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Is An Old Home for You? ? The Pros
If you prefer a home that is unique and has character, you probably are giving some thought to buying an older home. Before buying, it's a good idea to carefully evaluate the pros and cons of owning the home. In this article, we cover the positive benefits I have realized by owning a home built in 1825. The Pros of An Old Home In 1972, my husband and I bought a house built in 1825. While maintenance has certainly been an issue, there are more than a few positives to the home. Everything is real. There's no fake anything. Bricks are brick. Wood is wood. Slate is slate. Fireplace mantles, chair rail, crown molding, and baseboards are not dinky little things; they're beautifully proportioned. The floors are rich, wide, heart of pine planks. There's a rich feeling of history and being connected to our country's past that permeates through our neighborhood. George Washington grew up just across the river and trudged up the lane across the street from us daily to attend school. James Monroe and Mathew Fontain Maury (the "pathfinder of the seas") lived within a block of us. Our house was used as a boys' military academy (Philips' Military Academy) prior to the War Between the States. Put together, one gets a feeling of wonder when walking around the community. Old houses can also be a very good investment. First, there is a limited supply of them. With the popularity of historic societies and the preservation movement, people have become more appreciative of them. Precisely because of the center city locations of many of them (which provided drawbacks for us when we first moved here), they are often in what have become highly desirable locations. Our house is within two blocks of commuter rail that runs into downtown Washington, D.C. and many old cities have old house neighborhoods in terrific locations. Boston, Richmond, Savannah, and Charleston come to mind. We paid $35,000 for our house in 1972. Within the last year, two houses within a block of us have sold for more than a million dollars. I have a feeling that our home may be the best investment we've ever made. That about sums it up. Beauty. A sense of it being "real." Feeling connected to the past. And a darned good investment to boot. Yup. We've spent some blood, sweat, and tears. Real money, too. But I'd do it over again in a heart beat. Raynor James is with http://www.fsboamerica.org - providing homes for sale by owner, "FSBO", properties. Are you thinking, "Should I sell my home?" Visit http://www.fsboamerica.org/seller.cfm to sell your home sale for free for one month.
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Part 1: FAQ?s From Media Interviews With Real Estate Author Do you feel there is going to be a real estate bubble? 10 Easy but Essential Steps for Home Selling Success They say that the whole process of selling up, buying new and moving on is one of the most stressful series of events any of us goes through in a lifetime: and yet with careful planning, attention to detail and a clear focus, the whole process can be relatively stress free. Stay Motivated With REI Till The Deal Comes I know many investors step into the game of real estate investing with high hopes of landing the deal that will turn their financial situation around and yes some do and this is not for you - this is for the investors still looking for that first deal! Conversation & The Real Estate Investor One key that makes investors is conversation or should I say "The Art Of Conversation". Investing in Real Estate Profitably: Eliminating the Need for Mortgage Insurance In an earlier article, we presented various options for ensuring that you have positive cash flow when holding rental houses, by minimizing loan payments. One problem which we now can address is to how to eliminate the need for paying mortgage insurance. Any loan with less than 20% down payment will include or require mortgage insurance. It may be included in the rate (which is called "Lender Paid Mortgage Insurance" or LPMI) or more commonly it is a separate itemized item, but in either case you must pay it. Real Estate Investing in Rentals ? the $10 Million Real Estate Investing Mistake Renting to tenants is no longer "where the money is" for real estate investing. I became a multi-millionaire landlord in the 1980s by buying $10 million in rental houses. Yet, I consider this real estate investing approach the biggest mistake in my real estate investing career. I call it my "$10 Million Mistake." Victorian. Modern. Colonial. What?s Your Architectural Style? You are attracted to a home for more than its number of bedrooms and square footage. Whether consciously or subconsciously, you are drawn to the individual character of a home. Part of what makes up that character is its architecture style. Do Open Houses Work? What are the odds that you'll find your dream at a Sunday open house? What is the likelihood that your home will sell at an open house? Open houses are an integral part of the home sale business. But, do they work? Tax Assessment/Appraisal: How Do I Know What My Home is Worth? If you are in the home buying or selling market, it's important to understand the difference between tax assessment and appraisal value. Concentrate on the appraisal value because this determines your asking price. Real Estate Investing - Basis Explained Our complex IRS code requires that your, as a real estate investor,accurately calculate your "basis" in investment property when reportinga gain or loss on a tax return. Dont Overpay for a House, Even in Todays Market If there's one thing American investors love, it's an over-inflated market. Which is why they keep buying houses and new ones keep coming onto the market. According to the latest data, housing starts rose an annualized 3.4% in September, matching a 17-year high. Whoo-ha! Go, baby go. Donald Trump on Real Estate I love what Trump says about the business of real estate. Sell Your Home Without Paying Any Commissions All of us know that real estate commissions can work out to quite a bit of money ? anything from a few thousand dollars with discount brokers to 6% in commissions with full-service agents. That's a substantial sum of money to be paying for something you could very well do on your own. How to Show & Sell Your California Home Seller's Showing Instructions Home Selection Checklist - A Good Aid When Choosing a Home This home selection checklist is a tool to help you select a home that is right for you and your family. Before you select a home and get a mortgage, you need to know if you will be happy with the home you select for the coming years. Home selection is a major step in your life and using a checklist to select smartly will help you think of all the things you need to realize about a home before you buy. Take a checklist with you to each home you might select and write down all the important home selection points on the checklist. Use the checklist for each potential home selection and you will have a "fact book" to review and analyze before your final home selection. Landlords Dance The FICO Fandango Fair Isaac Corporation is the creator of the FICOcredit score that is used today by most lenders toevaluate consumer credit risk. FICO scores rangefrom a poor credit low of 500 to a best credit ratingof 850. The Great Real Estate Bubble Quiz You hear it asked on the radio, in the newspapers and on TV. Investing in Real Estate & REITs Real estate investing runs the gamut in terms of risk and investment success. The first rule of real estate investing, even before location, location, location, is be very careful with whom you are dealing. For some reason, real estate is fraught with unscrupulous characters, many of whom you'll see on late night television commercials with their "no-money" down methods of becoming millionaires. Only a very small percent of these so-called real estate gurus are legitimate. Dont Sell It Yourself Don't sell it yourself! Sometimes a "FSBO," or house "for sale by owner" can sell as fast, and for as much as it would have if listed with a real estate agent. Sometimes. Before you decide to give it a try though, consider the following ten points. Create a Great Webpage to Sell Your Home The majority of people in the UK who are looking to move house use the internet to find properties for sale. So it makes sense to ensure that your property is on the web if you want to sell. If you are with an estate agent, most will list your property on one of the major property portals. However more and more people, tired of paying thousands of pounds to estate agents who do little work, are voting with their feet and deciding to sell their home by themselves. ![]() |
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