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If You Steal It, They May Come!
Business on the internet is getting down right shameless. This week, my email box was literally filled with hype, overly inflated promises, phish mail, scams, ezines I did not order, and about 14 viagra gimmicks. This makes you wonder what your going to get if you click in the wrong place. What's worse is you may get the same thing several times from different people. Did you know that there is software on the internet that can find duplicates of your personal work? If you didn't, then believe me, eventually you will own it. Plagiarism is becoming quite popular on the internet these days. You would think that people have used up all the original ideals. Every once in a while I'll stumble onto a site that I've seen before. The names are changed and the scenery may have changed a little. What is bad is some of the sites don't even do a good job at covering up the fact that they copied another persons work. At the bottom of most web sites you may see copy right information. This is becoming quite popular. However, it only slows people down. It doesn't appear to stop them. That should not be your only worry. It was once stated to me that if it's on the web, it's yours for the taking. This is the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard. The simple fact that someone can copy and paste doesn't make it right. Another problem is people steeling from you. That may be a hard word but it's the truth. Have you seen affiliate sites before? Most all the affiliates have a unique "url" that is suppose to identify them as being the one whom gets the commission. The problem is, most people that has any experience what so ever can change the "url" and steel your commission. It doesn't stop there. Ebooks used to have value. Well some do. I've actually witnessed several ebooks selling on Ebay for 99 cents that have copy rights. Is it illegal for me to buy them? I would say not. I did not break the law. Should I turn in the seller? I have done this before. You may be wondering if everything on the internet is a scam. I assure you that there are legitimate companies out there in cyberspace that have the my up most respect. I have also wondered if Bill Gates was behind some of these viruses. You know you are running a great risk if you don't buy software to take care of these. Well, lets evaluate. If you want to start a business, the first thing you should do is forget about the word "FREE". Just to get online, you'll definitely need virus detector software. You'll also need some kind of spy ware killing software. Let's not stop there. If you plan on stopping people from stealing from you, you'll need that software that will catch plagiarizers. You'll also want to spend the money to copy right your stuff. Just putting the words on the bottom of a page doesn't mean it's copy right does it? If you plan on trading links, you want to get some software that will do a check to see if the your link partner didn't sucker you. It does the partner a bit more justice to have links to him and not away from him. It doesn't stop there though. You still need your site "Secure". If you don't know what that is, chances are, you'll eventually figure out why some people are not doing business with you. I witnessed some site telling you that you are on a secure site, but when you look at the "http" there is a missing "S" on the end which assures you that it's secure. Don't forget to encrypt your web site. Whoops, did I mention this also costs money? It may not if you are a programmer. However, if your not careful, there are other programmers that love a challenge of figuring out how to unscramble web sites? Have you heard of "scanners" before? I'm not talking about those "scanners" at the drug store, super mart of police station. I talking about those scanners that act like spiders on the web. Those scanners are looking for security leaks or holes in your personal computer. You do have a firewall don't you? People still insist on telling others that it doesn't take any money on the internet to start a business. All of this is just for your own protection. You haven't even started your business yet. There is some good news. I am sure you can find a "host" that will give you a secure site with all the bells and whistles. I have not been that lucky. Add it all up and tell me what it'll cost to start a business on the internet. You are paying for an Independent Service Provider per month aren't you? Okay, you can get virus software that will take care of the spy ware, the worms, the security leaks and the viruses. You can get a host real reasonable that will take care of your encryption needs and security. You can also get link checkers, payment processors, plagiarize finders, and copy cat software. You can even get some Free email services. The bottom line is it'll cost you some money. Don't forget to get an email blocker. Spam will never stop in my opinion. This is just my opinion. Anything I've said here is for your own entertainment. I know people getting their identities stolen because they did not protect themselves. I get phish email all the time trying to trick me into giving my passwords. If you are a complete newbie, it may be best to hire a guru. At least when they rip you off, you'll have someone other than yourself to blame. Did you know that most Gurus don't tell you about these dangers? Randall Stafford Copyright 2005 RS Marketing News Randall Stafford usually writes about health issues, fitness, and things that deal with people. After hearing so many times that doing business on the internet costs virtually nothing, he decided to give his opinion. Are the best things in life FREE? You are welcome to reprint this is you leave this resource box and leave all contents the same. http://www.randallsquare.com
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Phishing - Learn To Identify It Phishing: (fish'ing) (n.) Preventing Online Identity Theft Identity theft is one of the most common criminal acts in society today. Criminals will use your personal information such as banking accounts and passwords, to pretend that they are you. They may take out credit cards in your name, mortgages, or even worse. The internet has opened up a whole world of possibilities for these criminals, and the threat is very real. There are things that you can do to help prevent such a crime. It costs very little to protect your information, and it is money well spent. Is The Internet Over Regulated Today's Internet or World Wide Web is being over regulated. DOS Attacks: Instigation and Mitigation During the release of a new software product specialized to track spam, ACME SoftwareInc notice that there was not as much traffic as they hoped to receive. During furtherinvestigation, they found that they could not view their own website. At that moment, theVP of sales received a call from the company's broker stating that ACME Software Incstock fell 4 point due to lack of confidence. Several states away, spammers didn't like theidea of lower profit margins do to an easy to install spam blocking software so theythought they would fight back. Earlier that day, they took control of hundreds ofcompromised computers and used them as DoS zombies to attack ACME Software Inc'sInternet servers in a vicious act of cyber assault. During an emergency press conferencethe next morning, ACME Software Inc's CIO announced his resignation as a result of aseveral million dollar corporate loss. Its War I Tell You! There are ways to insure security though. You can get the Windows Update CD from Microsoft and install that before you get online, You can also get most Antivirus Definitions downloaded and save them to disk, then install those before you go online, (of course you have to be using that Product in the first place), and you can get Anti-Spyware on a disk and do the same. But how many people do that in their excitement to take their new computer out of the box and hook it and see what it will do? Sans Internet Storm Center says those people will have their computer infected with adware or worse in less than 20 minutes! Virgin computers online are an easy target, open to attack. When that person soon realizes their brand new computer is sick, first comes the shock, then the anger, then the question; how do I fix it? If the new computer owner is lucky they can fix it fairly cheaply. It might involve a lot of time listening to elevator music while you're in the hold queue?. either way it's no fun. Avoid Internet Theft, Fraud and Phishing Since its birth, the Internet has grown and expanded to unprecedented, unmanageable proportions. Information, software, news, and much more flow freely through its twisted pathways. Online services such as Internet banking save time and money. However, from the depths of its vast expanse have come the dregs of society intent on preying on the new, the naïve, and the less informed. An Open Door To Your Home Wireless Internet Network Security? This is not some new fangled techno-speak, it is a real tool to be used for the protection of your wireless internet network and LAN. African American SMBs have to realize that if your Internet connection is on 24/7 then your network, and it is a network that your computer is connected to, is at risk. Any business that uses the Internet to share or exchange information, news, or ideas with clients, vendors, partners, or other locations look in the reflection of your monitor and realize that your business is an unintentional (or intentional) target. Traditional Antivirus Programs Useless Against New Unidentified Viruses! Every now and then you can read about a new virus and the damage it causes. The millions viruses costs companies each time they strike. It is however not only companies that are suffering from the damages caused by viruses. A virus can be just as damaging if not more for a private Internet user by destroying important documents, family pictures and everything else you keep on your computer. Therefore should no home computer be without a good virus protection software. This way you can protect your computer and yourself from loosing data, corrupted hard drives and a number of other problems. There are several anti virus programs available of which some are free and some are not. You should however always remember that you might get what you paying for, meaning that the service and the updates might be better for the paid alternatives and thereby protect your computer better. Hacking the Body Via PDA Wireless Device First I would like to stress I am condoning the art of hacking. Nor am I condoning the control and manipulation of the human race by way of frequencies interacting with the biological systems, which run the human body. We all know that the brain runs on chemicals and waves. We know from medicines, vitamins, alcohol, drugs and food intake that we can alter those chemicals. And most of us understand that brain waves are about allow for the process of cognition. The computers we use also run on frequencies which are use to hearing about for instance Pentium Chips running 1.2 GigaHertz. Cell phones run 800 MHz approximately. Also the power supply in a computer runs on a certain cycle creating another set of waves. Are They Watching You Online? When surfing the Internet you probably take your anonymityfor granted, most of us do. Criminals are Fishing For Your Identity What is Phishing? In a typical Phishing attack, a criminal will send you an email which appears to be from a well known company, bank or government agency. The email will direct you to click on a link which directs you to a Website or pop-up box that looks like the company's or organization's legitimate site. The site will instruct you to enter personal information, such as your account ID, your password, your credit or debit card number and PIN, or your social security number. The criminals are "phishing" for information. The Importance of Protecting Your PC from Viruses and Spam Today the internet is a mine field of malicious code looking to harm your computer. Hackers want to have access to your PC for both fun and profit. You must be diligent in your ability to detect and then protect your important computer data. Parental Control - Dangers To Your Child Online & Internet Child Safety Tips Did you know...? Top Spyware Removers Considerations Only the top spyware removers are successful at detecting and removing spyware and adware from your computer. You should look for complete protection against these threats: spyware, adware, keyloggers browser hijackers and Remote Access Trojans. These are the infections that slow your computers performance and expose your confidential information to hackers. Make Money Online - Latest Scam Disclosed Before we start, I want to make it clear that this article is about scammers that affect people who make money online by selling digital products, like e-books, software, etc. and have a refund policy, because we have a rather long way until the end and, if you are selling physical product or you money online through affiliate programs that don't involve a refund policy it's probably just a waste of time. 6 Ways To Prevent Identity Theft These six ways to prevent identity theft offer you valuable tips against the fastest growing crime in America today. In 2004, more than 9.9 million Americans fell victim to many types of identity theft scams, costing them nearly $5 billion. Is My PC Vulnerable on the Internet? No longer are viruses the only threat on the internet. In recent years other threats have evolved which include spyware, adware, hacking, identity theft, information theft, pop-ups and the loss of information. Fishing for Fortunes. Scam! Spelt phishing, but pronounced as above, this despicable act is an effort to batter your bankroll or commandeer your cash. Spyware Symptoms Spyware symptoms happen when your computer gets bogged down with spyware programs running in the background without your knowledge. Spyware, adware, malware and even spamware can cause your computer to behave very strange. Personal Firewalls for Home Users What is a Firewall? ![]() |
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