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The Gospel According to the Americans - Our Shame
As a deist, Thomas Jefferson may have thought God was indifferent, but gospel twisting preachers and theologians of the day seem to think God is a clown. One preacher appears regularly on television pushing his book entitled?How to be Rich and Have Everything You Ever Wanted. He insists that if people would pay their vows (an Old Testament concept) that this would begin to happen. It goes without saying that payment must be made to him. The blatant emphasis on the business of tithes and offerings among some churches has become a shameful blight but shows no signs of abating. Before millions of viewers on the Larry King Show, another well known preacher refused to say that everyone needed Jesus for salvation. He then stated that the word "sinner" was a word he never used in his messages. He has since apologized to his many friends and adherents but a chance to witness to millions is now lost. The question remaining is how anyone can find a way to preach the gospel without using the word "sinner." Jefferson's answer may be...Just use a jackknife. This new kind of preaching has many names. It is called, the prosperity gospel, the abundant life gospel, and the celebrity gospel. I call it, the gospel according to the Americans but in moments of my greatest disgust I call it by its more generic name, trash. Is it wrong to say that God wants to bless us? Does God want all his people to be dirt poor or live a life of abject poverty? Will God only give us pie in the sky when we die and ignore our love and generosity until later? The answer to all three questions is, no, no, and no. God has promised to bless the giver in dozens of passages similar to Luke 6:38. So what is the problem? The problem is one of balance. Just like the ancient Pharisees who struggled with the picture of a ruling kingly messiah versus a lowly suffering messiah. Their answer to the seemingly incongruous promises of the prophets was to come up with the idea that their must be two messiahs. There is but one messiah and all prophecy is fulfilled in him. Aha! There is also but one way to walk the life of obedience to the gospel as well. It may be that you have to be abased or exalted as the apostle Paul who said he had learned to adapt to either state for the sake of the gospel. Php 4:12 If Paul were a proponent of today's gospel he would have thought he was out of the perfect will of God every day he was pursued, beaten, jailed or suffering. Thank God he didn't feel this way because he would have had to style his epistles after the Jeffersonian model and leave out those occurrences. Is it really a time for believers to dismiss every wind of doctrine and accept every new kid on the block kind of doctrine? Are we compelled to look the other way as these twisted presentations of the gospel gain momentum all for the sake of Christian unity? But is this rather a time for Americans to hang their heads in shame. Trying to present a gospel that does not magnify anything but the wonderful finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ is always a shame. If we emphasize only those parts of the bible we like and leave the rest we are creating our own Jefferson bible. Perhaps we then might be able to do away with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and substitute them with a single gospel we could call, The Gospel According to the Americans. Rev Bresciani is the leader of a non-denominational ministry in the New Orleans area. He has written many articles over the past thirty years in such periodicals as Guideposts and Catholic Digest. He is the author of two books available on Amazon.com, Alibris, Barnes and Noble and many other places. Rev Bresciani wrote, Hook Line and Sinker or What has Your Church Been Teaching You, published by PublishAmerica of Baltimore MD. He also wrote a book recently released by Xulon Press entitled An American Prophet and His Message, Questions and Answers on the Second Coming of Christ. Rev Bresciani has his own website at americanprophet.org
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Public Spectacle Do you sometimes wonder how did Jesus make a Public Spectacle of Satan? Well let's see what the Bible says. Look at Colossians 2:13 it says. When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Freedom of Religion True freedom of religion must include an individuals right to "no religion." If we are to say that in our country we maintain freedom of religion than we must also respect those who do not wish to believe in any religion at all. Whereas our Constitutional Rights include these freedoms rarely in our country are Atheists really accepted in our communities. Recently I discussed this with a gentleman at a coffee shop and he was of no religion and whenever the subject came up, a religious person gave him dirty looks or an attitude of disgust. Several have told him that their religion did not allow them to talk with him or associate with him in anyway. In fact one lady had even told him in there is a verse in the Bible, which she quoted, but he did not remember; telling her she must not listen to him and she left his company. Who Me? Wear a Clerical Shirt? Clothing says a great deal about one's profession, and this is no less the case with ministers of the Gospel. The special shirt that ministers wear outside of worship services is known as a clerical shirt or collar shirt, which typically is black or another color with a white collar (sometimes affectionately referred to as a "dog collar"!). Books of the Living and Dead Revelation 20:12 makes a powerful claim: "And I saw the dead, great and small alike, standing before the throne. Books were opened, and then another book was opened, [called] the book of the living. The dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books." The Christmas Victory As the Chritmas season approaches, I figured it's a good time to submit the following article: The Snake Charmers - Part 1 2 Kings 9:30-9:36. How many her today believe in the existence of, witches, war-locks and sorcerers? If you noticed, my hand was up first. Now were not talking about halloween and spook-s and goblins. witches with bumps on their noses, flying brooms or black cats or anything the like. I'm talking about, Spell Casters and Po-shun Makers and Predictors, Psychics, Mediums, Numerology, Astrology-st, Horoscope Writers, Satan Worshipers, Observers of Times, Diviners believe it or not the world is full of such people, that believe in what their doing. The Purpose of Our Being Most people think that there is a higher meaning for our lives. They are correct, there is a purpose for our being. Lets start with Matthew 13:36 it says Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, "Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field." He answered, The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels. Living Proof: We are Living in the Days of Noah A familiar phrase used in Bible prophecy is the term "Days of Noah." Jesus warned, "For as in the days of Noah before the flood, they were eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the very day Noah entered the ark. And they did not know or understand until the flood came and swept them all away-so will be the coming of the Son of Man (Matthew 24: 38-39.)" This illustration is used to show mankind what signs they must look for upon Christ return. The book of Genesis records that before flooding the Earth, the Lord saw that the wickedness of men was great, and that every intent of the thoughts of men's heart was continually evil. This description can easily be applied to the current times we are living in. From all corners of the Earth, various societies can hear the bloodthirsty hearts of the terrorist beating to the same deadly drum. Are there more clues that allude to the fact that we are truly indeed living in the Days of Noah? Could there have been more going on besides the wickedness the Lord witnessed? Should Professional Athletes Be Glorifying God And Jesus On Their Public Platforms? Recently I have run across quite a few Christians who seem to be offended whenever any of the professional athletes get on TV or the radio and publicly give God and Jesus all the praise, honor and glory for all of their accomplishments in their personal lives as well as all of their success on the athletic field. Jesus Was a Hippie Actually he was more appropriately called a Cynic, but that kind of free-thinking humanist is indeed kin to being a Hippie. The Cynics were a school of thought or religious approach to intellectual understanding which many more modern hippies seem to emulate. Knowledge Of The Power For it is written in Proverbs 1:7 it says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. Some may ask, what is knowledge? Well let's see what the Bible says. In Proverbs 18:16 it says A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great. Now in Proverbs 19:2 it says It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, and nor to be hasty and miss the way. Thought Produces Desire, Produces Results (Channelled) How the Christian Right is Blowing It I am not a particularly pious person and I certainly don't go for the religious ceremony of things like Inaugurations and Graduations. It has always been my belief that we should do our alms in a closet. Whatever you give, keep that info to yourself, is pretty much my policy. In the past few years Christians have taken a lot of heat from liberals and moderates as a result of the Bush administration and mostly because of John Ashcroft and what has been labeled as "The Christian Right". Growing in the Knowledge of God This first verse completely sets the stage for you to be able to receive knowledge from the Lord. This first verse is literally telling us that God is wanting us to grow in the knowledge of Him and His Son Jesus. "... but GROW in the grace and KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 3:18)This verse is only one short sentence long, but a lot is being said in it. After we get saved, God expects us to start growing in the knowledge that He wants to transmit to us. And the only way we can spiritually grow is by seeking after the knowledge that will cause this growth to occur in the first place! This right here is why a lot of Christians do not make much spiritual growth over the course of their lives after they initially get saved - because they are not seeking after the knowledge of God that will cause this growth to actually occur. The Exodus And the matter of who is doing the abusing is the most important thing we as a world full of equal people must ascertain. Who are the Benjaminites who were thrown out of Israel and later returned under Judas Maccabee? Who are these mercenaries who protected Egypt from the Elephantine stronghold? Is It Good For Man Not To Marry? Are we doing what the word of God say to do. Please allow me to give you some insight about the purpose of marriage and the single person. Let's start first at 1Corinthians 7:1 it says Now for a matters you wrote about: it is good for a man not to marry. But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. Now if you look further in the chapter at verse26 it says Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for you to remain as you are. Are you married? Do not seek a divorce. Are you unmarried? Do not look for a wife. But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this. How to Solve a Wonderful Mystery The first issue we must recognize is the way God uses the word Gentile in His Word. The context will usually show you how the words are meant to be used. In addition, the scope of the particular section of a book must be accounted for. Before and after Acts 28:28 there are Gentile believers spoken of in the Bible some are called a wild olive branch while others are called The Church which is His Body, Why? Making Merchandise of Christians ? Prosperity Gospel Blight Anyone who has read their Bible would have to concede in principle at least that it does say that God loves to bless his children. It also does promise that if we are giving individuals we should expect to have many wonderful blessings returned to us as a result. These promises are unquestionable. Christ said that if we gave that men would give to us good measure pressed down and running over, Luke 6:38. The principle here is not in question; it is the use, and or rather the misuse of this principle that causes all the trouble. Anyone trying to prove that the Bible does not promise God's blessings to the generous giver would come up woefully short. So how does this doctrinal new kid on the block, the abundant life gospel, succeed in the wake of its highly suspect proponents and their methods? Anointed versus Talented: Whats the Difference? Talent is defined as: "Natural endowment or ability of a superior quality". The word talent comes from a Greek word that also tells us about something of great value as described in Matthew 25:15-30. Letters from Christ: the Calligraphy of the Spirit Their reasoning must have been, "This is the precious gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! No amount of effort or expense would be wasted. Let's make it beautiful." ![]() |
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