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Better Listening Skills = More Sales
Today's business environment is intrinsically tied together byongoing information exchanges between two people. This personalcommunication is most often facilitated by the spoken word.Understanding this information, as it flows within a dialoguebetween two people is fundamental to improving one's sellingeffectiveness. One of the most significant business information exchanges isbetween a company's front line sales representatives and eitherit's existing or potential customers. Information processedbetween these parties will have a significant affect on manyother employees within both party's respective companies aspurchase commitments are made. Maximizing the effectiveness of aural business communicationbetween sales personnel and customers hinges on two fundamentalcommunication process components, talking and listening. Itmakes sense that no matter how well you articulate a message toa customer, if it is not effectively absorbed by your targetaudience the probability of sales success is greatly reduced. Why Do Salespeople Tend to NOT Listen Well? It is known that humans think faster than they listen. While asales prospect is talking at an average rate of 125 words aminute, the average salesperson is thinking at a much morerapid rate. The act of listening, the differential between thesalesperson's thinking rate and the prospect's speaking ratemeans the salesperson's brain can and does work with hundredsof other words, in addition to the ones being heard. Often thesalesperson is thinking about what they should or will say atthe expense of what the prospect is actually telling them. The challenge at hand for all sales personnel is to learn howNOT to construct their ideas and responses during the mostcritical stages of their selling process. This is not easy todo given the sales prospect is also subjecting themselves tothe same listening distractions. It is no wonder so many salescalls "fall apart" after the salesperson missed a key pointmade by the prospect and consequently lost or never got theorder. Many business professionals, especially those who make theirliving selling, depend greatly on their communication skills toenhance their overall job performance and maximize theirincome. Few salespeople have yet to even scratch the surface ofdeveloping their optimum listening skill potential. Many salesprofessionals have never had the opportunity to learn how tolisten most effectively. Can A Salesperson Learn to Listen Better? A comprehensive study completed at the University of Minnesotaexamined the listening ability of several thousand students andhundreds of business professionals. One of the primaryconclusions of this study was that immediately after theaverage person had listened to someone talk, they rememberedonly about half of what was actually said ? no matter howintensely they attempted to absorb all the informationcommunicated. Our basic inability as humans to listen effectively requires usto utilize continuous educational reinforcement to truly masterlistening skills not only in a business environment but on apersonal level as well. This means for a salesperson to be mosteffective in any selling situation a systematic effort must bemade to consciously attempt to concentrate more on what is saidto them, than what they will say in response ? this simplepriority of aural information exchange elements will provide asignificant selling advantage in almost every possible sellingscenario. Prioritizing listening over talking in a sales situation iseasier said than done. It takes training and ongoingintegration into any selling technique process. Listening Skill Development Should be in All Sales Training Any training, especially sales training, should improvelistening skills development. Like any skill set, practice in acontrolled setting can not only build self awareness oflistening deficiencies, but it can reinforce required skills toleverage other, associated selling tactics integrated in thesales process. As Vince Lombardi once said, "It's not practicemakes perfect, its PERFECT practice makes perfect!" Six Steps to Improving Selling Listening Skills Again, with practice and conscious resolve, a salesperson canacquire the mental agility to become a better listener bymastering these six "mental listening exercises": 1) Learn to "listen ahead":By "listening ahead", trying to anticipate where a discussion isleading to, during the dialogue, determining the conclusion inadvance of your required response allows you to relax andimprove information absorption 2) Learn to periodically validate communicated information:By mentally striving to validate the accuracy and completenessof information points made by the prospect, especially duringpauses in the dialogue, (which can be achieved with notetaking), you can allow yourself to absorb more informationeasier, especially information forthcoming in the continueddialogue 3) Utilize "Active Listening" techniques:By periodically, mentally summarizing the major pointscommunicated by the prospect and voicing, reaffirming yourinterpretation of the points made back to the prospect you adda tremendous amount of clarity to the information exchangedthus far 4) Strive to understand versus "Judging":By working to consciously understand what the prospect is sayingversus the natural tendency of judging ? approving ordisapproving what is said will allow you to absorb what isactually said more than any other listening developmenttechnique 5) Use your eyes to "get the rest of the story"By listening with your eyes, paying attention to the prospect'sbody language, their nonverbal facial and body movements orhand gestures you can see what the whole body is trying to tellyou, not just the mouth! 6) Maintain a mental repertoire of common responses:By mentally developing and rehearsing how you are going tostrategically respond to common sales prospect purchaseobjections, for example, in advance of a sales call, allows youto listen more effectively. A comprehensive mental inventory ofcommon responses will also give you more confidence in anyselling situation. Today's successful salesperson is ultimately an effectiveproblem solver. Whether it is an existing or potentialcustomer, the most successful sales people continuously striveto hone their listening skills to accurately define theircustomer's business intentions. If properly trained, and withconstant practice, a salesperson will quickly realize that howthey talk or present their product or service is relativelyunimportant when compared to how and what they listen to, whenguided by well honed listening skills. Applying the selling skills developed from these listeningexercises can give extraordinary power, not only to the spokenword, but the words listened to, and may be, in practice,provide the only margin of victory in any given salessituation. About the Author: Mark Smock is President of http://www.business-buyer-directory.com, theFIRST international business buyer directory of its kind.Business Buyer Directory provides a non-traditional means forproactive business buyers to locate businesses for saleworldwide that meet their exact registered purchase criteria.
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Catapult Your Business?How to Get Customers to Chase You Instead of the Other Way Around I was thinking about the statement: Small Business Computer Consulting Freeloaders? and How to Avoid Them If you've been in the small business computer consulting industry for more than 10 minutes, you've probably already encountered a fair amount of freeloaders. Make Your Prospects Speak You've probably heard people speaking about someone that hewas born a salesperson. You might think that talent and native skills are all what you need to succeed in sales. In spite of what most people believe, selling is a science. Native abilities can help you to feel more comfortable in salesman position, but first comes learning.You have to build and permanently grow your knowledge andtechniques. It's not just about putting up a web site, or using a replicated web site and promoting it to free classified ad sites and FFA pages. It is not just about learning by heart your product and telling to your customers all what you know.The most important part of sales science is to listen.A serious prospect is one who is interested to get what he needs. By the consequence, having some questions or concerns related to your product, he is really interested to find out if your product fits his needs. He will come to you to tell about his questions and concerns. Be prepared to welcome him in silence, selling is not about talking, it is firstly about listening.Pay attention to his questions or concerns.What are his likes and dislikes?Is he motivated by your product price or he perceives the value ?How your product fits his desire for status ?Listen to him is like listen to your market.When is your turn don't start answering, better ask what he means by every question. Make him speak and listen what key words he uses for explanations. Tailor your answer based on the information you gather and be prepared to reply using these key words to emphasize the image of your product.This technique requires effort and practice to be able to leverage its full potential, so take the time to study and practice it. Make your prospects speak and their concerns will do all sellingwork for you. 5 Ways to Increase Business Sales by Contacting Your Existing Customers One of the best ways to increase your sales and one that won't cost you a lot or take a huge amount of time is by selling more to your existing customers. This can be a lengthy process and expensive to win over a new customer between advertising, sales calls, and approvals. With existing customers the process can be much quicker, smoother, and less costly. How To Get Clients To Take Immediate Action Are you tired of excuses? Looking for a persuasion technique to get people to take immediate action? Are prospects saying things to you like: "I'll think it over and get back to you?" "I need to talk it over with my wife." "Call me next week and we'll set up an appointment." Then create a sense of urgency and get your clients to want what you have now! How Do You Use Your Sales Commissions? What do you do when you have a big sales week, month or quarter? Are You a Sales Professional? Many sellers like to describe themselves as professionals, but what is it that makes a seller a professional? Sales 101 For many individuals in business the hardest part is selling. For the majority of business owners, the jobs they had before don't prepare them for dealing with selling products. So, this article will deal with some basic tips to help you with sales. Equal Chance of Winning The Sale? Bah! Are you going to win this deal? Change Takes Time I am writing this at the Philadelphia Airport on my way back from meeting with one of my clients. Three weeks ago, we offered a training program for their staff in basic selling skills. She reported that they saw an immediate increase in sales after the program. Since these are all telemarketers, she listened in on their calls to see what had changed. To her pleasure they were asking good, open-ended questions. They were taking time to listen to the client's responses and using their comments to match them with the right product. They were even closing right at the correct time. She was thrilled. Sales Strategies: Its Not Who You Know - Its What You Know We are all in sales. We all selling in every role we have. Whether you are in sales, marketing, home business, looking after your kids, dentist, athlete or whatever your chosen field is ? you sell. When you are "selling an idea" or pitching a business proposal or offering a product or service ? it is all selling. You can choose to avoid it or be good at it. Have you ever met natural sales people and admired them? Have you wondered how they do it? It is simple ? you just need to be in the "know". Yikes - My Feet Hurt! 8 Tips for Trade Show Exhibitors Yikes - My Feet Hurt! Being Politically Correct When Selling Can Cost You Sales In our culture it is basically un-American for a prospective customer or client to help a sales representative or service industry professional in the selling process, by answering the probing questions required in an effective consultative selling approach. However, many sales trainers, coaches and managers teach that to be "politically correct," polite or to look professional, you must ask permission if you want to probe for information. Success Secrets Of A Famous Vacuum Salesperson I have to admit, I have an 'addiction'. If You Respect Them, They Will Buy -- Closing the Sale We've all had the unfortunate experience of being convinced by a pushy salesperson to buy something we weren't sure we wanted. You may have really wanted the product, but after being pushed into buying it, you don't want it anymore. You either return it or you never patronize the store again. Visual Science of Selling Statistics state that 55% of people judgments are made based on what is seen visually, as opposed to 38% based on voice and the message you give. That means what you promote using images is the most important factor in making the right connection.This observation makes the Internet the biggest opportunity to sell. It's been said that information is king, but in the world of the Internet, it's image. Here the visual presentations are the most usual method to promote your product/service. According to web development tools you have at your disposal photos, images, animations, movies to enhance your marketing strategies and create a professional sale systemThere are thousands of authors out there teaching sales people on how to turn more prospects into customers, how to increase their sales, and convince people to buy. Almost all of their books state that creating an image of your product is the best thing you must do and this is nothing else but to recognize the importance of visual methods in sales process.Here are some 'visual' tips that salespeople may use effectively in selling their products Use images in your website. An image values more than a thousand words. Take care to not overload your web site with high tech gadgets. They can create a slow loading web page and distract people away from your offer. Why Salespeople Fail Since 1990 I have focused on the three primary barriers which affect the performance of salespeople:- Positioning for Profits! Last Friday, I was spending one last day of freedom with a dear friend who was expecting to have her first baby at any minute. We decided to hang out by the pool. What You Can Learn From The Movie Business Maybe everything you need to know you can learn from the movies. A friend of mine is a screenwriter in Los Angeles. Over a glass of wine, we were discussing his business and the nature of the beast in Hollywood. He's a boy from Canada who gave up his much-loved Honda, his life savings, and his broadcasting career to move to Los Angeles to attend the American Film Institute. Not an easy feat in your mid-30s. After 8 years of hard work he is now becoming the new discovery of LA. He said the most difficult thing to adjust to was all the talking. The #1 Lead Generation System of Top Sales People Developing an abundant supply of targeted referrals is the number one lead generation system used by top sales people. ![]() |
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