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Overcome the Top 10 Causes of Workplace Stress
Workplace stress is on the rise and it's costingcorporate America a fortune. Some estimate that80% of health care costs are stress related, andthese expenses go right to the bottom line. According to CNN-Money.com, Americans spent morethan $17 billion for anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs in 2002, up 10% from the year beforeand nearly 30% over a two year period. The Institute for Management Excellence reportsthat American industry spends more than $26billion each year for medical bills and disabilitypayments with another $10 billion for executive'slost workdays, hospitalization, and early death. In addition to these staggering figures, stresstakes its toll through the added costs of qualitycontrol, legal challenges, lost opportunities,poor performance, bad attitudes, and training. We cannot do much about the skyrocketing costs ofmedical care and prescription drugs, but we cantake immediate action to control the top tencauses of stress as identified by The GlobalBusiness and Economic Roundtable on Addiction andMental Health. The countdown is: 10. "Workload" ? Employees report that they areoften stressed when they have too little or toomuch to do. Managers need to divideresponsibilities and help employees prioritizework that must be done. Make sure you understandthe impact before shifting responsibilities. Takeinto account the cost of stress before youincrease anyone's workload or hire more people. 9. "Random interruptions" - Telephones, pagers,walk-in visits, and spontaneous demands fromsupervisors all contribute to increased stress.Time management, delegation of responsibilities,and clarification of expectations can reduce thesestressors. 8. "Pervasive uncertainty" ? Stresslevels increase rapidly when people are confrontedby new requirements and procedures. Keepingpeople informed controls stress and increasesproductivity. Put details in a memo so they canreview the facts following your explanations. 7. "Mistrust and unfairness" - These situationskeep everyone on edge, create bad attitudes, andlower productivity. It is important to keep anopen line of communication to avoidmisunderstanding and know what people are thinkingabout your decisions. Managers must consistentlybuild trust and give equal treatment - just do theright thing. 6. "Unclear policies and no sense of direction" -Lack of focus causes uncertainty and underminesconfidence in management. You need more than awell-written policy manual. Enforcement ofpolicies and clear communications are essential. To make sure everyone gets the message, you canrepeat your explanation in a variety of ways ?repetition and feedback are important. Reinforcepolicies through memos, articles, bulletin boardpostings, personal meetings, and small groupdiscussions. 5. "Career and job ambiguity" - If people areuncertain about their jobs and careers, there is afeeling of helplessness and of being out ofcontrol. In addition to the trusted jobdescriptions and annual personnel reviews, peopleneed to understand a broad range of issues thataffect the company. News of mergers, consolidations, plant closings,and restructuring contribute to a feeling ofhelplessness. Management must keep people informedabout situations that will affect their jobs, orthe rumor mill will add to an already stressfulsituation. 4. "No feedback - good or bad" ? People want toknow whether they are meeting expectations.Consistent, written and verbal, personalizedfeedback is required. Some people need moreattention than others, but everyone's performanceis enhanced if leaders frequently affirmindividual efforts. 3. "No appreciation" - Failure to showappreciation generates stress that endangersproductivity throughout the company. There aremany ways to demonstrate appreciation, but themost effective is a sincere comment about how muchthe person means to you and the company. 2. "Lack of communications" - Poor communicationleads to decreased performance and increasedstress. Management memos and announcements workwell for distributing information, but two-wayconversation improves communication and solicitsideas and suggestions while reducing stress andcomplaints. 1. "Lack of control" ? Workplace stress is at itsgreatest when employees have no say regardingthings that affect them. You can decreasesensitivity to all the other stressors and give asense of being in control by involving employeesin operating and administrative decisions andacting on their input. Frontline employees knowwhat they are talking about. Listening to whatthey have to say reduces stress and increasesproductivity. Effective managers understand that stress controlis a leadership responsibility and give it just asmuch attention as any other management function.For those who want to explore stress controlfurther, a free 3-session e-course is available byemail request at stresscontrol@sendfree.com Grasping the concepts and reducing stress one stepat a time can have an amazing impact on yourbottom line --and on the lives of those who do theheavy work. Dale Collie - professional speaker, formerUS Army Ranger, CEO, and a Fast Company top50 innovative leader. Author of "WinningUnder Fire." (McGraw-Hill) collie@couragebuilders.com
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Stress Management and Mastery: 3 Tools You Can Use Q:We recently had someone come to our company to talk about stress management. All he did was talk about the physical results of stress and tell us we need to not be so stressed and to relax. It really wasn't very helpful, and I was wondering if you could offer some tips on how to handle stress. Stress Management and Mastery: What We Can Learn from 9 Trapped Miners Think back a few years to the nine coal miners trapped in a Pennsylvania mine and their rescuers. 10 Ways to Monitor Corporate Stress Levels 10 Ways to Monitor Corporate Stress Levels Put the 80/20 Rule to Work for Your Life! Perhaps you've heard of the 80/20 rule, but don't know where it came from or how it was adapted. Please allow me to give a bit of background on the 80/20 rule before I jump into the way you can put it to work for you. Stress Management: Declare Your Freedom From... 1)Excessive worry Job Stress Management Tips Today's workplace produces plenty of stress. Life's little hassles mount up until you say to yourself, "If one more thing goes wrong today, I'll explode." Don't reach for the aspirin bottle, try these stress management tips. Stress And How To Avoid It Everyone knows that stress isn't good - that it can get ontop of us and effect our wellbeing. What most people don'trealise is that stress can effect much more than just ourmood or mental state. Stress has been shown to have adetrimental effect on many parts of our body and indeedpeoples health in general. Stress Management: KYFM - Keep Your Feet Moving One of my favorite stories about change is the story called ``The Room of 10,000 Monsters.'' Stress Relief Tips With how busy we keep ourselves on a day to day basis, it's no wonder that so many of us suffer from stress. Stress is something that is almost impossible to avoid, because of the way that we are wired. With that said though stress can be easily dealt with in many ways. Coping with Stress Everyone experiences stress at some point in their life. In fact, stress is a natural part of life. Stress Managment and Mastery: Learning to Rebound Q. I've suffered a few setbacks and disappointments in the last year and seem to be bogged down in them. A business that I began failed, and my long-term girlfriend left me for someone else. When Dreams Get Shattered: Picking Up the Pieces "Smash!" It was a sunny autumn Saturday. My cousins and I were playing baseball in my aunt's back yard. I still recall the crack of the bat and sound of breaking glass as a beautiful line drive sailed right through the center of my aunt's dining-room window. Conquering Stress and Depression with Exercise One of the best ways to combat stress and depression is to make physical fitness a part of your daily routine. Aside from the proven health benefits of exercise, people who exercise regularly are more apt to deal with stressful situations more easily, handle physical work tasks better, and tend to be less susceptible to illness and injuries. Stress Relief ? A Backyard Hot Tub Is Your Answer We all know what it's like coming home from a busy day and needing some fast relaxation and stress relief. Many people choose to reach for that quick drink; but why not soak your stresses away? One of the best ways you can sit outside and enjoy the backyard is to install a hot tub and let the water bring relief from stresses and strains of the day. Ancient civilizations realized the healing power of natural hot and cold springs. The Romans built baths because they believed in the value of hot springs. Hippocrates prescribed bathing and drinking spring water for its therapeutic effects in the 4th century B.C. Water healing or hydrotherapy has been used effectively in Europe for thousands of years. There are numerous water healing facilities available. Hydrotherapy is one of the oldest, inexpensive and safest methods for treating many common problems and bringing stress relief. One Way to Beat Stress: Arrive Early! I'm so excited that I have discovered this secret today. It's something that I promise will reduce the stress level in your lives. It's easy, convenient and all you have to do is plan: THE NIGHT BEFORE! Children Playing - How Play Is Important To Kids And Adults You can learn a lot by watching children playing. There is no greater sight than to see children pretending to be superheroes or digging for treasure in a sandbox. To hear the laughter and see a child's excitement can bring a smile to any adult's face. An important part of a child's development is through play. A child's problem solving skills are developed through play. Children are able to work on relationships, build self-esteem and decrease their anger. In the course of a child's life adults usually teach children, but on the playground children can teach adults how to have fun.Unfortunately, some children had to grow up so fast that they never had the experience of play. When this happens, they often miss out on a healthy part of their development. These children often grow up to be adults who are more angry and depressed.Whether you are an adult who missed out on play as a child or an adult who lost site of the importance of play, take the time out of your busy day to watch children playing. By watching children play you can regain some of that fun, enabling you to see how carefree and fun life should be.To incorporate play in your life, think back to your childhood.* What did you do for fun?* Did you experience play or did you observe children playing?* Ask yourself how you can bring play into your adult life?If you are having difficulty in your life and are in need of a break just take the time out of your busy unrelenting day to watch children play. If you feel comfortable doing so, join in the fun. The stresses and strains of your daily life will just slip away. How To Use Diet To Reduce Your Stress The ProblemYou don't need me to tell you how pervasive stress is in our modern lives. In part, this is due to our chosen life styles. One element of our life styles that is likely to be making matters worse, is our diet, by which I mean, what we eat. Ten Tips to Ward Off Stress at the Office CHICAGO - According to a recent article in the September 27 issue of Newsweek magazine, 60?90 percent of all doctor visits are for stress-related illnesses. Stress affects us all and it is especially rampant at the office, where it is not only costly to employees but also to the companies they work for in terms of absenteeism and poor performance. Under stress, you cannot perform at your optimum level. Are YOU Controlling Stress So Stress Does Not Control YOU? Have you recently moved or started a new job? Do you feel you have too much to do and not enough time to do them? Do you worry about your financial situation? Do you worry about your future? Do you feel your efforts at work or at home go unappreciated? Self-Healing Basics * The material presented in this article is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prevent any illness. ![]() |
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