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Protecting Your Business From Spam
Even being as careful as possible with my email address, I still used to receive more than 100 email messages a day, which is no exaggeration. Only about 10% of those emails were from people that I knew and the rest of the messages were unwanted email?"spam". And I'm sure you can relate to my frustration. It is estimated that over seventy-six billion unwanted email messages were delivered in 2003, costing companies more than $10 billion each year. So How Do They Get Our Email Addresses? In making online purchases, you should always realize that your email address could be given or sold, regardless of what the merchant's privacy policy may state. Even filling out an online survey or registering your email address to become a member of a web site is subject to having your email address given away. Also, there are spider programs that spammers use that search the web and "harvest" email addresses, much like search engine spiders do when they acquire web site information. Tips To Avoid Getting Spam 1. Don't Click "Unsubscribe": On the bottom of some spam emails you will find an "Unsubscribe" link. Some of these are legitimate links, while others are tools to indicate that your email address is valid. Unsubscribing could actually result in getting more unwanted email. 2. Spam Filtering: Some ISPs or domain services carry spam filtering options, and there are filters and rules you can use in some email programs (i.e. Microsoft Outlook, Eudora and Apple's Mail OSX). While no spam filtering program can eliminate spam completely, it can greatly reduce the amount of spam you receive. But you must be careful in using any sort of spam filtering mechanism, as you may ultimately filter out some of your wanted email. 3. Get Two Email Addresses: Use your primary email address for business or personal use, and the other for making online purchases and for filling out web site registration information. 4. Update Your Web Site: The best overall solution is to have people contact you through a form on your web site, as your email address is not so easily revealed. If you must have direct links to your email address on your site, consider having a link that simply reads "email" or "contact" instead of spelling it out on a web page. There are many simple methods that you can use to help reduce the amount of spam coming through to your business. By using these tips, you will not only save yourself time and money, but you will ultimately send a strong message to the people send unwanted email. About The Author Edward Robirds is a success-driven artist and interactive media developer based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1996, Edward has been building business relationships with several association and commercial clients around the world. Founder of www.DreamseaArtworks.com, Edward uses his artistic skills, expertise and passion to design and develop web sites, interactive CD-ROMs, and print media for his clients.
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Internet Theft and Fraud My friends in the web hosting business have recently informed me that the big problem this year (2004) is security and fraud. I have read that currently the F.B.I. receives over 9,000 complaints per month pertaining to bogus email and websites. Why is this happening? Are just a few 'bad apples' doing it, or is it the result of a lopsided world economy where the underprivileged are finally striking back like the infamous Robin Hood? Whatever your moral view, I've got the strange feeling it stems from a growing unconscious greed in the social consciousness of modern society. People worship money, not spirituality or love. Am I wrong? Dont Give the Spammers Your Address From Your Page Spammers get email addresses from web pages using programs called spiders which tour the internet capturing letter strings with the "@" character in it. What To Do When You Get Spam When you go to your mailbox and find pieces of junk mail mixed in with important correspondence, you throw it out. It is a mild nuisance and you probably don't even give it a second thought. Unfortunately, most people do the same when spam arrives in their inbox. They just delete it. Email Chain Letters - Harmless Fun or Not? I'm sure I'm not the only person on the planet that remembers getting the occasional chain letter in school.. you know, the kind that was actually written with a pen or pencil on paper that told you either something wonderful would happen or something terrible would happen or both if you did or didn't send out 20 copies within 7 days. Ugh. I still remember my fingers cramping as I tediously re-wrote the letter 20 times and the looks on my friends faces when they realized the note i just passed them was leading them to the same path of wasted paper. A War on SPAM: Attacking The Evil As most small, medium and large businesses in this country have seen the SPAM Emails have hurt our productivity and caused excessive costs. ANTI-S*P^A#M: Protecting Your Web Sites Email Address(es) Did you know that there are software programs that viewweb sites and steal email addresses? It's called"harvesting" because they're harvesting your email addressfrom your site. This may be one of the reasons your web siteemail address is receiving more s*p^a#m than wanted email. Spam: The Tasteless Internet Meat of Criminals Spam. You've all heard of the crazy pink meat in a can, but what's it got to do with the Internet? Well, it's also the namesake for a major problem in the World Wide Web-unsolicited junk email. Problem! We're talking serious pain in the butt both as a waster of time, space, and money. It is estimated that around half of all email received on the Internet is this sneaky illegal attempt at selling fake consumer goods, pornography, and a whole plethora of 'helpful' services. It's taking up half of all email on the Earth, and it's costing businesses' billions in wasted time, as well as filling personal email accounts to the limit so important messages aren't received. It seems everywhere there's a leap in technology for humanity, there's also a group of people who want to stretch the realm of criminal activity to another level. FTC Botches Fight on SPAM, Microsoft Takes Over the Battle While the Federal Trade Commission is busy fighting over definitions of "What is SPAM;" Microsoft and Bill Gates are taking it to the enemy. Today Microsoft announced another case and legal action, which is being taken against a spammer who is in Germany. Microsoft did not announce the name of the company it has filed suit against but it is based in North Rhine-Westphalia. Why Is Spam Such a Problem? Spam can be a lot more damaging than you might think. Obviously, they are the most annoying thing that you can receive through your inbox, but it goes deeper than that. If you are like the millions of other internet email users, you know that sending and receiving email is a free service that comes with your internet service. Stop Intrusive Pop-up Ads and Regain Control of Your Online Experience! Stop intrusive pop-up ads and regain control of your online world! Intrusive and distracting pop-up windows are not an unavoidable part of being online. You don't have to put up with offensive, time consuming and bandwidth stealing pop up ads. Visit Supportcave.com today to try out some of the most sophisticated pop-up blockers on the market - for free! Make screen cluttering pop-ups a thing of the past by installing a pop-up blocker right away. Where Did The Word Spam Come From? We've all become familiar with the term spam. It's become so commonplace that even people who never use computers are familiar with the term spam. That single word has become part of our every day vocabulary that we use in personal conversations. The Trouble With Spam Is.... Each day we all face the same challenge. Spam. It doesn't matter if you're a home computer user or the head of IT for a multinational limiting or totally preventing the distribution of junk email to your computer(s) is now a daily chore. Spam with Typos: Why Do They All Have Spelling Errors? A friend asked me: I don't get it. Why do spammers have such a hard time spelling things properly? I get mail trying to sell me "viagggra", increase my "brest" size, or save me money accessing "pr0n" sites or buying "seks toys". Even more puzzling, there are plenty of spam messages where it takes me a few minutes to even figure out what the subject actually is, with subjects like "sa vem oneyo n vviiiaaagra" or similar. What's the story? Why can't these people use a spell checking program?? The Fastest Delete Finger in the Midwest! There are hundreds of thousands of people who are trying to make an honest living on the Internet these days. The Internet is a great opportunity for starting your own business. There is not a lot of start-up cost, you can reach the whole world from a small corner of your own house, and the income can be exceptional. How To Stop Spam (Especially If You?re Already a Victim) Spam. Those annoying, time-consuming emails that clog your Inbox and ruin your day. You wonder: How did it ever get so bad? While it's not possible to completely eliminate spam, there are quite a few things you CAN do about the problem to reduce your burden. How You Can Avoid The New Dangers Of Spam Until recently, spam has been an annoyance, a definite load on your email system and network, a waste of productivetime and money, but we are about to find that the cost couldget much higher. Wiki Reek-y Havoc The Vandals are coming! And this time they're after your wallets. Evict the Spammers from Your Inbox Block Spam and Other Email Threats From Entering Your GatewaySpam, commonly defined as unsolicited commercial email, is a powerful advertising channel for many products and services. As a result, spamming has become a profitable business, driven by the low cost of sending email compared to other direct marketing techniques. The high return on investment for spammers has resulted in an overwhelming volume of unwanted messages in personal and business email boxes. Consider this: Conducting a direct mail campaign costs an average of $1.39 per person, meaning that a response rate of 1 in 14 is necessary just to break even on a product with a $20 gross profit. Selling the same item via unsolicited spam email costs only $0.0004 per person, meaning that a response rate of 1 in 50,000 gets the seller back to break-even; anything above that is gravy. With profit margins like these, it's easy to see why spammers will try anything to get past anti spam technology to deliver their messages to your inbox. Spam The Spammer - Will It Work? Spam is everywhere. It's the "in-box lunch meat" nobody likes, wants or looks forward too. Unfortunately, many folks enjoy "eating" this product because if they didn't, there wouldn't be any. Read on? The War on Spam: Google Fights Back Google is engaged in a war. It is a war on spam. With new strategies and filters ready to put into place, the search engine is adding new firepower to its arsenal almost daily. Webmasters and SEO Consultants alike are terrified; fearing what the future holds for them. But for those of us that believe in the cause, the future isn't scary. In fact, the future looks very bright. ![]() |
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