' ezine suggests the solution. Read the ebook now before anything else has a chance to distract you. Also take action now while your current enthusiasm is still fresh and strong. Don't leave it till later.If you leave things till later other priorities will take over or you will forget to do whatever it was you planned on doing. I'll finish this article with a great quote from Martin Avis and a great quote from Pawan Agrawal. The first one is from Martin Avis and is pure wisdom: "The best way to keep enthusiastic and to be constantly motivated is to be a person who takes action. Strangely enough, the more action you take, the more things that you actually do when they spring to mind rather than leave until later, the more things that you will find that you get done. Action breeds action and action now is the best form of motivation that there is." The quote from Pawan Agrawal is a challenge to you and to me: "In my observations I have come to the conclusion that there are only two types of people in this world... those that DO and those that DON'T! Those that do are the success stories you often read about in the glossy brochures or on the front page of Time Magazine. Those that DON'T are the ones doing the reading. What type of person are you?" About the author John Watson is an award winning teacher and martial arts instructor. He has recently written two books about achieving your goals and dreams. They can both be found on his website http://www.motivationtoday.com along with a daily motivational message. The title of the first book is "36 Laws To Ignite Your Inner Power And Realize Your Dreams Now! - Acronyms, Stories, And Pictures...Easy To Remember And Use Everyday To Grab Your Life And Soar With The Eagles" The book can be found at this URL http://www.motivationtoday.com/36_laws.php The book uses acronyms, stories and pictures to help readers remember 36 laws that can gradually transform your life if you apply them. You are welcome to publish the article above in your ezine or on your website so long as you do not alter it and keep in the words about the author and the 36 Laws.
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Success Lessons from Baseball - Enthusiasm And Excitement Can Make The Difference I remember, about 35 years ago, reading two books by Frank Bettger, the baseball player, about how enthusiasm made all the difference in his life. His books made a difference in my life at the time and are still well worth reading and re-reading. The #1 Secret of Success Today I am going to tell you the #1 secret to success in life, business & all that you do. If you apply this secret wholeheartedly I guarantee that your life will change for the better. Posture Yourself for a Promotion Sit up straight! You may recall hearing those words as a child. Perhaps a teacher or a parent would utter those words to you on a regular basis. It was so much easier to slouch and perhaps it still is. Your new image, however, begins with how you feel about yourself. Studies have shown there is a direct correlation between your posture and how you think and feel about yourself and your environment. Reach Your Goals - Get Professional Help Get professional help The Characteristics of a Winner As kind of a hobby I like to watch people. Just kind of sit back and quietly watch how they react and respond to others and their environment. Through the course of this activity I've noticed a few things that the real winners in life seem to have in common. I'd like to point out a few of these characteristics for the purpose of reinforcing them. Success Lessons From Josey Wales The Outlaw Josey Wales is an interesting Western that I have watched many times. It is full of success lessons for the discerning! What Do You Know? "When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school It's a wonder I can think at all" Success Unveiled How do you define success? Focus and Determination = Success FOCUS 10 Simple Tips For Attaining Wealth What with the millions of words printed every day about "How To Achieve Success," why aren't there more new millionaires. Success Showdowns I confess, I love westerns. There is nothing like those "Showdown" sceneswhere the film is shot from down low and you see those boots moving slowly,step by step until they come to a stop just 100 feet from the other guy.Tumble weed blows by. The wind stirs the dust. The camera moves up and yousee fingers twitching, getting ready to draw. You know that it is only a fewmoments until the good guy lets the bad guy have it and he'll be on his wayto saving the day and setting the town free again. All that stands in hisway is this one obstacle. But that obstacle must be put away. The Core Curriculum Of A Wonderful Life An acquaintance of mine once lamented that she was utterly frustrated with her lack of progress toward her dreams, given her age. According to her outlook, if you hadn't made it by then, you weren't anywhere near as likely to do so afterwards. A very late bloomer indeed, she ranted, and going to seed before the blush was off the rose, to boot. Ouch. Fortunately, I didn't believe a word of it and now she is happily off proving herself wrong in many ways - but I digress. Create Your Future Through Visualization The best way to predict your future is to create it. All high-achieving men and women take full control of their lives, and if they don't find the opportunities they want , they create them. Keep Track of Your Results Three key words to remember: weigh, count and measure. Now, why weigh, count and measure? To see what your results are from your activity, your attitude and your philosophy. If you find that the results are not to your liking, there are only three places to look. Your philosophy needs to be fine-tuned; your attitude needs to be strengthened or your disciplines need extra skill. But that's it. Activity, attitude and philosophy create results. Extend Your Influence Without Shortening Your Life Please repeat these four words out loud: Believing in a Better Lifestyle How many of you have ever thought about the link betweenbelieving in yourself, and getting a good income? You wouldthink that your income is based entirely on your skills,wouldn't you. Well, we know how true that one is. So whatdoes play a part in deciding what you are worth in moneyterms per year? Quick Steps To Make This Your Best Year Yet Looking for a way to make this year your best ever? The One-Two Punch for Success: Authenticity and Alignment Have you ever felt as if you are beating your head against a wall? You repeatedly try to reach a goal but you never seem to achieve it. Instead you are struggling rather than moving forward and achieving your goals with grace and ease. You are not alone. The struggle to move from what we don't want to what we do want is, unfortunately, a fundamental struggle for many individuals. Believe it or not, it is very common for people to struggle against what they want and to actively limit their good. In order to have what you want, you must be willing to end the struggle and move into action. Your success is dependent on your ability to reach your goals and achieve. The easiest way to move from "stuck" into action without struggle is to be authentic and to be in alignment with your authenticity. Authenticity means that you are connected to your core and that your desires are a true reflection of your inner self and soul. Alignment means that your entire being is in agreement with the goal you want to achieve. For example, you come home from work one evening and you are very tired. But this evening is your work-out night. You sit on the couch and actually have to talk yourself into getting into your gym clothes and heading off to the gym. What you did in convincing part of yourself to go to the gym when it really wanted to rest on the couch is called alignment. You got yourself into alignment with the idea and intention of going to the gym no matter how tired a part of you felt. To end struggle and successfully achieve goals, all parts of you must work together for manifestation. That means all bodies, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual, must be in agreement concerning a goal. There can be no doubts, limiting beliefs or attachments. The following describes a process you can use to do an authenticity check concerning your goals and bring yourself into alignment with your goals. Step One: Sit quietly ? create a peaceful, serene and nurturing space for yourself. It must be a space where you feel comfortable and secure. Spend several minutes in quiet and inner reflection upon your goal. Have paper and pen handy. Step Two: The Authenticity Check: Ask within if this goal is the appropriate goal for you to achieve at this time. If the answer is yes, skip to the next step. If the answer is no, ask what a more appropriate goal would be for you right now. By asking this question, you move from being ruled by the needs of the mind (survival issues) and begin to access the soul within. You leave behind the petty desires of the ego and move into realizing the desires of the soul. As a result, your goals become truer and more authentic. Write down the response you receive. If you need additional clarity concerning the response, ask for it. Keep asking within until you feel complete. Step Three: Alignment. Once you have a defined and authentic goal, it is time to create alignment. Remain in your space of quiet and comfort; ask to speak to your mental body. (You will repeat step Three with each of the bodies) Ask your mental body if it is willing to be in alignment with you goal. The purpose of this question is to uncover any blocks or limitations that reside in the mental body concerning the goal. If the answer is yes, proceed to the next body: physical, spiritual and emotional. If the answer is no, simply begin a conversation with this part of you. Some questions to begin with are: Why are you not willing to be in alignment with this goal? What would it take for you to be in alignment with this goal? When a part is not willing to be in alignment with an authentic goal, the cause may be fear or insecurity. Usually the situation is remedied by helping the part understand that it is taken care of, that it is safe and that it has nothing to fear. Simply, have a conversation with the part and inform it of the truth. Once you receive the willingness of all the bodies, remember to thank them for supporting the manifestation of this authentic goal. Affirm your alignment with this goal and your intention to manifest it. By completing this process, you have created an authentic goal and brought yourself into full alignment with this goal. You can now move forward without struggle because all blocks have been removed. Success shall be yours. Average Sucks! The very first "motivational speaker" I heard as an adult was a gentleman named Mort Utley. I experienced his speech in May of 1989 in Nashville, Tennessee, at the end of a week of Sales School with the Southwestern Company. I was 19 years old and had just finished my freshman year at the University of Wisconsin, and Mr. Utley's speech was the final component of my formal training to sell educational books door-to-door for the summer. I was absolutely coming out of my skin with an indescribable combination of intense excitement and great fear. Mort Utley's speech made one of the most "un-motivational" statements I had ever heard. He said: Millionaire Mind - Secret Of The Millionaire Mind Revealed Hey Future Millionaire, ![]() |
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