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6 Steps to Beating Childhood Obesity
These days kids would rather spend time on the computer than go outside and kick a ball around or ride their bikes. And with all the junk food advertisements aimed at children by the media, us parents definitely have our jobs cut out for us. The bottom line is our lifestyles have changed. We don't walk as much as we used to. We eat pre-packaged or fast foods instead of home cooked meals. And what exercise can compete with video games? Times have definitely changed but that doesn't mean we have to completely give up. It's just a matter of putting some simple measures into place. Here are some easy tips to ensure your kids develop a life-long healthy lifestyle. 1. Limit your kids television, computer and video games time. This may not be easy at first, but be persistent. Suggest an activity they can do, or better yet go outside with them and join in. Children learn through example, so if you're all set to go for a bike ride they may just want to join you. 2. Get your kids involved in the family food shopping. Make a list of healthy foods everyone agrees on and point out the health benefits to your kids. You'll be surprised at how open to eating healthy your kids can be. You don't have to drastically cut out the cakes and cookies altogether, but instead let each child choose one item they can enjoy as a special treat. This teaches kids to learn about moderation and that , yes, they can have cookies or chocolates as treats not as regular food staples. 3. Don't super size your kids. Be careful to serve kid appropriate food portions. Remember, if they're not fully satisfied they can simply go back for seconds. Also, teach them to eat slowly and take breaks between mouthfuls to allow the brain to register when it's full. 4. Try to avoid branding any foods as "bad for you". Instead focus on teaching your kids everything can be enjoyed in moderation. This takes the pressure off them and gets rid of the diet mentality which can set them up for a life of yo-yo dieting. 5. Be more active! Simply stated, kids need more activity in their lives. The same goes for all of us, if we eat more calories than we're using up we will gain weight. It's as simple as that. So get out there and make it fun. Try not to use the word "exercise". You want this to be a lifestyle habit not something that has to be done. 6. Be a positive role model. Rather than focusing on changes for your child only, change as a family. Have a family meeting and talk about healthy eating and good nutrition. Explain all the benefits of exercise and let your kids suggest some simple activities you can do together. Start slowly and build up. If you set a good example your kids will eventually follow. Just remember any change can be difficult at first and you may initially have to put with tears or even temper tantrums, but be persistent. The benefits of a healthy lifestyle will far outweigh any difficulties you may face in getting there. Your kids will thank you for it in the long run.... Mila Sidman is a mom of three and the creator of http://www.easy-kid-recipes.com. A leading website providing simple, kid-friendly recipes, nutritional information, meal planning tips, fun kid cooking projects and much more.
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Ground Turkey Recipes Our family has recently made the switch from ground beef toground turkey. With ground beef more than $2 a pound, we hadbasically quit eating hamburger for quite some time. On a recenttrip to the grocery store I noticed that ground turkey was HALFthe price of ground beef, about $1 a pound. I decided to give ita try, and our family loved the ground turkey. Honestly, youcan't even tell the difference in taste, and it is very low fat. There is almost no fat to remove from your pan. Here are somerecipes our family adapted to our tastes: Easy Gourmet Recipes You and I can do! So, you don't think you can find easy gourmet recipes? Yes, you can! While most people think that gourmet recipes are hard to make, time consuming, or too expensive, you can find things that are gourmet and easy to make. You just need to look in the right places and know what you are looking for! First of all, finding information on gourmet recipes on the Internet is easy to do. Just search your favorite recipe websites or just use a search engine like Google or Yahoo. If you do not have web access, going to the library for the information will also work. The library contains many types of books or even CD ROMs on cooking. Most importantly, both of these options result in free recipes! Mediterranean Grilled Vegetable Soup According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) there are five elements that contribute to all activities: TREE / WOOD, FIRE, SOIL / EARTH, METAL and WATER. Rice Noodles with Tomatoes and Tuna -A Savoury Gluten-free Alternative to Pasta Ok. I never thought that the day would come when I would sing the praises of a rice noodle. Let alone consider it a valid, gluten-free alternative to pasta. But I've come to understand and love the little blighters. Easy Trail Mixes Before you set off on your next family walk or outing, try making one of these super easy trail mixes to keep your energy up. 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We all have seen the paella pan before when visiting Spain or browsing the net for paella recipes Cucumbers with Yogurt & Mint Almost every day I eat with my energy in mind, but I don't let that be the end of it. I take what I have learned about what works best for my body and take it one step further in order to connect with the changing seasons! Planning Help: Meal Two One meal planning challenge for me has been to `lighten up' for my family's and my health. My husband and I were both raised on `meat and potatoes' so it has been a difficult change. But we are making gradual progress. Frugal Microwave Cooking Microwave cooking can save you time and energyall year long. But it is especially nice insummer because it enables you to cook hot mealswithout heating up your home. How to Bake Quick Bread: Apricot-Orange Nut We love moist, fruity quick breads--and this is one of our favorites. It's nutty, flavorful, and full of wholesome ingredients. We would like to share this recipe with you and demonstrate the baking principles for wonderful quick breads. Cookware: What You Need And What You Don?t Cookware is always a rather contentious subject. I have seen chefs turn up to even the simplest of cooking jobs carrying more than it would take to maintain your average oil tanker (though maybe this is not the best use for your cookware), when all that was really needed was a knife and something to sharpen it with. School Lunches the Frugal Way! It seems that school starts earlier every year. So it's time to start thinking about what to put in those school lunches every morning. Making Pancake Batter the Night Before (with Recipe) Mornings are hectic. If you make your pancake batter the night before, that will save you precious minutes. Some pancake batter can be made the night before and stored in the refrigerator and some cannot. Here's how to tell the difference: Cooking Instructions For Prime Rib Roast Have you been searching for cooking instructions for prime rib roast and still can't find a recipe that will give you the juicy and tender prime rib roast that you deserve? The reason may be that recipes only give you the basic ingredients for cooking and not the cooking instructions for prime rib roast. Blue Cheese Omnivorous Ingredients Handy Home-Prepared Mixes Pre-packaged store-bought box mixes are expensive. Have you considered homemade alternatives? Made-from-scratch mixes are healthy, cost beneficial, store well, and taste great. Often times, you're paying for the packaging of commercial "convenience" foods and you don't have any control over the additives and preservatives they contain. When making your own mixes, you tailor the ingredients, so have control over the quality and quantity. ![]() |
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