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RESPA: The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) is a consumer protection statute, first passed in 1974. One of its purposes is to help consumers become better shoppers for settlement services. Another purpose is to eliminate kickbacks and referral fees that increase unnecessarily the costs of certain settlement services. RESPA requires that borrowers receive disclosures at various times. Some disclosures spell out the costs associated with the settlement, outline lender servicing and escrow account practices and describe business relationships between settlement service providers. RESPA also prohibits certain practices that increase the cost of settlement services. Section 8 of RESPA prohibits a person from giving or accepting any thing of value for referrals of settlement service business related to a federally related mortgage loan. It also prohibits a person from giving or accepting any part of a charge for services that are not performed. Section 9 of RESPA prohibits home sellers from requiring home buyers to purchase title insurance from a particular company. Generally, RESPA covers loans secured with a mortgage placed on a one-to-four family residential property. These include most purchase loans, assumptions, refinances, property improvement loans, and equity lines of credit. HUD's Office of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, Interstate Land Sales/RESPA Division is responsible for enforcing RESPA. More RESPA Facts DISCLOSURES: Disclosures At The Time Of Loan Application When borrowers apply for a mortgage loan, mortgage brokers and/or lenders must give the borrowers: a Special Information Booklet, which contains consumer information regarding various real estate settlement services. (Required for purchase transactions only). a Good Faith Estimate (GFE) of settlement costs, which lists the charges the buyer is likely to pay at settlement. This is only an estimate and the actual charges may differ. If a lender requires the borrower to use of a particular settlement provider, then the lender must disclose this requirement on the GFE. a Mortgage Servicing Disclosure Statement, which discloses to the borrower whether the lender intends to service the loan or transfer it to another lender. It also provides information about complaint resolution. If the borrowers don't get these documents at the time of application, the lender must mail them within three business days of receiving the loan application. If the lender turns down the loan within three days, however, then RESPA does not require the lender to provide these documents. The RESPA statute does not provide an explicit penalty for the failure to provide the Special Information Booklet, Good Faith Estimate or Mortgage Servicing Statement. Bank regulators, however, may impose penalties on lenders who fail to comply with federal law. Disclosures Before Settlement (Closing) Occurs A Controlled Business Arrangement (CBA) Disclosure is required whenever a settlement service provider involved in a RESPA covered transaction refers the consumer to a provider with whom the referring party has an ownership or other beneficial interest. The referring party must give the CBA disclosure to the consumer at or prior to the time of referral. The disclosure must describe the business arrangement that exists between the two providers and give the borrower estimate of the second provider's charges. Except in cases where a lender refers a borrower to an attorney, credit reporting agency or real estate appraiser to represent the lender's interest in the transaction, the referring party may not require the consumer to use the particular provider being referred. The HUD-1 Settlement Statement is a standard form that clearly shows all charges imposed on borrowers and sellers in connection with the settlement. RESPA allows the borrower to request to see the HUD-1 Statement one day before the actual settlement. The settlement agent must then provide the borrowers with a completed HUD-1 Settlement Statement based on information known to the agent at that time. Disclosures at Settlement The HUD-1 Settlement statement shows the actual settlement costs of the loan transaction. Separate forms may be prepared for the borrower and the seller. it is not the practice that the borrower and seller attend settlement, the HUD-1 should be mailed or delivered as soon as practicable after settlement. The Initial Escrow Statement itemizes the estimated taxes, insurance premiums and other charges anticipated to be paid from the escrow account during the first twelve months of the loan. It lists the escrow payment amount and any required cushion. Although the statement is usually given at settlement, the lender has 45 days from settlement to deliver it. Disclosures After Settlement Loan servicers must deliver to borrowers an Annual Escrow Statement once a year. The annual escrow account statement summarizes all escrow account payments during the servicer's twelve month computation year. It also notifies the borrower of any shortages or surpluses in the account and advises the borrower about the course of action being taken. A Servicing Transfer Statement is required if the loan servicer sells or assigns the servicing rights to a borrower's loan to another loan servicer. Generally, the loan servicer must notify the borrower 15 days before the effective date of the loan transfer. As long the borrower makes a timely payment to the old servicer within 60 days of the loan transfer, the borrower cannot be penalized. The notice must include the name and address of the new servicer, toll-free telephone numbers, and the date the new servicer will begin accepting payments. Respa's Consumer Protections And Prohibited Practices Section 8: Kickbacks, Fee-Splitting, Unearned Fees Section 8 of RESPA prohibits anyone from giving or accepting a fee, kickback or any thing of value in exchange for referrals of settlement service business involving a federally related mortgage loan. In addition, RESPA prohibits fee splitting and receiving unearned fees for services not actually performed. Violations of Section 8's anti-kickback, referral fees and unearned fees provisions of RESPA are subject to criminal and civil penalties. In a criminal case a person who violates Section 8 may be fined up to $10,000 and imprisoned up to one year. In a private law suit a person who violates Section 8 may be liable to the person charged for the settlement service an amount equal to three times the amount of the charge paid for the service. Section 9: Seller Required Title Insurance Section 9 of RESPA prohibits a seller from requiring the home buyer to use a particular title insurance company, either directly or indirectly, as a condition of sale. Buyers may sue a seller who violates this provision for an amount equal to three times all charges made for the title insurance. Section 10: Limits on Escrow Accounts Section 10 of RESPA sets limits on the amounts that a lender may require a borrower to put into an escrow account for purposes of paying taxes, hazard insurance and other charges related to the property. RESPA does not require lenders to impose an escrow account on borrowers; however, certain government loan programs or lenders may require escrow accounts as a condition of the loan. At settlement, Section 10 of RESPA prohibits a lender from requiring a borrower to deposit more than the aggregate amount needed to cover escrow account payments for the period since the last charge was paid, up until the due date of the first mortgage installment. During the course of the loan, RESPA prohibits a lender from charging excessive amounts for the escrow account. Each month the lender may require a borrower to pay into the escrow account no more than 1/12 of the total of all disbursements payable during the year, plus an amount necessary to pay for any shortage in the account. In addition, the lender may require a cushion, not to exceed an amount equal to 1/6 of the total disbursements for the year. The lender must perform an escrow account analysis once during the year and notify borrowers of any shortage. Any excess of $50 or more must be returned to the borrower. Respa Enforcement Civil law suits Individuals have one (1) year to bring a private law suit to enforce violations of Section 8 or 9. A person may bring an action for violations of Section 8 or 9 in any federal district court in the district in which the property is located or where the violation is alleged to have occurred.HUD, a State Attorney General or State insurance commissioner may bring an injunctive action to enforce violations of Section 8 or 9 of RESPA within three (3) years. Loan Servicing Complaints Section 6 provides borrowers with important consumer protections relating to the servicing of their loans. Under Section 6 of RESPA, borrowers who have a problem with the servicing of their loan (including escrow account questions), should contact their loan servicer in writing, outlining the nature of their complaint. The servicer must acknowledge the complaint in writing within 20 business days of receipt of the complaint. Within 60 business days the servicer must resolve the complaint by correcting the account or giving a statement of the reasons for its position. Until the complaint is resolved, borrowers should continue to make the servicer's required payment. A borrower may bring a private law suit, or a group of borrowers may bring a class action suit, against a servicer who fails to comply with Section 6's provisions. Borrowers may obtain actual damages, as well as additional damages if there is a pattern of noncompliance. Other Enforcement Actions Under Section 10, HUD has authority to impose a civil penalty on loan servicers who do not submit initial or annual escrow account statements to borrowers. Borrowers should contact HUD's Office of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs to report servicers who fail to provide the required escrow account statements. Filing a RESPA Complaint Persons who believe a settlement service provider has violated RESPA in an area in which the Department has enforcement authority (primarily sections 8 and 9), may wish to file a complaint. The complaint should outline the violation and identify the violators by name, address and phone number. Complainants should also provide their own name and phone number for follow up questions from HUD. Requests for confidentiality will be honored. Complaints should be sent to: Director, Interstate Land Sales/RESPA Division Office of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs More information about RESPA, including the complete text of the statute, updates, proposed modifications, etc, can be found at the RESPA Home Page, which is part of the FHA Housing Web site. Neda Dabestani-Ryba is a licensed Realtor in Maryland. She is a member of the President's Circle of Top Real Estate Professionals. She can be reached at (800) 536-3806 or visit her website for more information: http://neda.dabestani.pcragent.com/ Prudential Carruthers REALTORS is an independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc., a Prudential Financial company. Equal Housing Opportunity.
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Buying Property in Spain You have made the decision to move to Spain and are now looking for a property to buy? Where do you start?Firstly, I would suggest you go on to the internet and look at the various agents that are offering properties for sale in Spain. Many of these companies are run by people who have already emigrated to Spain and will know the many problems and pitfalls that arise when buying a property in Spain. The next step is decide where you want to live, is it in a Town (urbanization), the Country (campo) even the mountains, the lakes or the Coast. If you want everything close at hand to you, then your best bet would be look at properties in a Town or on the Coast especially if you require medical facilities close at hand. You then need to decide whether you want to buy an apartment, townhouse, villa, finca (country house with land) or a property that needs renovation.You have now made a decision on where you want to live and what sort of property you want to buy. It is now time to start contacting the agents, both those on the internet and those who are located in the town close to where you wish to live. They will not only provide you with the details of properties they feel would be of interest to you, but they should also be able to provide you with details regarding solicitors, banks (if you may need a mortgage to purchase the property), schools, medical facilities in that area. If possible get the bank to confirm with you what sort of percentage of monies they would lend on the purchase of a property, most banks in Spain only provide 75% mortgages.You have now found the property of your dreams, one of the first things that you should ask of your agent is does the owner of the property have the right to sell the property and if so can they produce the papers confirming this. If no such document is available, then ask if they will be drawn up before the sale. If not, then do not proceed with the purchase.Also ask your agent if they can confirm that the property being sold has been provided with all the correct planning permissions by the Local Town Hall. If you find that the property has not been provided with the correct planning permissions by the Town Hall, this may mean that the property has been built illegally. At present the Government in Spain is now starting to enforce the laws regarding illegal builds and this has sometimes resulted in properties being demolished and large fines incurred by the developers. However, the problem above is only a minor one, and as long as you find yourself a reputable agent to help you in your task of finding the property of your dreams then these above problems should be of no consequence to you.I hope that the information provide aboves helps you in make your decision to purchase a property in Spain a pleasant one. 3 Strategies For Buying Property With No Money Down Everyone has heard a story or read about someone who bought a property without paying a single dime as a down payment. But how does this work? Fixtures Fixtures, related to real estate, are items that were originally personal property but are now attached to the property itself. This becomes the toughest issue when tenants attach fixtures to a property. These fixtures may include shelves or anything that is immovable by law. 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Are you allowed to share your unit with roommates and what is the policy on subletting the place? Can you paint the walls or make other decorating changes? Are you allowed to run a home business from your apartment? Who will be responsible for property maintenance? Who are your neighbours? How close is the nearest post office, grocery store, bank, restaurant and public transportation?Asking these questions only avoids any cause for disagreement in the future between you and your landlord. Why Commercial Real Estate is the Hottest Retirement Asset For small business owners, commercial real estate investment is the hottest new retirement asset. If your mind has already jumped to "REITs" - or shares in Real Estate Investment Trusts - think again. I'm referring to the ownership of the commercial facilities small business owners currently lease, or new commercial facilities they can buy or develop. 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Secrets of Making Money from Real Estate - Part 2 Leverage: With real estate, people and companies will lend you money to invest. How much real estate can you buy with $20,000? Probably between $100,000-$300,000, depending on the lender. So you only really need a small portion of the funds to buy an expensive asset. A Simple Step by Step Aproach to Fail Your Way to a Million Dollars If You want to be Financially Successful you need to Learn to Fail Property Investing ? Port Melbourne Life on the Edge Property investing prices pick up following a cooler winter last year. Susannah Petty Reports. Investing in Real Estate & REITs Real estate investing runs the gamut in terms of risk and investment success. The first rule of real estate investing, even before location, location, location, is be very careful with whom you are dealing. For some reason, real estate is fraught with unscrupulous characters, many of whom you'll see on late night television commercials with their "no-money" down methods of becoming millionaires. Only a very small percent of these so-called real estate gurus are legitimate. ![]() |
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