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Moving On Gracefully: Leaving Your Spiritual Group
While there are alot of warnings and admonishments regarding what to look for in a spiritual communitythere is very little to rely on when you are contemplating moving on. Most folk consider leaving after some kind of personalblow up. They feel misunderstood or mistrust theleadership of the group. In a heated discussion theydecide to quit. There usually isn't alot of thinkingabout it, more of a emotional reaction. Their angeror feeling of victimization usually soothes them forquite a while after leaving as well as the storiesthey sometimes tell of how horrific things were forthem. Most of these folk are new, less than 1 year inthe organization and its easy to fall back on thecliche that 'it just wasn't right for them'. But what about the seeker who has devoted a inordinateamount of time to the group, let's say over 5 years? A personal blow up isn't going to cause a dedicatedmember to lose her cool and quit...At least not rightaway. She knows disagreements come and go, as well aspeople, but she's committed to her path and theDeities she serves. What type of things should she consider? The retreatthat she's organized faithfully for the past fewyears? Or the land that the group purchased with alotof hard work and sweat where she planted a grovededicated to Diana? Should she continue to work on thenewsletter that only she knows how to layout? Orshould she stop doing the outreach programs to localschools and media that she does every Samhain? She is acutely aware of the part she plays in thegroup and what she will miss as well as all of thethings connected to it. What types of things could she look at to help thedecision and resulting transition to move as smoothlyas possible? Here's a several ideas and suggestions to think aboutwhen dealing with the decision to leave a coven,circle, temple, or other type of spiritualorganization. These suggestions only work if the organization youare involved with respects and trusts your judgementof what is right for you. This may sound ludicrousfor some folk but alot of organizations do not. Ifyou are involved in a organization that doesn'tencourage you to review your journey with yourspiritual leaders, to sit down and be honest aboutyour thoughts of leaving and why, and doesn't offeryou any support during the transition in a healthymanner, these suggestions may not be useful to you asa tool to use with the leadership but to work with ina journal or a supportive friend or counselor. 1. Review your committment to the organization. Beforeyou leave completely consider gently passing on takingon new responsibilities. Perhaps you may find anotherpath of service to the organization as fullfilling asthe one you last held. 2. Take a sabbatical. Time away from a situation canlend some clarity to it that being involved cannot. 3. Realize that you may have grown and changed in someways you aren't completely aware of. For all of therhetoric of facing your shadowself and the relateddrama you may have simply reached a point in your lifewhere you are ready to pursue another path of personalgrowth. If you are fortunate you may be able tomaintain your same spiritual family, but then again,you may not. 4. If you are feeling that the group is stagnant,consider organizing a new program with the support ofthe group. You may feel as if the group isn'tgrowing. After mapping out the work hours andresources needed you may choose to consider a newoutreach project or program to pursue within thegroup. 5. Consider that you could be in resistance to growingin the particular way that this group is supportingyou to grow. Sometimes as much as we think we areopen minded and flexible our spiritual path can act asa magnifying glass to show us areas where we are notas we see ourselves to be. Instead of quitting bestill and realize that the situation you are in justmay be something you simply don't want to deal with,not a situation to run from. It may be a challenge tobe faced. 6. Review your goals and boundaries within the group.It is possible that you have met your original goalsfor joining, or perhaps you didn't have any when youjoined. Now with new responsibilities and changes inyour life you don't have the free time you had beforeto attend every group function. Look at what yourgoals are. What are you in the group to do? Why areyou in this particular group? If you don't know it isimportant that you find out. It is easy to feelunfullfilled when you haven't any clue whatfullfillment is to you or how to measure it. 7. Look at the role you play within the group. If youare involved in committees that aren't working chooseto relinquish that role when your term on thecommittee is up. Don't have a term? Start encouragingthe group to set them. Not just for yourself but foreveryone involved. Burnout can be dealt with andavoided with some planning. Working with these ideas may make the differencebetween revitalizing a spiritual organization orleaving it altogether. Meri Tahset is a Spiritual Counselor, Sistaservant of the Spirits, and Aborisha. She is co-founder of the Forces of Nature Metaphysical and Spiritual Center of Seattle WA. More info about her online courses in healing, rootwork, and spiritual studies can be found at http://www.sistahealer.com and you can reach her at forcesofnature@mindspring.com and (206) 781-3565.
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Kachina Doll To a shaman a kachina isn't really a doll or a child's toy. Also, it isn't a collector's piece of art or a decoration. However, it is often used that way, and that's ok too. There is a place for that approach in our lives. They do make a powerful addition to any home's decor, and make a great conversation piece. So, if you are a history buff, especially American history, a kachina collection is most appropiate. Kachinas origionally came from the Hopi and Navajo tribes in the American Southwest. If you enjoy sacred art, like I do, add a kachina to your collection. Mankinds Ten Worst Enemies: #4 Malice Malice is a great enemy to mankind. It is evil and wicked. It is destructive to both the victim of its attacks and the perpetrator as well. The Psalmist pleaded, "Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do evil, who speak cordially with their neighbors but harbor malice in their hearts." Let Go Of My EgGO--Pride Cometh Before A Fall! Years ago a commercial ran for eggo waffles. Itshowed two small children grabbing an eggo wafflepopping out of the toaster, yelling, "Let go of myeggo!!" We didn't see what transpired between thetwo, yet I have to believe one of two thingshappened; one of the children would have given inand let go or the waffle would have been torn into small pieces. Undercover Investigation It is important and necessary that we regularly spend time in purposeful self-examination. We need to take the time to examine our rationales, our pretenses, our masquerades, our motives, our justifications, and our reasoning. Zen and Peace (The Road To Lasting Harmony) Presently, many of us live in uncertainty. Due to the world situation and the many changes in society, there is a sense that at any time, our lives may be disrupted. Rather than allow this to cause anxiety, it can be viewed as a wonderful teacher coming to wake us up. This insecurity causes us seek another way of finding peace, one that is not based upon external conditions but that comes from within. No matter what is going on in our lives, it is possible to live from another vantage point, to connect with a basic experience of peace and well-being that constitutes the ground of our lives, but is often just out of awareness. A Crash Course in Tarot for Newbies #2: All About Tarot Decks If you would like to learn to read tarot cards, your first challenge is to choose a deck from the 8,000 or so published brands of fortune telling cards on the market. What works for one person often doesn't for another. Some people are comfortable reading several decks and others just identify with one deck. In my experience you will find that over time, you will grow in and out of several decks. You may also find that the deck that you prefer to use to read yourself is not the deck that you prefer to use read others. Did You Know Everything In Your Dream Is About YOU? Carl Jung, 20th century psycho analyst and dream researcher, said: "A dream is a theatre in which the dreamer is the scene, the player, the prompter, the producer, the author, the public and the critic." Spiritual Healing: In The School of Christ Spiritual healing of the sick in Christ has many Christiansin a kind of spiritual vise. On the one hand they read aboutspiritual healing in their Bibles. On the other, they hear inpulpits that healing miracles have ceased and are not of today. The net effect is cause for confusion and even loss of faith.What is the truth about spiritual healing in today's Church? Quick! Throw Me A Line! I was reminiscing with a friend recently about his 'dark night of the soul' that he'd just experienced. During his pain, he turned his back on God. Raised in a traditional Catholic family he found himself very angry at God and at the church during an especially ugly divorce and custody battle. As he's coming back into himself, we've been talking and processing together through a lot of what happened and what he's been through. It took him three years to even begin to let go of the extreme rage he felt when she first left him. I had tried desperately to guide him through his hell with the help of my spiritual beliefs, but he was just too mad at God to hear any of it. His issues had nothing to do with me, but they just about ended our friendship because of his overwhelming anger at the entire world and everyone in it. The Death of God, the Mission of Modern Psychology, and Me The question, "Is God Dead?", first entered my consciousness when I was ten or eleven years old. I saw it on the cover of a Life magazine, and it's lingered in my mind ever since. At the time, though, I wasn't too concerned with His possible demise. I had pretty much determined that God lived inside each of us. No matter how hard I tried, I hadn't been able to find God in the lukewarm rituals of the Protestant faith. Instinctively, I knew God wasn't dead, He was just hiding within each of us, waiting to be discovered. How A Grudge Can Affect You As we go through life we all have to deal with feelings of anger, resentment or bitterness when people hurt us. Can you think of someone who has hurt you so badly that you are finding it really hard to let go of the pain or grudge? Going Where God Leads You I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~ Mother Teresa Your Artistic Talent as a Weapon Your creative gift has power. The Greatest Gift (Channelled) Using Psalm 23 as Spiritual Affirmation INTRODUCTION Where Do You Cast? "Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7. The Lord is My Shepherd An acrostic prayer poem. How to Hear the Voice of God In this series I would like to take you through the Word of God to show you how we can all clearly hear the voice of God. I would also like to show you how to train yourself in hearing and being led by the voice of God. Determine in your heart to allow the Word of God to be your guide and have an open mind as you are reading this book with your Bible. The Holy Spirit will witness with your spirit and reveal the truth, and the truth will set you free. What is the Evil Eye? The Evil Eye has been around since the beginning of time. It simply means sending someone a thought that seems intrusive or invasive or has the power to hurt him or her. The bad fortune that results is considered to have been caused by envy. The evil eye is not necessarily considered to be intentional or associated with witchcraft or sorcery. Oddly enough, this thought form could actually be complimentary in nature. The origins of the Evil Eye are Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean. The concept was introduced into the Americas, South Pacific Islands, Asia, Africa and Australia by European explorers. ?Im Not A Christian, But I Play One On Sunday After more than three decades of church ministry, I have come to one unsettling conclusion. Actually, I've come to more than one conclusion, but this one is the most depressing. ![]() |
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