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How To Get More Business During The Winter Months
Business seems to drop, slow or even stop during the winter months. As tourist traffic slows or stops during the winter months so does the incomes of many local business owners. The first step in overcoming this problem begins in your brain (don't they all?) To begin with, don't see these slow months as a dead time. See them for what they are , a time to build customer relationships and prepare for the busy season to come. There are a few things that you might try to cushion the slow season. Below you'll find a list of strategies that just might work for your business. 1. Hold a class or Informational seminar-- Invite all your customers to come in for an educational session. Make sure that you have some nice deals for them on related items so that they can spend some money with you. It may well be worth considering doing the class for free. (gasp!) Some of the types of things that come to mind are Fishing, crafts, investments, flower arranging, interior decorating, travel tips, Information about certain surgerys, back pain relief, parenting, writing workshops and on and on?? 2. Work up package deals that will be available during the "on" season but sell them now=get money now. Remember that money now is always worth more than money later! Here's a great idea for a resort. Pay us $250 now and we'll give you a two night stay and a boat rental (with 4 hours guided) and a picnic lunch. Just make your reservation any time in the year 2004. I've seen this exact package sell over 20%! If you offered this to 1000 prospects and sold 200 You would gross $50,000! Could $50,000 now tide you over for a few weeks? 3. Tune up your advertising. Start using benefits and offers to get up to 500% more return on investment from your advertising. I'll show you how for free if you call me. 870 213-7032 4. Learn to use word of mouth to up your sales. Call me. 5. Send press releases 6. Run a contest 7. Distribute Coupons 8. Use give aways to generate traffic and be prepared to sell. (give aways could consist of informational materials) 9. Pre-promote an "On" season special or event (ok this one is not going to get you winter dollars but it will be a productive use of your time 10. Don't forget the locals! Find something they'd like to invest in. This is the Thursday before Valentine's Day and I have not seen any resorts or hotels doing the "Romantic Getaway" deal There are dozens of tips and strategies that will increase your winter dollars. You just have to implement some of them to profit. OH! Want to know an awesome secret? You can do the above all year long! Cool. Very cool. Any Questions? John M. Satterfield About The Author John M. Satterfield C.Ht is a certified hypnotherapist and a corporate marketing director. He lives in Mountain View Arkansas wife is Mary Gale, Cocker Spaniel is Sir Lancelot
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Buying Used Detailing Equipment and Rainy Day Services Mobile auto detailing equipment becomes very inexpensive around March each year. If you look on eBay or your local classified section of the newspaper you will see. This is because mobile auto detailers are in a seasonal business. They find themselves scraping bottom when it is too cold to work because the water is freezing or it is raining and it becomes hard to sell detailing services. No one wants to see their business cards when it's raining. The only people who page them are their girlfriends who they can no longer take out for dinner or a movie. They can't use their car phone because it's been turned off by Verizon or Sprint. In a rainy year their cash reserve, if they had one, has been used up by mid January. They are eating Top Ramen by February. Their business no longer supports their needs. So they quit. Too bad for them; they obviously are not winners because: "Winner's Never Quit and Quitters Never Win!" During the election we heard about Ohio?s Economy Much of what we heard in the mass media about Ohio and the down and out economy was the fiction of spin-doctors of politics who wanted to oust the current sitting President. On further review and first hand observation and experience Cincinnati has people moving in and economic expansion. It is in a good spot with decent quality of life, plenty of jobs and an expanding set of suburbs. Just cross the river into KY and you get a glimpse of the reality. Is Plan B Ready? Business owners and entrepreneurs are, by nature, risk takers and adventurers. If we didn't have that "optimism gene" floating around, not much of any progress would ever get done. But every so often the adventurous get in trouble. Content Management: Wise Investment for Business Prosperity The time when a website was just a simple set of HTML pages has gone by. It's true, just five or seven years ago simple websites developed with HTML and JavaScript were usual. Nobody thought there could be another option. However, year by year, Internet becomes a place where companies can interact with their clients, can develop online showrooms and online shops, can announce the latest news, and even make market researches. A new era of dynamic web development has come. Abstract Thought; Business Strategies and Biological Systems To stop a computer virus you must understand how it works, grows and what it's innate purpose is? What is its program, evolution and future vectors. The fastest way to expand a business or exploit a competitor on a sports team is to use the organizational patterns of nature like swarms, ants, and viruses. The human body is has a good defense mechanism against an organic virus, it is bigger with a strong immune system Strategic Planning Consulting Strategic planning and consulting is the strategy roadmap to manage business very effectively. To improve the performance in each business level, business strategic planning & consulting is essential. We should draw a clear strategic planning model to dilute the business complexity. If the strategic planning models are clearly set it is easy to find the business solution. Business Plan: The Simplest Business Plan Ever If you're a solo professional like I am, you know how tough it is to find any time at all to do any business planning. Doing a full business plan is a must if you're planning to seek financing or investors, but most solo professionals don't need anything that complicated. How Good Is a Business Plan To Your Business? You know you need a business plan. You probably realize that it is one of the best ways to get your business up and running. No matter what your business is, a business plan can help to focus its direction while providing the information you need to get moving. The most important thing a business plan will do is to provide your financial backers with a reason to give you their approval. It will show them how you plan to work your business. How to Write a Business Plan Market Analysis Writing a business plan is an essential part of the initial strategic planning of any company. One thing, which seems to hang up most entrepreneurs, is figuring out what kind of data and information goes into the Market Analysis section. So often entrepreneurs will attempt to bluff or BS their way thru it. Often you find those with MBA write meticulous Market Analysis sections and although they may have little if any true entrepreneurial skills going into a new business, their business plans are sure to impress. But you need not be an MBA to write a proper Market Analysis section in your business plan for your next business. Fail to plan... or Plan to FAIL?? Running a business, whether it be an offline multi-billiondollar company or an online part time home business, theyshare many similar traits. Succession Planning for Business - 10 Key Points You Must Know By cranking up others development to meet your business needs, big or small, not just for right now, but for the future, you will find payoffs, big-time. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Art of Succession Planning Succession planning, like any business acumen, is both an art and a science. That is to say, there are many proven strategies that can and must be followed so that successful transition can occur. Innovate Today for Great Leaps Forward Tomorrow How often does your company make a quantum leap forward? My guess is that, on a scale from "frequently (10) ? to ? never (1)" the answer is much closer to "never" because few companies have a process to innovate or think creatively. Very few attempt to formally think through their business model, their relationships with staff, clients, and vendors, and their product / service offerings. Are You Ready To Go International? Although North Americans were the dominant population on the Internet, that has now changed, and the rest of the world has caught up rapidly. And while English is still the most widely used Internet language, it's not the language of choice for many, many Internet users. Break-Even Analysis A significant advantage of some business ideas is that the venture can break even at what seems to be an easily achievable volume. A technique for quantifying that volume, called break-even analysis, examines the interaction among fixed costs, variable costs, prices, and unit volume to determine that combination of elements in which revenues and total costs are equal. City of Cortez and South Western Colorado Market Survey We have been spending many hours surveying the market for a potential business location in the South Western Region (region # 9) of Colorado. Pouring through data, seeing the tourist sites, and understanding the market there. Meeting with officials, business people and visiting businesses we learned quite a bit about the region and the future prospects there for someone opening a business. Getting Started with Succession Planning: Part I GETTING STARTED WITH SUCCESSION PLANNING: PART I Titanic Precautions Many movies have been made about the tragic story of the Titanic. Arrogance and ignorance was definitely present during its maiden voyage, which was Titanic's last voyage. Microsoft Great Plains in Advertising & Publishing ? implementation highlights Microsoft Great Plains, former Great Plains Dynamics is excellent fit for service oriented business and in this small article we'll give you magazine publisher and advertiser implementation and reporting scenarios. The system we describe is not real, we are putting together industry specifics, based on our consulting practice. In the case if you do not see some unique features of your publishing business ? this just means that publishing industry is diversified and say, regional newspaper publishing is quite different from magazine with narrow specialization. Menu Driven Business Planning A menu is the foundation of any restaurant; Guests will support or avoid a restaurant for its food. Starting with a preliminary menu is a simple and basic approach to restaurant development. Begin with a menu, and you are light years ahead in the restaurant development process. A menu will tell you and your Guest what you are trying to be as a business, and greatly enhance your chances for success. ![]() |
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