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Yes But, How Do I Evaluate Buying Undeveloped Land And Get Into The Business?
These real questions on buying undeveloped land are answered by a US Master Builder and myself after receiving them from readers of my e-book, "Residential Development Made Easy." Question 1. What are some factors to bear in mind when purchasing undeveloped land for the purposes of rezoning? Master Builder & Developer's Reply: Study your Town Plan and see where your Council Planners want the physical growth direction to take place. Go and talk to the Planners - don't ask them for their opinion - you might sue them in a few years time, so they won't give you an opinion. However they will talk about Councils plans for growth. Ask about utilities such as water, sewerage, roads etc. These are very costly and they will want growth to take place where existing utilities have capacity to handle the growth. This way if you acquire raw land for rezoning, you are working within the "thinking" of the local authority. Be prepared to hold on the property for a long time. First thing to check before purchasing is to ensure it's not part of or can be part of endangered species. Then make sure that it was never part of or owned by a gas station, fuel company, salvage yard or had tire dumping. Also get expert tests. Make sure the land will allow for property to be built on it. Question 2. What methods does the builder use to evaluate prospective parcels for development, and determine the price to be paid for the land? (Again, assume we have a basic level of understanding) Master Builder & Developer's Reply: "Land is only worth what you can do with it."Question 3. What general advice would you give to developers who are just getting their feet wet in the market? Master Builder & Developer's Reply: Locate a Master Builder to work with. Master Builder's such as me, have a vested interest in ensuring your profitability. We can answer the questions you have about what to build and how to determine profitability. We enjoy mentoring and growing our developers. I also recommend new developers buy and study Colm's e-book, "Residential Development Made Easy." No other experienced developer has taken the time to write an instruction book like his - anywhere in the world, that is, so it is truly unique. The more successful and profitable you are the more successful and profitable we are. Be honest with the Master Builder you choose to work with. Ask for their assistance. In my case, because I am licensed, bonded and insured in all 48 continental states, I can help you put together a Residential Development Team who will provide you with their experience and support your efforts. We can provide you with financing for the development (if you qualify), financing for your home buyers, insurance, help you locate land, advise you on property, create a demand for your homes, etc? We work with developers with various levels of experience and who have varying levels of being actively involved in the decision making. A Master Builder can guide you. Show you how to get started. Get your feet wet. Example: I might start out with helping you to create a Residential Development Team or connect you to mine if I have one in your area. Then we would locate a lot in a development by another developer. Then we would help you to conduct basic market research in this controlled environment. How to write up a proposal for the builder (us) to work with you. Then the realtor would find a buyer for you. You'd sell the home. And, we'd use that one home to create a demand for more of our homes. You'd repeat your success a few times until you're comfortable and ready to develop your own raw land. Author & $1.2 Billion Developer, Colm Dillon, Has Written The Best Selling 'How-To' E-book, "Residential Development Made Easy," With Readers In All States Of The USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland and 79 Other Countries. His Independent Web Site is: http://www.realestatedevelopmentcoach.com/ez
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Good Faith Deposit ? Real Estate Transactions In a real estate transaction, a touchy issue is how much trust the seller has in a buyer. The existence of a good faith deposit helps put a seller at rest. How to Sell Your House For Full Price Many people believe that a real estate broker is needed to sell their house. So they post it with a broker who may or may not sell it and if they do charge exorbitant fees. One would think that that commission would inspire to work harder for you. In some cases it does. In many others though, we have heard of houses sitting on the market for over a year with the realtor only showing it once. Purchasing International Real Estate Interested in investing somewhere other than your back yard? Real Estate Investment - One Simple Formula I saw the ads in our small-town newspaper for years before I realized exactly what was going on. They were always the same: A house for sale with 5% down and payments of 1% of the purchase price. It might be a three bedroom home for $90,000, for example, with $4,500 down and $900 per month payments. Real Estate Research By Talking Real estate research might start with a look at the U.S. Census information about a town. It can include inspections of specific properties, too. There are many statical tools and information that can help, but don't forget one of the easiest and most useful research tools: talking. Let me explain with a true story. Investment Real Estate Made Easy ? Make the Most from Each Investment Dollar When it comes to buying investment real estate, there are many schools of thought on how to get the most out of your money. Some say lease optioning your houses is the best and safest way to go. In fact, I believe this to be true in many cases. For getting the most out of each investment dollar, though, and seeing a quick return, I believe that it is best to find property that you can rehab and resell. Bulgarian Property Market Insight GOLF GRABS BULGARIA! Property Types A, B, C And D One of the biggest problems individuals just starting out have is the type of property they look for, and working outside their immediate area. One of the constants around the country and for every state, is that there are the most desirable areas to live and the least desirable; and then those that fall in between. Finding, Fixing, Financing, and Flipping - The Short Course Most people get involved in Real Estate investing to make money. Renting a House Renting a house or a room in your home is a great business that millions of people take advantage of to make some extra cash. While many people rent houses each year, not all of them are successful. Renting a house can be profitable and rewarding if you manage it properly. Five Ps of Selling Houses 1. Planning: Dont Overpay for a House, Even in Todays Market If there's one thing American investors love, it's an over-inflated market. Which is why they keep buying houses and new ones keep coming onto the market. According to the latest data, housing starts rose an annualized 3.4% in September, matching a 17-year high. Whoo-ha! Go, baby go. Pricing Your Property A house properly priced is half sold. But there are plenty of ways to price it improperly. Are You Really A Twenty First Century Investor Today's residential real estate market for investors has become very competitive in most major markets. The vast majority of real estate investing seminars and clubs are encouraging you to search out desperate home owners or distressed properties to be rehabbed. Selling Houses: Cutting Edge Design Tips for Selling In this article, you're going to discover new techniques for marketing houses, and you'll find that these fresh, new interior design ideas will help sell your home faster, and for a higher price than the competition! 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Statistics show that globally we're all on the move with a recent survey by YouGov revealing that 55% of adult Britons were "seriously considering settling in another country" and the British Centre for Future Studies predicting that by 2020 one tenth of the current British population will be living or working abroad! Property Investment - Buying A Holiday Home in Cyprus Cyprus is fast becoming a property hotspot for thousands of British holiday home hunters disillusioned with the overdeveloped and overpriced Costas. Famous for its spectacular beaches, a climate that gives more sunshine days than Spain and its rich and varied history, Cyprus offers a perfect mix of foreign and familiar. Understanding Real Estate Terminology Purchasing a home can be a complicated and confusing process, especially for first-time buyers. Throughout the process, first-time home buyers will encounter a variety of unfamiliar real state terms. There are several key terms associates with purchasing real estate that are helpful to learn. ![]() |
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