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SEO #3: Getting Listed In Google in Under 24-Hours!
Yesterday you should have read the second course out of 6 courses that will help you get a TOP rank in the search engines and get EXPLOSIVE LASER TARGETED TRAFFIC for Free. Today we move on to course #3 and reveal how to Get Listed In Google in Under 24-Hours! Today is a short course but it's one that you must have been waiting for. This information sells for $100+ elsewhere but its just info and I'm willing to tell you for free. Now let's get started. Getting listed in search engines will only happen if the search engine spider finds your website. There are many ways that this spider can find you site; one way is by submitting your website to the search engine to be crawled. This method is VERY BAD because the search engines will take months just to include your page. There's a much faster way, the faster way is if the spider finds your website by following a link from another website. If you can manage to convince a website that is in google to link to you then you will be indexed by the search engines in no time. But how do you get into google in 24 hours? Well the answer is simple. Google spiders index the top websites very often and if you can get one of those top websites to link to you then you will be indexed in less than a day. Google ranks websites by page rank, if you download their toolbar you can see that a small green bar appears and displays what rank a page is once you visit it. Websites that have a page rank (PR) of 7 get indexed very often and if your link is on their website then you can be sure to find your website in google the next day! Your website doesn't have to be on the homepage of these "Topnotch websites" you can even submit your link to their links directory and the spider will crawl those pages too. Just search google for a keyword that is related to your website and look at the first few website to see their PR, if you find a site with a PR of 6 or 7 that has a links directory then it's your lucky day! Now you know this little secret that some people sell for hundreds of dollars and you might be thinking "it's so simple and pathetic! How can they sell this stuff?" Well they write huge e-books about the little secrets that not many know about and entice people to buy them by writing catchy sales letters. The simplicity of this explains why many people don't know these secrets, they search for a BIG secret but frankly there is none. That's it! Tomorrow I will discuss Off-page Optimization and how it is the #1 factor in determining your position in search engines! This will be an exciting day for you I promise (Just like today)! If you would like to contact me anytime and either complain (why would you!) or give me your testimonial then feel free to do so anytime. I'm there if you need any more help also. Ahmed Omran is an experienced webmaster and marketer who owns Virtual Design - custom Webdesign and Home Based Business Revo
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Beginners - Getting Listed In Search Engines Once you have your web site complete and ready to be listed you need to take a slow step by step approach to get listed in the search engines. If you do it right the first time and then build on that formula, your profits and your site will benefit in the long run. Those willing to spend the time and put these techniques into practice are the ones that will benefit and are more likely to be successful. How I Suddenly Stumbled Onto No.1 In Google and Yahoo Without Search Engine Optimization - So What? Sometimes, the search engines act really strange. And thisstory will prove how I've got top positions (80% on no.1)into the major search engines - such Google, Yahoo!, MSN -without lifting a finger! What is REALLY strange? I did notoptimize my page! Torpedo and Sink the Ship SS Search Engine Ranking I was recently contacted by one of my best clients who askedme what I thought of his decision to make a major change toone of his highly ranked pages. His initial concern was thatvisitor sales conversion ratio was low. At almost one percent,it was just below normal, but I'm always happy when a clientwants to improve. Conversion and rankings though, are verydifferent beasts and his concern was overly focused on theformer to the total exclusion of the latter. Search Bots, Crawlers, and Spiders If you are a webmaster and you review your logs, often you will see a bunch of really strange hits. They aren't humans, you can't tell their operating system or their browser! Who are these pesky little creatures who rummage around the internet all the time? Drive More Traffic to Your Website With Your Web Page Title! One of the most overlooked, but important components, on your web page is the Meta title. The Meta title is the text or page title found at the top left of your browser window and it is also the title saved when a web site visitor bookmarks your website. Some people will argue that search engines put little or no value on the title tag, but regardless of how the Meta title figures into the ranking algorithm, the title tag is still critical to driving new and repeat traffic to your website. The Need of Popularity In very simple words, the link popularity of your site meansthe amount of links coming to you from another sites.Every major search engine heavily weighs the link popularityof sites when ranking sites. Some engines even claims theywon't index sites that don't have at least one link pointing tothem from another site.Why they are doing that ? Just because zero popularity meansthat nobody has an interest related to your site content. Sincenobody is interested, why search engines should consider it ?From their point of view zero popularity is a time wasting.Under the above circumstances, the link popularity of your sitebecomes very important to you, especially if you aim to earntraffic by indexing your site in search engines directories.Let's see what you can do in order to increase the link popularity of your site. First of all you should concentrate on finding sites having a similar content to yours. This is the most important point of your campaign because all those links incoming from sites with similar theme will reinforce the credibility of your site.Then you should act on the following three ways: Link exchanging.Contact the owners asking for a link exchange. Google Patent Application - SEO Highlights The recent patent application filed by Google details numerous items the search engine uses to rank web pages. The specific application is summarized as: Advertise Locally Using Search Engines While search engine advertising has been a great advertising medium for businesses capable of or interested in marketing their products and services to a national or international audience, the effectiveness of this type of advertising was limited for businesses interested in advertising to a local market until very recently. Increase Web Site Sales with a SEO Proposal - Part 1 You can easily get confused by all the search engine optimization companies and SEO experts that offer SEO services. It's hard to know who to trust or what should be included in a SEO proposal. I will endeavor to clarify some of these points for you in this article, so that you can make the best choice when looking for SEO services. I don't profess to be a search engine optimization expert but have attained top rankings for my own site plus someof my web site design clients. Good Content: The Key To Search Engine Ranking Good Content: The Key To Search Engine Ranking Google is Quickly Changing... Google is quickly changing... World of Website Promotion Website promotion is a big and ongoing process. Every person who has website should have little knowledge about various elements involved in website promotion even if he had hired a SEO. In this series of articles I had tried to give an overview of all the entities of search engine promotion. Your Top Search Rankings at Yahoo & MSN Search are Worthless It seems I now do this rant every single year when traffic statistics are discussed in web industry news. Last week I posted to my Reality SEO blog that referred traffic numbers are the only statistic that webmasters should be concerned about when looking at their search engine rank. I wrote about this last year after ComScore Media Metrics statistics were relased discussing Search Engine Queries generated by each search property.http://searchengineoptimism.com/Google_refers_70_percent.html Search Engine Marketing Simplified All the great efforts made for making your own site, goes in vain when your site doesn't bring you business. The reasons can be anything right from less traffic, to less page-per-views, or lesser PageRank. Upon serendipity of elaborating all of the above said problems, I would land up in search engine marketing basics. SEO 101 SEO (search engine optimization) is a booming businees these days. Everyone wants to obtain top rankings in google, yahoo, and msn. The problem most SEO companies face is the fact that they forget the basics. How To Get Number 1 Spot In Google, Every Time, Guaranteed Woaah! Wait a minute. Before I exclusively reveal these insider secrets can I ask you question? Well, actually, I want to ask you a series of questions. Search Engine Marketing 101 For Corporate Sites When most people want to find something on the web, they use a search engine. Millions of searches are conducted every day on search engines such as: google.com, yahoo.com, msn.com and many others. Some people are looking for your website. So how do you capture people searching for what your site has to offer? Through techniques called search engine marketing (SEM). Ten Steps To A Well Optimized Website - Step 1: Keyword Selection This is part one of ten in this search engine positioning series. In part one we will outline how to choose the keyword phrases most likely to produce a high ROI for your search engine positioning efforts. Over this ten part series we will go through ten essential elements and steps to optimizing a site. Some steps take a few hours, some may take months depending on the competition, but in the end and if done correctly you will have a well optimized site that will place well and hold it's positioning. Building Link Popularity As Easy As 123 The most difficult area of SEO is building link popularity. You may be thinking why? Because there are no easy ways to build link popularity. In this article I will tell you how to get links and how to find them. Advanced Uses for the Google Algorithm Previously... ![]() |
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