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Round Pegs In Round Holes: The Amazing Secret of Succeeding in Any Business Every Time!
Success is the desire of everyman on the face of this earth.There is no normal human being without this yearning.Unfortunately, statistics shows that just about 4% (some evenquote 2%) of the human race experience real success. I hopeyour dream is to be among this 4%. The fact that you arereading this article right now shows your desire. My purposeis to help you succeed. Now if you must grasp one truth it is this: "SuccessLeaves Tracks." So if you want success, the easiestway to do that is to seek out those tracks and follow them.These tracks come in varied forms. One of them which I'll be dealing with in this write up is the nugget of wisdomleft behind by those who've gone through the road ofsuccess. I hope as we take a deep look at these nuggetyou'll be able to see the light and join the few who haveattained real success. The nugget I'm considering in this write up is: "A square peg in a round hole." I'm sure you've heard this saying a hundred times.And I'm also sure that each time you hear it your mindruns off to those occupying some high positions. Right? Buthave you considered it in the light of owning and running abusiness? Maybe not. Now from my personal experience, and I've so farconfirmed this from the experiences of others, I'vediscovered that many people fail in business not just becauseof lack of capital or material resources but as a result oftheir mindset. They have everything in place but surprisinglythey couldn't build the business of their dream. Acareful look into their situation has convinced me that in theirminds they were square pegs trying to fit into the round holesof business entrepreneurs. Did I see you smile! ? To understand this better you must understand the power of thehuman mind. The human mind is such a potent power that there isno obstacle it can not surmount if it is put into the properuse. From the mind, great inventions have emerged. Many haveshot their way to limelight through the instrumentality of themind. Situations that many considered hopeless have beenturned around not by the powerful application of monetary forcesbut by the mind. In fact, it is this awesome capacity of themind that differentiates man from the rest of God'screations. But what does this have to do with business you might ask. Alot. You must understand that the business world has its ownprinciples and systems. If you want to make it in any businesstherefore you must first work on your mindset to agree with thebusiness environment. You must check to know if your mindsetis a 'square peg' and if so work to round-it offso that it can fit in. When you do this, success is sure. Now what I refer to as the square mindset in this piece is thetotality of your beliefs, social orientation and other negativenorms that have to do with business and making money. I'll endeavour to remove the scales from your eyes so thatyou'll see how our life situations and experiences cancontribute to our success or failure in any enterprise. You must understand that the most important decision thatyou'll make in life, is the choice to take control ofyour mind. As the Holy Scriptures puts it, "As a manthinketh, so is he." Understand that the decisionswe make are a product of the way we think. The actions we takeare a product of our decisions. And our success flows from theactions we take. So to achieve the success we desire, we mustfirst of all change our thinking. There is no other wayaround it. I have always been surprised when I see so many aspiringinternet entrepreneurs 'rushing' into one form ofbusiness opportunity or the other. Many a time the onlyincentive pushing them into that business is because they haveseen or heard about others making it in that business. But itis not surprising that this same people rush out just the sameway they rushed in. Some had jumped around different businessopportunities online in just one year as many times as you cancount on your fingers. But will you know that the success of any business is not inthat enterprise but in you? For any business to succeed youmust first succeed in the most important business - Yourself.You are first and foremost the business. Of course it hasalways been harped that in choosing any business, chose the oneyou are enthusiastic about. That is agreed. But may I makeit clear that if you have the right mental attitude you candevelop that enthusiasm that will propel you to succeed in anybusiness. Many who are rushing into all those home internet businessopportunities have what I call the square-pegged minds. Andforcing such minds into the business will amount to nothing.Such people, no matter how lucrative the business opportunityis, never can make any good of it. While others are givingtestimonials of the results they are getting, the opposite isthe case with these ones. But what exactly are the causes of this square-peg-mindedness?And how can they be rounded off? First of these, is the negative attitude prevalent in oursociety. Having experienced so many disappointments, both inour personal and professional lives, a thick layer of negativefeelings had settled on many minds. They don't trustthe government and they cannot trust their fellow men and women.And of course they can not even trust themselves either.They lack faith because, for them nothing is working. Anyone with this mental attitude must think twice beforeventuring into any business, online or offline. The reason isthat with such a mind no type of business you jump into canwork. So what should be the first thing to do? Change yourmind-set. Developing the habit of studying success stories of others whohave succeeded in similar fields will help you. Simply put,seek motivation through reading and being around those who havea positive mindset. Another cause of this square-peg-mindedness is theemployee/employer orientation that is the order of our society.When I was in the construction industry, I have watched withdismay many who realizing they had some extra money on themdecided to go into business. But the surprising thing is thatabout 70% of those who did returned not too long after to seekemployment. I'm sure you have observed somethingsimilar. I've come to understand that the problem is theemployee mentality. You would have observed that our formal educational systemorients it products not to be their own bosses but to be jobseekers. In this condition their mindset is on working forsomebody else. And if peradventure they found themselves in anyemployment this belief is entrenched the more in theirsubconscious mind. Coming out from this employment andstarting a business of their own is not a thing of ease.Working for some one and working for your self, are a worldapart. So you must never carry that mindset into any business.You need the entrepreneur's mindset. Again what youneed is a re-orientation. Set your mind to change yoursituation. That is the way of change. Lastly, another cause is the follow-the-boss mentality. Runningyour own business demands taking risks and making decisions.But this is not the same when you are working for some oneelse. As an employee, the boss takes these responsibilities.Transiting from an employee to your own boss therefore, you mustdump this mentality. Be prepared to take risks and developquick decision making abilities. In rounding off this piece let me once again point you back tothe title of the write-up. Please will you read it again? Tomake a success of that business work on yourself. The greatestpower for success is within you, your mind. Round off thosesquare pegs of your mind and you'd be a round peg in around hole no matter the business. There is nothing you can not achieve if only you believe in it. You'll succeed, Chadrack Irobogo Copyright © by Chadrack Irobogo 2005. All rights reserved. Chadrack Irobogo's mission is to reveal proven and tested tactics and strategies to help you generate real and consistent revenue from your online business even when you are on a shoestring budget. For a FREE email course "Success-Sure-Steps To Making The Internet Your Own Money Machine!" send a blank email now, mailto:profit-ideas@sendfree.com. * You have free reprint rights to this article. Feel free topost it to your website, in your email promotions etc as long asthe resource box is not altered.
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Motorcycle Detailing Procedures Manual Sample Outline If you are a motorcycle detailer and need to expand your business you will need to have several crews working for you. Each team will need a team leader and/or manager. The motorcycle crowd is indeed a close nit bunch and groups of riders will provide you with endless referrals providing you do what you say you are going to do and lay off the BS. We just do not need any more wannabe, fast-talking, no performance motorcycle detailers in the field. How to become a Career Coach for Profit A career coach could be simply defined your job seeking partner. A career coach could be a career management coach, who helps you in managing your career or a career marketing coach, who helps you build contacts, posts your resumes, tries to find the best jobs for you and helps you secure the best jobs. He basically tries to market you effectively in the job market. What Happened to the Money and Freedom? Ask anyone trapped in a cubical about their entrepreneurial dream and they will tell you, "I want to own my own business. I'll make more and have more time." 9 Things You Must Do To Maximize Your Chances Of Obtaining A Small Business Loan To get approval for your small business loan application, you must be able to meet the lending criteria set down. Some organisations are more risk averse than others, and will therefore have more stringent criteria. To vastly increase your chances of a successful funding application, you will need to present the following information: Pressure Washing at Golf Courses There are many potential niches for pressure washing companies that often go unchecked. Some are quite lucrative and are worth investigation if you own a pressure washing business. One such niche is the pressure washing of golf courses, clubs houses, golf carts and facilities. To target this specialization of services you will need to slightly modify your sales approach. Survival Tips For Your Small Business No matter type of business you operate you've got to know how to keep your business alive during economic recessions. Anytime the cash flow in a business, large or small, starts to tighten up, the money management of that business has to be run as a "tight ship." 7 Card Tricks That Improve Your Personal Networking Power CARD SHARK Starting a Small Business: Balancing Risk and Reward In a perfect world, starting a small business would be risk free, but just as with everything else; the degree of risk determines the value of the reward. Alliances: Drawing The Line How far can you go based on your relationship with an alliance partner? Home Based Franchise; What About Future Expansion? As a franchisor I am always asked by new and existing franchisees about future expansion. I find this to be a most wonderful question because I admire the strength of today's entrepreneur. With all and over regulation we still see hard chargers willing to battle the Tsunami of laws, rules and regulations as the debris rushes ashore. Indeed, with the Hurricane of lawyers presently in practice and Earthquake stampeding new attorneys getting out of law school, it is amazing the new warriors of free enterprise still press. Yes, in fact the modern entrepreneur has more floating and flying debris then ever before in our nations history. The of course want to shoot all the lawyers and regulators who have never made an honest dollar in their entire lives, yet no one has that much ammo and it is time consuming to run down all the much mold and slime. Increase Productivity and Business Success - Take Responsibility Are you responsible for your results? Quality Controls for Franchising Companies Sample Outline Quality control in franchising companies is paramount and all franchising companies must have strict guidelines to insure consistency. To insure this takes place throughout your franchise system you must make this a policy in your confidential operations manual. Your first step should be to make an outline of your policies and reasons behind them, since you might need help getting started please feel free to print this article and modify the outline below to best fit your specific business and vision for your company. Be Prepared When Business Investors Look Beyond Your Business Plan You have spent considerable time pulling your business plan together, contacting potential business investors, making management presentations and pitching your business plan to prospective business investors. Now you finally have a serious investor who wants to conduct "due diligence" before investing real cash into your business. Are You Making the Most of Your Intern? KEEPING INTEREST HIGH: Supervision is key to the success of the program. Interns like direction, but don't like to feel they are being constantly checked on. Even this small amount of direction, however, can take a great deal of time. It is important to be willing to set aside this time to give the intern direction. One method that seems to work calls for a briefing at the beginning of each day and a "where-do-we-stand?" briefing at its end. Throughout the day, the manager is on hand to answer any questions that might come up -- remember this is a learning experience! There should also be additional time set aside throughout the duration of the internship during which the manager receives feedback from the intern on his or her satisfaction with the assignment and suggestions for future directions. Equally important, interns should receive feedback on their progress. They need to know if they are performing to the manager's expectations. Additionally, many interns have chosen to keep diaries and time logs documenting their involvement. These can be reviewed at the conclusion of that person's internship. 7 Cash Flow Secrets Your Accountant Never Told You Looking for ways to boost your cash flow? As a small business consultant, I make these recommendations to my cash strapped small business clients: Looking for a Business to Run in the New Revitalized Downtown Area? Looking for a place to add a Quick Lube away from your Super Wal-Mart Competitor? Down Town Revitalization, Why You Should Be Part of Such a Committee. Creative Metrification - A Technique to Improve Some things in business are relatively easy to measure ? these are the "hard" metrics such as sales volume and profit, production per man-hour, time without an accident, shipments without error, number of customers served, on-time delivery, etc. Other, "soft" metrics, are more difficult to quantify, but with a little creativity, measurement can be made of just about anything. Expanding A Mobile Car Wash Business What is the best time to expand a mobile car wash business? If everything were perfect and you could choose the best time to buy a new mobile car wash rig, you should buy it in April and have it running by the 20th of May. If you have 1.5 times the business of your first unit, then you automatically have enough business for one-half of a second truck, van or trailer unit combination. In June, the seasonal increase would take care of the rest. That is the simplest way. If you buy an additional truck in November and it is ready by the 20th of December, you will have holidays and rain. Unless you have a huge industrial account base, we don't recommend this to you. Window Cleaning Business Future Challenge With Self Cleaning Glass Self-cleaning glass has been talked about a lot, with such a catchy name in his hit the headlines of not only the trade journals, but also the mass media. Does self-cleaning glass mean that all the window cleaners and small businesses across this country are doomed? No, not yet. First of all, self-cleaning glass is not really self-cleaning at all, so many Industry call it low maintenance glass, but either way the idea is intriguing and appeals to consumers. In a recent article in Window and Door magazine, in March of 2003 the industry was asked what they thought of self-cleaning glass many of those interviewed were among the building industry, interior designers, architects, glass manufacturers, new homebuilders, tenant improvements retrofitters and window cleaning service companies. Having been watching the developments of self-cleaning windows for quite some time, we see a time when the big mirrored glass buildings will no longer need the same frequency of services. What does this mean for companies like; the Window Genie; the Window Gang; the Window Butler; and the Window Wash Guys. Collection Agency Selection Frankly, given the legal and regulatory requirements involved in attempting to collect a debt, it makes as much sense to do it yourself as it does to try to remove your own appendix. A collection agency is, on the whole, much cheaper than a doctors - and lawyers. Do yourself a favor and let a professional collection agency handle this complex matter for you. ![]() |
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