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Got Spiders?
Many internet marketers blow mountains of start-upcash on their websites just trying to break into search engine rankings. I was one of these internetmarketers. I spent cash on get-rich-quick submission servicesthat claimed they would submit my page to thousandsof seach engines. . .for a small fee. I spent moneyto get registered with big name search engines.I even spent money on search engine optimization services. And then I waited. . . I waited to see SOME response--any response--from allof this work I had done. I waited for the spiders to reach my pages and rank my page for everyone to see. I waited for my blown marketing funds to comeback to me in profits. . . But they never did. The spiders took weeks. Thepage rankings were dismal. I was ready to give up. And then I received this vital piece of informationfrom a fellow marketer: the more links you have onbigger websites, the faster your page is spidered. . . That's right: Since search engines rank higher-PRsites more often, they will find your page a lot fasterif you get your link on a highly-trafficked website! Not only will they find your site faster, but they willalso return to it faster and rank it for FREE. This is allin addition to receiving a huge PR boost for havinga link on a high-PR site. So. . . If you haven't done it already, slap some metatags on your site that are optimized for your content. Makesure you use keywords that are repeated multiple timesin the text of your website, so that your pageswill rank higher for relevency. Now begin your hunt for high-PR websites to post yourlink on. You can start by going to google and searching for your specific service or product in quotes to find high-PR sites in your category. You'll find out quickly that there are a number of waysto get your link on these websites. Some of them willagree to do a main-page link exchange for free. Otherswill allow you to submit articles along with a resourcebox that will give you a link on their website. And otherswont allow you to work with them at all unless you havespecial qualifications or a high page-ranking. If you have a free product, like an eBook or some software, you can give away free downloads on a high-PR site. Justplace an ad on the site with a link back to your website,where they can receive the free download. You can findthese sites by googling phrases like "free contentdirectory." There are plenty of ways to bring in traffic with searchengines without paying hefty registration fees. Start searching today. Find the big sites and get your link outthere! You may use this article for reprint if it remains unaltered and includes the author information and resource box. - Isaiah Hull Isaiah Hull publishes Work At Home Right Now, a fresh and informative newsletter about making money on the internet and using proven methods to increase your site's traffic and profitability. If you're looking for time-saving and money-saving tools, as well as honest business advice, come by and subscribe at http://www.workathomerightnow.net
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How Google Indexes Content From Your Web Directory In a fluke, I was able to notice something about the way Google indexes content from web directories. Excluding your template, the most important line of code is the first title you add to your main body. The Life Blood of Internet-Based Home Businesses...Search Engines Anyone involved in an Internet-based home business will soon cometo recognize the importance of search engines as a vehicle toattract potential customers. When Google PR Tool Bar is Down! Where is the need to worry? Who needs a PR Tool Bar Anyway! Monitor Your Visibility in Google, MSN, and Yahoo with these DIY SEO Tools This is the second part of an article series in which you'll find many tools that you can use to monitor your site's search engine position and see how your do-it-yourself search engine optimization efforts are coming along. The following tools are for monitoring your search results in the three major search engines. It isn't an all-inclusive list, but rather a highlight of some of the tools you can use. (I'll point you to one of the master lists when we get into more general tools in part three.)Using Your Google Site Information PageI've covered this in an earlier article, but just in case you missed it, we'll go over it again briefly here. (If you need more help following along, you can listen to one of my recent podcasts for a convenient audio walkthrough.)Open up your browser and go to Google's home page. Type in info:yoursitenameandsuffix. So if your site was ExactSeek.com you'd type info:exactseek.com. You can also use site:yoursitenameandsuffix to find out which pages have been indexed by Google's search engine spider.This search will tell you pages that Google considers similar to yours. It will also show sites that it considered linked to you, and show sites that carry your full url, hyperlinked or not. It's not 100% accurate as far as telling you all the sites that are linked back to yours, but what you can learn from this is which backlinks matter. From here you can also see the last day Google spidered your home page. To see this in action, click on the first group of information links, "Show Google's cache of yoursitename.com" If you look next to the word "cached" one the first line, the date is expressed also.Sometimes it seems that the cached time for yoursitename.com and www.yoursitename.com are different, so be sure and check both. Finding Information About Your Site In Yahoohttp://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/tips/tips-08.html This document will tell you how to find out what sites are linking to you, give you the results for how many pages of your site are in Yahoo, and more. Once you get to the results page, you'll be able to view your cached pages, etc. Discovering Your Site's Status on MSNhttp://search.msn.com/docs/siteowner.aspxAs the page in the help section states, you can use site:www.yoursitehere.com to find out if a document at your site has been indexed. The results page will also give you the date of last caching. Google Rankingshttp://www.googlerankings.comYou'll need a free Google API key for this one, and the site has the direct link telling you where to get one. You'll have to enter this key in order to query the site for information on Google.With Google Rankings, you'll be able to see where you rank within the top 40-1000 results in Google for a given keyword. I recently noticed that it also displays results for MSN and Yahoo, with links to each search engine. They also have some other tools that will track your keywords over time, as well as one they call the "Ultimate SEO Tool" that will measure your site's keyword density.Google Backlinks Checkerhttp://lilengine.com/tools/backlinks-tool.php LilEngine.com's Backlink Checker will measure the number of links you have pointing back to your site against competing sites. Handy if you just want a quick comparison of how many links you have versus others, though how much getting more links back will help varies, depending on other factors.Yahoo Search Rankingshttp://www.yahoosearchrankings.com/ From the same folks who brought you Google Rankings, using Yahoo Search Rankings, you'll be able to see where you rank within the top 1000 results in Yahoo for a given keyword. If you just want to see your Yahoo rankings, it's quite helpful.You can find more Yahoo tools that use the Yahoo Web API at their developer's site : http://developer.yahoo.net/wiki/index.cgi?ApplicationList..In the next part of the article, we'll take a closer look at other tools that give you more specific information about the links pointing back to your site, keyword research, and more. Is Reciprocal Linking Dead? I just read an article at SitePro News that really rings my bell. Google Slavery...Old Habits Die Hard For the first few months after Yahoo decided to go their own way with natural search (and MSN decided to get serious about the search business), the search results provided by those two could only be described as bizarre. Enough time has now passed that the dust has somewhat settled and there are three main (from a traffic standpoint) sites for quality natural searches. The Fundamentals of Inbound Links We have all heard that adding quality content to your web site will give the search engines a good idea of how to index your web site, it's a topic we covered in "Content, Content, Content" back in November 2004. But the secret to luring the search engines to your web site, and in part to improving your position within those listings is your inbound links. Search Engines 101 - Search Engines Explained What Are Search Engines? Feed me - Satisfy the Search Engines and Your Sites Visitors With Keyword-Rich Content Search engines love content. Graphics may make your site look great, but a nice picture does not attract a search engine. Or a searcher for that matter. Good, relevant content does. Good Content: The Key To Search Engine Ranking Good Content: The Key To Search Engine Ranking Link Popularity: Improve Your Search Engine Rankings What is link popularity? Google?s Siren Call ? Is It Crashing Your Search Engine Marketing? It's difficult to dispute the rational behind the rant since Google continues to outpace its rivals in popularity with an 89% "strongly positive experience" rating from an opinion poll of U.S. Adult Internet Users conducted by eMarketer in early 2005. Google certainly achieves mass exposure and logically it's fair to attribute a first position ranking to gaining access to the masses. The Myth of Search Engine Submission Contrary to what most people think, it is not necessary to submit your site to the search engines. In the early days of the web, when search engine technology was still primitive and search engines' ability to crawl the web was somehow limited, it made sense to submit your site. Press Release + PRWeb = Top Google Rank... True or False? I've always been a big time press release aficionado. How To Rank High On MSN Search The new MSN Search is quickly gaining popularity among internet search engine users. Google still being the #1 search engine with Yahoo in #2, and MSN in a strong #3. Each of the three major search engines has their own unique algorithm, and MSN is no different. Over the past several months I have had amazing success with MSN. With a few tweaks and tricks I have all of my sites ranked top 3 (mostly #1's) with my targeted key words. This article will give you a quick look at how I have managed to rank so high so often. Has Google Lost the Plot? With the help of MSN, recently I've been reminiscing about the Google of old. Remember those days? When you could take a good quality site, add a few keywords, get a few incoming links and bada-bing, bada-boom, it'd be #1 on Google? Remember the old days, pre-Florida, pre-sandbox? The days when we, as search engine optimization specialists, didn't feel like a private schoolgirl smoking in the bathroom? When we didn't feel like the iron fist would come crashing down at any moment? Yes, those were the good old days. And MSN has finally brought them back, though on a much smaller scale. What is Google Pagerank? PageRank is one of the factors that Google uses to evaluate your web site and determine its position in the Google search engine results. PageRank is a number from 0 to 10. One Way Linking Campaigns II There is a way to generate links with the content that you have not as yet created. For this contact the established authorities (writers, publishers ) in your domain area & let them know that you are available as a resource for researching & writing on any topic from the chosen domain. When they will use you they will credit you for it. Also submit your articles to them. If they ever quote you they will link to you & the added advantage will be that their articles will get published in good places. Imagine an incoming link to your site from TIME or NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. SEO, the Simplified Version Lets get things straight. SEO is a very competitive market. If you have the time to promote your site and have the energy to work hard to get a good PR then this is for you. I have read many books on SEO and tried to get the best tactics to use. If you have already built a website there are two things you need to do. First is ON PAGE optimizing and the second is OFF Page optimizing. On page is basically getting your meta tags and description tags similar to the pages that you have built. One key thing to remember is try to use tags with the keywords in your content. For example: if you have keywords like "SEO consultant" in you content you should bold it and put alt tags around it. Try to do this to each keyword per paragraph, don't over do it then google will think you're a spammer. Build pages according to you keywords and description tags. Search Engine Marketing 101 For Corporate Sites When most people want to find something on the web, they use a search engine. Millions of searches are conducted every day on search engines such as: google.com, yahoo.com, msn.com and many others. Some people are looking for your website. So how do you capture people searching for what your site has to offer? Through techniques called search engine marketing (SEM). ![]() |
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