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God is not a Homicidal Maniac
One day on the listserve for my support group it got posted that it was all part of God's plan that we got HSP, so it was okay because God wills it. Bull! Somewhere along the way the genes got goofed up and that is why we have HSP. A mutation developed and is unfortunately passed on to fifty percent of the offspring of anyone affected. When I hear someone say, "It must be God's plan; we just do not understand," it gets my blood boiling. How could God be involved in possibly giving my beautiful son HSP? What possible benefit could there be to him having HSP? Is God into cruelty? I do not think so. God has much more important business to attend to. On the evening news I heard a pastor discussing the fact that two of his teenage congregation members were killed in car accidents in the last month. He used the cop-out explanation of the accidents being "God's plan." Why does there have to be an answer, why not, it is just a part of life? Sometimes bad things just happen, even to good people. Do you really believe that God needed more angels or maybe these teenagers families needed to toughen up...God was just teaching them to be stronger? Accidents happen. If a person gets hit by a car while crossing the street, it is just horrible timing, not part of some cruel plan. Thinking that God controls everything would mean God is a homicidal maniac who controls a gigantic Hot Wheels track in the sky. I do not think so. He has better things to do than worry about who gets sick and who does not. Who stubs his toe and who does not? Who has a car wreck and who does not? Who has a miscarriage and who goes on to give birth? Who gets raped and who does not? I have always believed in a Higher Power,that Higher Power being God. Believing in God is comforting. I cannot believe that God controls everything. He is not cruel. He does not want me or my son to have Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. Jackie Wellman, author of Spiritual Clarity, http://www.hoppy.bravehost.com, http://spiritualclarity.blogspot.com
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Moslem America Part 2 2 Corinthians 2:6-2:14 End Time Events - The Miscellaneous Signs Per the miscellaneous signs listed in my previous article, Jesus literally tells the apostles face to face what the signs are that will let us know when He is about ready to come back to our earth for His second coming. The verse is from the gospel of Matthew and it reads as follows: Are You Doing the Good Part? Just compare yourself to these two sisters. The Judgment Seat of Christ The thought of a public examination before the Judgment bar of our Lord should be incentive enough to awaken even the most slumbering saint of God. Yet few, if any, ever give it a second thought. Paul declared, "So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God" (Rom. 14:12). Perhaps if the doctrine of judgment and reward were expounded more from our pulpits there would be more attention given to living a life of holiness and obedience. Think of it. How will you stand in that day? Will you approach Him with confidence or will you stand before Him red-faced and embarrassed over a life of waste and neglect? It is something that we as Christians will all have to do. Are you ready to appear before the judgment seat? And if you say that you are, perhaps you are speaking without the necessary contemplation of the task that lies before you. Yes, the judgment seat will be a most solemn occasion for many in that great day. The Basics of Salvation Through Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ The one key central message of the entire Bible is that Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father and His dwelling place - heaven. There is no other way! As you will see in all of the Scripture verses listed below, Jesus Christ is God's only plan of salvation for the entire world. Facing Our Fears "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14: 27, NIV Salvation of the Jews to Determine the Lords Return: the Churches Greatest Prayer Responsibility Jesus won't come until the Jewish people are saved. As The Storm Clouds Gather Revelation 20:8-20:9Jesus warned us of a time of great tribulation, as was never seen by man and never again will be seen. There are storm clouds gathering around us if we are willing to see. Powerful Powers Have you ever wondered what is power and where does it come from, and who has it? Well lets look at what the Bible says about power. First lets look at 1Chronicles 29:10 it says David praised the Lord in the presence of the whole assembly, saying, Praise be to you, O Lord, God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Yours O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours O Lord is the kingdom; Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things, in your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise you glorious name. The Armorbearer Coach & The Character of Christ In You And even though Jesus was God's Son, He had to learn from experience what it was like to obey, when obeying meant problems and difficulties. ?Hebrews 5:8 TLB paraphrased by author Heroes & Villains in the Quest for Spirituality: 100 Significant Characters of the Hebrew Bible God Uses Internet People So often I am asked, "How do you know that you are operating in God's will?" Slain in the Spirit? WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE? Do You Have a Name For Me? MAN: Good afternoon Professor Knowledge. Let me cut to the chase. I am interested in a name whereby salvation can be found. I came to you because you were highly recommended and I need your help desperately. I have been led to believe that salvation is predicated on the schools I have attended and the academic credentials that follow behind my name. Well, I have several degrees and so now I want to know if you have a name that will help me. Do you have a name I can call out to when I get to the chilly banks of Jordan? Please, check out your libraries; your dictionaries, encyclopedias, references, concordances and anything else you have available to you, to see if you can find me a name that will help me when I'm being tossed and driven on the restless sea of time. Look among your Who's Who and see if you have a name whereby my salvation can be found. In other words professor, do you have a name that will save me? Freedom of Religion We were all taught in school that our forefathers left England to escape religious dictatorships. Okay, there was a lot more to it then that, but it was a big enough deal that they made sure it got honorable mention in our rulebook. They clearly made the point that we were to have freedom of religion here in America. They also used the word "God" in some of their formal paperwork and even on our money. I don't want to argue politics here, but rather semantics. They didn't say "freedom of Christianity," they said "freedom of religion." The boys who wrote up all of our formal paperwork were wordsmiths and they debated long and hard to find the perfect set of words to govern ourselves by. It wasn't decided that we had the freedom to choose whichever form of Christianity that we liked, but whichever form of religion. Religion is in and of itself a much broader concept then Christianity. "God" can mean a lot more then just the Christian definition too. The Occult "Christianity posits the realization of human freedom not here on earth but only in the Kingdom of Heaven." (1) Fukayama tells us, and it seems to me he is interpreting what the dogma says; even though it fits his own slave and master concept taken by his evil predecessors. Right as he may be about Christianity, he is not right about the teaching of Jesus. Well, what good is there in such a belief system? It encourages no growth or potential for freedom while you are alive. It gives no insight to actual knowing of what exists hereafter, except through faith in someone telling you what is right. How can anyone accept such utter hogwash? Are we to be enslaved to such a cosmogony while alive? God grows too, and he would be dead if he didn't. All things around us in nature say change is a good thing. Knowing Hinduism or Hindu Religion Hindus are concentrated in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka and these places have been the hot spot of this culture since time immemorial. Unlike other religions, Hinduism does not recognize a single prophet and has multitude of gods and goddesses, mythologically numbering at around 30 millions! Such a figure is given in mythology by people of wisdom who have included all such perceptible forms as things of worship, so that man can see god in them and respect the existence of such all forms (plant, animal, stone, sky, stars, soil, water, rain, fellow human being, etc. The Kabbalah of Love: Part One (This is the first article in a new series on the Kabbalah of Love ? stay tuned for upcoming articles!) Bang, Bang,Your Dead Zechariah 14:1-14:12 Iesa and Jesus in the Pyramid The Sun god, Mithras, was the most widely worshipped deity in the Roman Empire in the first century when Christianity was first forming. Mithras was called the Son of God, the light of the world, he was a redeemer and savior and his birthday was celebrated on December twenty-fifth. He eventually died and was buried in a cave and was resurrected three days later. Sound familiar? Constantine is said to have converted to Christianity but that is pure 'Spin' from the editor of the Bible. He was a Mithras worshipper and they are Heliopolitans or Luciferians just like Hitler and his 'torch-bearer' crap. IESA is in Iesoos of the fish symbol and IXOYE as well as many other pre-Christian things they appropriated; which the Father of Biblical Archaeology says shows the Bible is a 'Phoenician literary legacy'. It is not the first time you have heard about it. ![]() |
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