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Real Estate Professional in the Palm of Your Hand
GETTING THE MOST FOR THE LEASE-TRACKING YOUR REAL ESTATE If you own rentals and/or investment properties, you know that you have to keep track of your portfolio, maintenance profiles, property managers, and related financial matters. There are a multitude of programs for the Palm-Pilot system to keep up with lease dates, lease expirations, and rent due dates. They will let you know when to send late notices and how much the late fees are for each rental you have in your list. Most of these programs will also alert you when you have a lease that will expire within the next two months, this allows you to prepare a new lease contract or plan the repairs and marketing for the unit. They'll even give you yearly totals spent on property management fees and maintenance fees, and bounce those amounts against your rents collected. This will give you an idea of how the property is performing. Some will even "conduit" to your computer when you HotSync, which allows you to create Excel spreadsheets for the data produced. These programs will also store information associated with each individual property, such as who the handyman is for that property, warranty company contact information, insurance information, and tenant contact information. Most programs out there will allow you to log and track the Gross Scheduled Income (GSI), Gross Operating Income (GSO), Net Operating Income (NOI) and Cap Rates for each property in your portfolio. A few programs that you might try, you'll have to figure out which one is best for your current situation. There are many more, just search around on www.palmgear.com and you should be able to find exactly what you need for your own rental and leasing situation: Rental Manager 2.16. This program is great for vacation rentals! Keeping up with availability, accounts receivable, reservations, reservations not confirmed, and dates of expiration. Rentulator 1.01. Is a free program that allows you to enter the price of the house or condo and the percent you would like to earn, and the program will calculate the rent you would need to collect for that situation. You will need to calculate total debt service and other factors before punching them in, but the program will tell you what you need with the correct amounts plugged in. LANDLORDING Most properties in my portfolio I have property managers that collect rent and inspect the units. On those properties that I manage myself, when a tenant calls with a problem, all I have to do is decide whether it requires the warranty company, just a quick fix by a handyman, or if I'm in the area, I might just run by and take care of it myself. All the information is right in front of me, regardless of where I am at the time of the call.From experience, I can predict that whenever my tenants call, I won't be anywhere near my PC or file cabinet! Fortunately, with your Smartphone, you won't ever have to go to your office to access your files again. Sounds nice, huh? Have all your important files with you 24/7, 365 a year! REAL ESTATE AGENTS Some of these programs will track every aspect of the business of realestate. Realtors and brokers can track their listings and when they expireand even search the entire MLS (Multiple Listing Service) anytime -anywhere. The program will remember lockbox codes and cross-reference themto the address and location of the property. You can also track real estate commissions, both gross and net. You can evenset goals for closing a certain number of sales per month, which you canthen compare to your actual closings at the end of each month. Export thesefiles to your favorite spreadsheet to print monthly and yearly charts ofyour progression. Now for a program that carries a monthly fee. Supra and eKey. Found at:www.supraekey.com If you are a state licensed practicing Real Estate Agent, you can subscribeto a service that will give you access to your listings and the entire MLS.This software allows your Smartphone to act as an electronic Key to give youaccess to Supra Keyboxes placed on listings. If the Keybox is the electroniciBox type, you can open the Keybox just by aiming your Smartphones IR(infrared) port at the Keybox and tapping the send button. The software expires at the end of each day, to update the software you musteither HotSync or eSync your Smartphone or tap on update in the menu, whichallows your Smartphone to go online using its' wireless connection and itwill update the software. The default will automatically log on between 12amand 6am and update your key for you. It automatically updates each night andtells you who has shown the listing; date, time, name, office name and phonenumber. (If you are in a location that doesn't have a digital cellularsignal, the software will attempt to find a connection every 30 minutesuntil it updates itself. You get the information you need delivered to youwithout having to drive to the listing to collect business cards). By thetime you wake up, all codes, lockbox activity, and your MLS will be updated.You will know how many other agents accessed and showed any of yourproperties that you have listed. If someone at the office added a listing toyour MLS, it will now show up on your Smartphone. Some of the old lockboxes require metal contacts to be slid into the shackleto open the lockbox, AEII type. On these older units, the "supra unit" isneeded, because the unit has the metal contact key built into the case ofthe unit. You just insert your eKey shell of the PDA into an AEII typeKeybox. Or for the newer Keyboxes, the iBox type, just point your Smartphoneat the iBox and hit the button. Always remember, iBoxes relock after 30seconds! You can easily change your own iBox codes by changing them on your handheldand transmitting them to your lockbox when you arrive at the location. Messaging: Associations and brokers now have a way to quickly and easilycommunicate with their agents through a tool the agent uses on a dailybasis. Need to change the date or time of a meeting and get the word outquickly? Messages appear on-screen. Basically, SMS, which stands for (smallmessage service). If you were driving through a neighborhood and found the perfect home foryour client or yourself, wouldn't it be nice to punch in some numbers andhave all the information for the property in the palm of your hand? And youmight possibly be able to obtain the lockbox codes right on the spot, andview the property that minute. This is called productivity, either get init, or get ran over by it! You can search your own listings by any of the following fields: area,price, class, status, bedrooms, bathrooms, and up to three additionalcustomizable fields that you can set to what ever you like or think isimportant. There are many other services out there that will assist you in being one ofthe Top sellers in your area. One service from www.homegain.com will SMStext page comparisons to you when prices rise or fall in your farm area. Itused to be free, but now they charge a few dollars a month to monitorcertain areas. This service is also nice if you own property and would liketo know when to either refinance the property or maybe it's time to salethat property. Real Estate prices usually don't move very fast unless we'rein a crash of some kind, and then of course, their moving down rapidly. Butit's still nice to know what your properties are doing without having toresearch all of them each and every month. This way you get the reports, andyou can either go on with life, or look closer at the numbers for aparticular property and take whatever action you should. CALCULATING YOUR POTENTIAL CASH FLOW When I go out to inspect potential real estate investments, I enter all the notes for that particular property under that property's name and address. Later at the hotel or on the spot, I can run the numbers with my HP-12C calculator (see below), and know if I'm looking at a positive or negative cash flow. Of course, you will want to take in the consideration of the potential appreciation for that area. Some negative cash flows are worth having if you will make your gain in appreciation. Sometimes a small negative can be welcome in the face of a large appreciation factor for an area. When I get back home, there is no confusion about which property had what features and cash flow. Another program that helps you compare properties is TriLoan, (see below), to see which property is the best investment. This program allows you to set four different loans or properties side-by-side for easy comparison. All in the palm of your hand. REAL ESTATE CALCULATIONS KK-12C, by KK Technologies Co., Ltd., is a great program that emulates the HP-12C calculator. It even looks like the calculator on the Palm screen. If you are currently using the HP-12C, then you won't need to learn anything about this program; you'll already know how to operate it.The HP-12C is one of the most popular RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) financial calculators ever made - it's been out for a long time and is still popular mainly in the Real Estate arena. I like the fact that I always have it with me wherever I go. There are quite a few options on the KK-12C that the normal calculator doesn't offer. One nice feature is that all registers can be saved at any time with unlimited sessions. This is nice for viewing later. THREE OUT OF FOUR LOANS TriLoan, by John Coogan, can be found at http://www.triloan.net/tl.htm. This program allows you to compare up to four loans at the same time. All you have to do is enter the loan amount, terms and rate, and the program does the rest. If you're looking at more than one property or loan, you can compare up to four on your Palm-Pilot screen. This is great for field work-there's no need to write the figures down and not know if any of them are even a good deal until you can get to a PC. The program allows you to save all properties under the name you give them, and look at where you are in the amortization table at any time. There are over 200 other options to calculate your investments down to the penny. These include viewing your equity, loan-to-value, expected rent, payoff, net operating income, cash flow and more.Both of the above programs can be used for any loan calculations, I'm just giving examples on mortgage loans. Find anything in your portfolio in seconds, anywhere - anytime, send an email with "ebook" in the subject to receive a free version of the ebook at: ebook@robertlett.com Robert Lett. April 2005 Robert Lett Let me ask you a question: How much is your computer worth when you or your employees are sitting in front of it? Now, how much is that same computer worth when you or your employees aren't sitting in front of it? When you're out of the office and that potiential client calls, do you have to tell them that you will get in touch with them when you return to the office? Is that potiential client calling your competition in the mean time to see if they get a better response? What if you could have all your important files with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Hanging on your belt or sitting in your purse, and it wouldn't weigh too much more than the cell phone you are currently carrying. Order now at the discounted price for reading this article at http://www.robertlett.com/order.htm For a free copy of our ebook, email a blank email to: mailto:ebook@robertlett.comWant more information? Take a look at: http://www.robertlett.com/whatisit5.htmGet our free monthly tips and updates newsletter, email us at subscribe@robertlett.com
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Selling Your House Fast! The physical senses of buyers respond to a home's design, and buyer base their purchase decisions on what the see, hear, smell, touch, and even taste. But what do buyers actually want? Searching the Hawaii Property Listings Maui is an island so full of life and vivacity (perhapsbecause of the fact that it was formed millions of yearsago by the eruption of two volcanoes) as well as beingmixed with the enticing calm that you can only experiencewhen you are near the sea. Sounds enticing? All of thesedreams can become a reality by simply searching the HawaiiProperty Listings and making the move. Maui also offersastounding attractions, such as the sight of playfulhumpback whales, or the majestic sunset while you lounge ata white, sandy beach. These attributes make Maui a greatplace to start a new family, or even just to get away fromthe exhausting hurly-burly of the city life. Yes take alook at the Maui property listings and be enticed! Real Estate Investing: Sales and Negotiation Skills are Critical Do you want to build wealth through real estate? You need expertise in two critical areas: specific investment strategies and sales and negotiation skills. But if knowing how to identify good deals is what's really important about investing in real estate, why do investors need to worry about their sales and negotiation skills? Why Selling on Lease Options is Glorified Landlording I might upset some folks with this one, but that's okay as I think it's important to get some of my experiences into the light of day. If you fully believe the hype that you won't have any landlording responsibilities by selling on a lease option, go ahead and stop here. Or perhaps you should read on as this article is specifically written for you. Buying a Newly-Built Home? Ten Benefits of Using a Real Estate Professional It might not seem necessary to involve a real estate professional in a transaction where a buyer can deal directly with a builder. However, by using a real estate professional, you have someone to protect your interests and guide you along the right path. Here are 10 advantages to using a real estate professional when buying a newly constructed home. StagingŪ Your Home for Sale: a Superior Real Estate Home Marketing Technique: Part 1 Every Realtor KNOWS that a home should be shown in its best light to help sell it faster and for more money! We also know that, properly done, it Is a lot more than putting fragrant pies, breads or cookies in the oven, opening the drapes and turning on all the lights; although even that helps greatly. Tenants in Common (TIC) Tenants in Common is a way of sharing ownership of property among two or more people. Each tenant holds an undivided interest in the property, and each tenant may own a different size portion of the property. Tenants in common ownership may be established in many different ways: through a will, deed, or other document of title. Today Tenants in Common (TIC) ownership has become a popular way for people to complete 1031 tax deferred exchanges when they hold title as an individual or other entity and would like to participate in a partnership or partnership style structure. Other people are using Tenant in Common structures to purchase multi-family real estate that may be suitable for a condominium (condo) conversion after a certain seasoning period. The Ultimate Short Sale Secret Buying foreclosures can be extremely profitable for real estate investors. However, most of these homeowners are mortgaged to the hilt. They have no equity, and big loan payments. In fact, many actually owe more than the property is worth! Property Investing Secrets 2 Property Investing Secrets: What is a Foreclosure? A foreclosure is an action taken against a property owner by seizure of his/her real property. It can be for many reasons. The main cause is delinquent payments on a mortgage. The mortgage company or second and even third mortgage holders contact the owner, then the trustee (usually an attorney) to begin the process. If it is VA guaranteed or FHA insured, many times they offer assistance or alternatives. Then the appraisal is ordered to determine fair market value. Real Estate Investing ? ?The Neighborhood Factor? Real estate investing can be a dream career when the process of buying and selling is mastered. The biggest challenge in real estate investing is not the money to get started or the availability of the product. Real estate investing's biggest challenge is judgment. Personal decisions in making the purchase, fixing up the right things, and making the sale require judgment that comes from experience. The second and 100th property should involve better judgment than the first. Be Careful - A Real Estate Agent Could Lead You Astray The real estate agent is a valuable source of potential deals for you as an investor. They have access to the multiple listing resources and of course, have a monopoly on this information so they have to be part of your game plan as an investor. Working with real estate agents can be difficult depending on the agent. NARŪ Broker Will Swear It ? Real Pro? Agents Share It ? FSBO Truth For posting the "Truth" on your website, some FSBO's will not like you. These prospects would not have listed with you anyway. For Sale By Owners ? that can receive sound advice ? will appreciate your courage, celebrating by having listed their home with you. Secrets of Making Money from Real Estate - Part 5 Where to from here: You Have 15 Seconds to Sell Your Home! 11 Steps You Can Take to Sell Your Home for Top Dollar Selling your home? Here are some suggestions to help you sell yours for more than your next door neighbor's, and faster! Most buyers will know within 15 SECONDS after crossing the threshold if they want your home. But first, you need to attract them inside! Expense List for Buying a Home There are many expenses that come with buying a home. The following list is a good example of what to expect: Feel At Home Faster After You Move Moving to a new community can be a great adventure, if you go with the right attitude and a sound strategy for settling-in. Incorporate these tips into an action plan, and you'll stay focused, organized and proactive-just what's needed to put roots down fast. Should I Invest in Real Estate While Running an Internet Business? Of course you should. I practice this for quite a while and I never looked back. I think this is the perfect combination. You get the best of both worlds. Did you know that 90% of all millionaires made their fortune with real estate and 10% with the internet or the stock market? Well, this doesn't leave any room for the paycheck workers, doesn't it? How to Buy a Property in Bulgaria The Cost The Benefits of Fractional Ownership in Private Residence Clubs A New Way to Own a Vacation Home - For the Select Few: Fractional ownership of vacation homes, also called private residence clubs, is a relatively new concept that allows you to enjoy four to 12 weeks of home ownership privileges per year at an upscale, luxury resort but at a fraction of the cost of whole ownership. ![]() |
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