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Rosemary flower candies (Rosemarinus officinalis)
Leave your tic-tacs at home. This medicinal plant provides delicious mouth fresheners to integrate into a balanced healing diet. When a herb or plant has the designation 'officinalis' it means it has been recognised to have medicinal qualities. 'Rosemarinus', so called because of marine connections (colour of sea - grows by sea e.g. Mediterranean) is possibly the best example of a herb that we commonly grow that has extensive folklore and many attributed medicinal values. Beloved by the Romans, who bought it to the UK from Turkey, they believed this valuable herb could preserve dead bodies from corruption and it was often strewn or grown in graveyards and around tombs. It was well known to the Tudors as a stimulant to the system. In 'The Garden of Health' (1579) William Langham writes:"Carry the flowers about thee to make thee merry and glad and well beloved of all men...hang the flowers on thy bed and place Rosemary in the bath to make thee lusty, lively, joyful, strong and young. To comfort the heart steep Rosemary flowers in rose water and drink it". Gerard agrees in his 1636 Herbal. "The flowers of Rosemary, made up into lozenges with sugar and eaten make the heart merry, quicken the spirits and make them more lively". He also notes that Rosemary water acts as a breath freshener. Rosemary has long been recognised as a valuable heart and liver tonic and its use can help to reduce high blood pressure. It has been used in the treatment of nervous complaints, digestive disorders and menstrual pains. Rosemary is a symbol of constancy in love because it remains fresh and fragrant when cut, longer most other evergreens. For this reason it was often used for solemn occasions such as weddings or funerals - 'Be it for my bridal or my burial'. As in Shakespeare's Hamlet, Rosemary is for remembrance and in the language of flowers the gift of Rosemary means 'Never will your memory fade'. Ancient myth has it that 'Where Rosemary flourishes - the woman rules'. Rosemary is sometimes used in psychic work as an aid to concentration, memory and mental steadiness. Under the pillow or over the bed its delicious aroma is said to prevent nightmares. One word of warning though - excessive use of Rosemary taken internally can cause fatal poisoning, but that is no reason to not sample the delicious and invigorating herbal tea or eat a few of the flowers. Like the raw flowers, Rosemary sugar candies are a tiny taste explosion and quite delicious. Preserving them in sugar helps to extend the amount of time you can experience this uplifting Epicurean event. First of all find a plant with flowers. It often flowers twice a year so this should not be too difficult. You can either pick the whole flower from the plant, or set up some arrangement that catches them as they fall naturally. In a warm place, such as a sunlit window sill above a radiator, drop the flowers onto dried (even warmed) white sugar. Make sure the receptacle is open enough that moisture can evaporate from the flowers into the sugar and then into the atmosphere. Also make sure that no moisture gets to this mixture at any point as the sugar will 'clump' and the flowers will start to rot, spoiling the taste. Shake the mixture now and then to aid the process. When thoroughly dry, seal the sugar/flower mixture into a moisture-proof receptacle and every now and then - treat yourself ! With thanks to: J. Lust, M. Woodward, D. Conway, C.L. Zalewski, R. Genders. From an ebook called 'Wild Food' underway at simonthescribe.If you wish to republish this article (with this resource box intact) you will find excellent quality pictures to accompany it at http://www.simonthescribe.co.uk/rosemary.html
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A Victory Garden In the early nineteen forties,women shopped with ration stampsthat limited the amount of groceries they bought in order tosupport the war effort. To supplement the their meager rations,they grew vegetable gardens in spare plots of land and also intheir own back yards. Neat rows of lettuce, tomatoes, yellow waxbeans, green onions, cabbage and yellow squash were plantedeverywhere. Since the ingredients for the meals depended uponwhat was available in the cupboard and the garden, the homecooks really had to stretch their imaginations. Provence Steak Recipes Want an international flair for your steaks? Try a Provence steak recipe. These are delicious steak recipes that anyone will enjoy if they like meat at all. You will enjoy serving these wonderful dishes to any dinner guests and surprising your in-laws with a real treat. The Untold Secrets To Making Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream Have you ever wondered if there was a healthful alternative to the sugar and preservative filled vanilla ice cream you buy in the supermarkets? Cool Summer Gazpacho This refreshing tomato soup is a great cool meal for those hot summer days. If you don't like your food spicy, you can leave out the jalapenos, if you like it spicier, just add a few drops of your favorite hot sauce. You can also try adding other vegetables as well. You can try adding some carrots or celery, or roast the tomatoes, onion, and garlic for an added dimension of flavor. Enjoy! Basic Quick Mix and Recipes With an easy basic quick mix, you can make a wide variety of inexpensive homemade biscuits, breads, and other baked goods. This mix is easy to make and store and great for any family on a tight budget. Frugal and Easy Thanksgiving Recipes Here it is - that time of year when everyone's thoughts turn to food! 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Summer Salads Green vegetables are the food most missing in modern diets. Nutritionally, greens are very high in calcium (120 -190 mg per cup!) They're also high in magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and they are a power house for Vitamin A, C, E and K. Believe it or not, they are also crammed high with fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll and many other micro-nutrients and phyto-chemicals ? you just can't get any better than this. Take a look at the following two recipes to help move you into a sensational summer! Weight Loss Recipe: Crustless Quiche Crust-less Quiche How to Bake: Easy Sourdough Bread A customer emailed us and said that her mother loved sourdough bread but had trouble making it work right. We shared the following recipe with her, which is our easiest, most foolproof recipe for sourdough bread. Low Fat, Low Carb Baked Tortilla Chip with a Mango Salsa Dressing Many low fat low cholesterol recipes are usually bland and un-flavorful but you can find some unique and tasty treats on our website that are full of flavor. Crockpot Cooking - Advantages and Disadvantages In my 'un-biased' opinion, the crockpot / slow cookeris one of the most convenient and easy to use appliancesin my kitchen. The time savings features of theslow cooker and the delicious dinners that haveresulted more than offset any minor drawbacks. Low Fat Pasta: Why and How to Make it. Making your own pasta is not difficult. It's actually very easy. Straight Talk from a Comfort Foodie - Fast Food My parents lived for convenience when it came to feeding their children. I was a Beech-Nut kid, and breast-feeding wasn't my mother's idea of liberation. I was weaned on A&W root beer served by a car-hop at a local joint called "Suds n' Dogs." Dad was a cosmetic salesman, and, though he was raised in an orthodox Jewish household by a mother that adhered to the kosher principles, he lived on a steady diet of quick stop specialties regardless of their orientation. Cool Snacks for a Hot Summer Beat the heat with these cool summer treats! Easy Holiday Quick Bread Recipes Quick breads are a quick, easy accompaniment to any holiday meal. Weight Loss Recipe: Chicken Tikka Long term weight loss isn't about hunger, misery and crash dieting. It's a whole new way of learning to prepare nutritious food that your body needs and enjoys. "Chicken Tikka" is one of a range of hunger fighting, low fat recipes to assist you keep your weight under control. This irresistible, no-hassle meal will help you reach your weight-loss goals - while making mealtime a real treat. Ma Po Tou Tu (Bean Curd with Chili Sauce) Ma Po Tou Fu is Sichuan's well known characteristic dish. Tradition has it that during the Tongzhi years of Qing Dynasty, there is a small inn at the WanFu (Innumerable Blessings) bridge outside the north gate of Chengdu, Sichuan. The woman owner Chen is pretty good at cooking. She uses bean curd, tiny sliced beef, hot pepper, Chinese prickly ash, thick bean sauce and other ingredients to cook. The dish tastes hemp (a unique flavor from the Chinese prickly ash), spicy, fresh, fragrant, and it is delicious, it is extremely well received by the people around the town. At that time there was no official name for this dish. Because Chen has pockmarked face ("ma" face with "ma" happens to be the same character as the "ma" or "hemp" flavor from the Chinese prickly ash), people then started calling it "Ma Po To Fu". "Po" in this case means woman, wife. So to translate accurately it means "wife of pockmarked face Tou Fu". From then on it became well-known around the entire nation. It is now a world-renowned Chinese cuisine 100 years later. All the Sichuan restaurants must have this dish. Along with the development of Sichuan cuisine, most of the overseas Chinese restaurants (Sichuan style or not) all carry this famous dish. Not too long ago, the Japanese merchants even imitated Sichuan "Ma Po Tou Fu" and produced canned "Ma Po Tou Fu" which sell quite well around the world. ![]() |
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